National Seminar On “Environment, Biodiversity, Veda and Traditional Systems" 14th – 16th March, 2012
Venue: Department of Zoology, Mizoram, University, Aizawl-796004, Mizoram
The Organizing Committee feels immense pleasure in inviting you and your associates to participate in National Seminar on "Environment, Biodiversity and Veda and Traditional Systems being Jointly organized by International Council for Man and Nature, Canada (India Chapter), Action for Sustainable Efficacious Development and Awareness (ASEA), Rishikesh and Mizoram University, Aizawl, on 14 - 16 March 2012. The Seminar aims to bring together eminent Scientists, Conservationists, Naturalists, Managers, Researchers, Scholars and Students under one roof to discuss about issues and implications on Environment, Biodiversity, Veda and traditional knowledge systems.
The Seminar aims at bringing the specialists on the subject from various disciplines to throw light on the intricacies of these issues and to suggest future course of research. Indian Scientists of international repute have been invited to address the different sessions of the Seminar. A bouquet of lead talks, invited lectures, contributory papers and poster sessions will enrich the Seminar. Besides this the Seminar also aims to discuss and pool together the various ideas and research findings for the prosperity of the rich biodiversity of Indian region.
Organized By:
Department of Zoology, Mizoram University, Aizawl
In collaboration with
Manu- International Council for Man and Nature (Indian Chapter)
Action for Sustainable Efficacious Development and Awareness( ASEA), Rishikesh
The Seminar will focus on a wide spectrum of Environmental Management and Biodiversity Conservation research issues of National and International importance.
Biodiversity and Veda
Water in Vedas
Veda Aur Vigyan
Environment Management
Managing Resources and their Utilization
Uses, Threats and Conservation of Biodiversity
Human Health and Ayurveda
Indigenous system, utilization of Medicinal Plants
Veda, traditional systems and Environment
The participants are requested to submit abstracts and full length papers of original contributions in duplicate by registered post/speed post along with soft copy (CD) typed in MS Word or Page maker 5.0 preferably by e-mail to the convener of conference on the above mentioned topics related to main theme of the seminar along with the registration fee and form. The abstract/paper should be printed on A-4 size paper in double space with 12 font size, leaving 3 cm margin on each side, It should contain the title (Bold), name(s) of author(s) and affiliation(s) and e-mail of the corresponding author printed subsequently, The name of the presenting author should be underlined and the cover page should clearly indicate as to in which session the author would like to present his/her paper. For all correspondence regarding the abstract or paper the presenting author will be the contact person. Acceptance of the abstract will be communicated to authors by E-mal for faster communication therefore participants are requested to send their Email ID.
The manuscript should be written in English and submitted to the convener of the Seminar. The references of the full-length papers should be arranged alphabetically at the end of the text and should be written as per the following pattern,
Chopra A K, Prasad, G and Khanna D,R. (2004): Ganges water pollution and its management through religion, Env. Cons. Jr., 5 (1-3):35-40.
Publication of Proceedings
The selected full length research papers would be published in the form of book/ Proceedings after the seminar.
International Society for MAN and Nature (MANU) will present the gold medal award to young scientist, in male and female category for oral and poster presentations. Few awards will be given best presentation in Sanskrit category.
Technical Sessions:
1. Invited lectures
2. Oral presentations
3. Poster presentations
Dates to Remember
Submission of abstract : 15th January 2012
Submission of Full Length Paper : 30th January 2012
Confirmation of Arrival Programme : 15th February 2012
Registration fee
All participants are required to register for the Seminar The registration fee should be submitted with abstract and full length papers as per the stipulated dates. The registration fee will cover , seminar kit including volume of abstract and meals during seminar, accompanying registered persons are entitled to the facilities of the participant except the kit.
Category for Registration
Before 15th Feb. After 15th Feb.
Non Members/ Delegates Rs. 800.00 Rs. 900.00
Students Rs. 500.00 Rs. 600.00
Accompanying Rs 400.00 Rs. 450.00
persons (without kit)
All payments of the registration fee should be sent by Demand Draft of any nationalized bank in favour of “Dr. G. S. Solanki, Convener, National Seminar-” payable at United Bank of India, Mizoram University Branch, Aizawl along with registration form by Registered post/Speed post.
Convener, National Seminar
Department of zoology
Mizoram University, Aizawl-796 004, Mizoram
Ph.0389-2330724, 2330227 (0), 09436374596 (m)