University of
Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263 145, District: U. S. Nagar,
Subject: Advertisement for the award of
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the Department of Soil Science
Applications are invited for the award
of one post of Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) on consolidated fellowship @ Rs.
16,000/- per month under the ad-hoc project “Evaluation of the fertilizer
potential of seaweed saps in Green gram and Black gram” funded by Central Salt
and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar, Gujrat. Applicants
possessing M.Sc or Ph.D in Soil Science/ Agronomy/ Microbiology with relevant
experience in conducting field studies may apply on plain paper with the
following information to the Head, Department of Soil Science latest by March
20th 2012. Candidates fulfilling the qualification should appear in interview
on March 21st, 2012 at 11.15 AM in the Committee Room of Department of Soil
Science. No separate interview letter will be issued and no TA/DA will be paid
for appearing in the interview.
Attested copies of all certificates/ degree/ testimonials/publications must be
enclosed. Originals should be produced at the time of interview. No interim
correspondence will be entertained.
Soil Science and Microbiol. & P.I