Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Walk In interview for JRF position at IIT, Roorkee

Department of Biotechnology
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Dated: September 30, 2011
No.BT/CSR-492-BIO/Project Fellow/2279

Candidates are invited for walk in interview on October 12,2011 in the Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee with complete Bio-Data along with original educational/professional certificate for the position of J.R.F. (One) to work for the project entitled “Three Dimensional Structural Analysis of Alphavirus Capsid Protease” Sponsored by DRDO, Govt. of India with PI Dr. (Mrs) Shailly Tomar, Department of Biotechnology. No TA/DA will be given to attend the interview.

Qualification and experience
J.R.F. (01)
Rs. 16,000 pm + HRA as per institute rule
M.C.A with first class or equivalent grade and B.Sc with Chemistry or biology.
Desirable Experience- Protein Structure Prediction
Age limit-28 years. Relax able upto 5 years in the case of applicants belonging to SC/ST, women, physically handicapped and OBC candidates.


Training programme on Oilseed Production at DOR, Hyderabad

Training programme on "LOW COST PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY FOR OILSEEDS" from 22-29 November, 2011
A National Training programme on "LOW COST PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY FOR OILSEEDS" will be held at DOR from 22-29 November, 2011. The brochure and the letter can be downloaded from the website.

5th World Cotton Research Conference at Mumbai, India

5th World Cotton Research Conference

Indian Society for Cotton Improvement (ISCI), Mumbai in collaboration with Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi and International Cotton Advisory committee (ICAC) is organizing the mega event of “WORLD COTTON RESEARCH CONFERENCE (WCRC-5)” for the first time in Asia at Mumbai in India from November 7 to 11, 2011.
The theme of the conference is ‘Technologies for Prosperity’. Just like previous WCRCs organized in Greece, Australia, South Africa and USA, WCRC-5 is of international scope and participation.
All plenary, lead and oral presenters ONLY will have to submit their full papers.
Just like the previous World Cotton Research Conferences, WCRC-5 is international in scope and participation. All papers and posters will be peer-reviewed and selected with an objective to advance international understanding of production research, ginning, economics and textile research issues. The conference will host guest lectures from luminaries, plenary lectures from eminent speakers and keynote lectures from outstanding scientists, to achieve a truly international dialogue with regard to cotton research and development. Topical categories of interest will include:
·         Biotechnology and Molecular Genetics Crop Husbandry and Input Use
·         Insect Pest Management Harvesting and Ginning
·         Cotton Diseases and their Control Fiber Quality Evaluation and Preservation
·         Abiotic Stress Management Economics of Production and Marketing
·         Breeding and Genetics Cotton By-produce Utilization
·         Physiology Textile Research
·         Technology Transfer Value Chain
Submission of Abstracts: 30th June, 2011
Acceptance & notification: 15th July, 2011
Deadline for Submission of full length papers: 30th August 2011.

Abstracts submitted after 30th June shall not be included for oral presentation and publication.
Abstracts, not exceeding 400 words, typed, should be submitted only on-line at Abstract Submission Page. The title of the paper should be followed by names of authors with the name of the person presenting the paper underlined along with his/her affiliation. A committee of experts will screen the abstracts and decide about the suitability and type of presentation (oral/poster). Each participant will be allowed to present only one paper.
REGISTRATION: Participation in 5th World Cotton Research Conference would require prior registration.
Please select your registration amount from the chart below.
Prices listed are updated on a regular basis according to different tier of early bird pricing. Quite similar to airline booking system, the earlier you book, the more you save.

Before 30th June, 2011
1st July to 15th October
Post 16th October–Spot Registration

Foreign Delegates
$ 300
$ 400
$ 500

Accompanying persons
$ 100
$ 200
$ 250

ISCI Members (India)
Rs. 5000
Rs. 7500
Rs. 10000

Indian Delegates
Rs. 7500
Rs. 10000
Rs. 15000

ROE : USD 1 = INR 45
Entitlement for registered participants
■Participation in all inaugural and technical sessions
■Courtesy lunches, dinners and facilities
■Access to printed documents, folders, badges and gifts
■Complimentary sightseeing of Mumbai as per program
■Technical Tour
To register please click on the link given below to be taken to SECURE ONLINE REGISTRATION WEBSITE.
Following the registration process delegates receive an automatic confirmation letter and a booking reference. The booking reference enables the delegates to view or edit their data at a later date. Editing would be possible only till 45 day prior to the start of the event.
Registration is not complete unless registration fee has been received.
Delegates may pay for requested services by any of the following 3 modes of payment:
a. Cheque/DD – The cheque/DD should be issued favouring “Kuoni Travel India Pvt Ltd” payable at New Delhi
b. By Credit Card.
c. By Wire transfer

Training programme on Data Analysis in Dairy Science using SAS at NDRI, Karnal

Division of Dairy Economics, Statistics and Management
Deemed University
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
KARNAL-132001 (Haryana) INDIA

A training programme on Data Analysis in Dairy Science using SAS will be organized at NDRI, Karnal during October 31-November 5, 2011. Institutes are requested to kindly nominate two-three research personnel from respective organization for this training programme, the candidate should not gone for any training on SAS under NAIP project “Strengthening Statistical computing for NARS”. The nominated person should be a permanent employee of the organization. The nomination should reach to the mentioned address latest by October 10, 2011 along with their e-mail address. As the number of seats are limited; therefore, selected candidates will be informed by October 15, 2011 through email. Following NAIP guidelines, the travel expenses would be reimbursed as per entitlement by train via shortest route but restricted to maximum of AC II tier fare. Free boarding and lodging arrangements would be made at NDRI, Karnal.

Hands on training on cloning Research for Quality Animal production at NDRI, Karnal

National Training
Hands on training on cloning Research for Quality Animal production
(Sponsored by NAIP (ICAR), New Delhi)
Organized by: Animal Biotechnology Centre, National Dairy Research Institute, (Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Karnal-132001(Haryana), INDIA http://www.ndri.res.in/
All correspondence should be sent to:
Principal Scientist and Course director,
Animal Biotechnology Centre,
National Dairy Research Institute
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Tel 0184-2259529(O), 09416876520(M)

SRF vacancy at NIOH, Ahmedabad

Date : 03.10.2011
Applications are invited within 30 days from the date of publication of this ad for the post of Senior Research Fellows (Two) as per the details mentioned below under time bound research project entitled “Body burden of carcinogenic organic pollutants (polychlorinated biphenyl’s and pesticides) due to consumption of foods and health risk assessment” sponsored by ICMR at NIOH, Ahmedabad. The post is purely temporary initially for a period of one year, extendable up to three years and co-terminus with the project:-
POST / (NO.): Senior Research Fellows (Two)
REMUNERATION: Rs. 18,000/- +20% HRA per month
QUALIFICATION: ESSENTIAL: M.Sc. Degree in Chemistry.
DESIRABLE: Preference will be given to those who have passed the National level test like NET, GATE etc.
EXPERIENCE: Two years working experience in wet chemistry and handling sophisticated Analytical instruments viz. GC,HPLC, GC-MS, LC-MS.
Two years Research Experience in relevant subject.
AGE LIMIT: 35 Years. (Relaxable upto 5 years to SC / ST & 3 years to OBC.)
Application on plain paper indicating full particulars i.e., name, date of birth, qualification and experience and the detailed bio-data alongwith attested copies of certificates, testimonials, etc should be sent to The Director, National Institute of Occupational Health, Meghaninagar, Ahmedabad – 380016 within 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in the Employment News. The eligible candidate may send their bio-data in advance by email:nioh_project@yahoo.com. The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project.
Note : Since it is not possible to call all candidates for the personal discussion, the applications will be short listed, and the decision of the Director, NIOH, Ahmedabad will be final in this regards. No TA/DA will be paid for the personal discussion.

Tata Innovation Fellowship, 2011

Applications are invited for “Tata Innovation Fellowship”, a highly competitive scheme instituted by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India to recognize and reward scientists with outstanding track record in biological sciences and a deep commitment to find innovative solutions to major problems in health care, agriculture and other areas related to life sciences and biotechnology.
The scheme is aimed at rewarding interdisciplinary work where major emphasis is on innovation and translational research with a potential towards commercialization.
i) The fellowship is open to Indian Nationals residing in India who are below the age of 55 years as on 21st November, 2011.
ii) The applicant should possess a Ph.D degree in Life Sciences, Agriculture, Veterinary Science or a Master’s degree in Medical Sciences, Engineering or an equivalent degree in Biotechnology / related areas. The applicant must have put in several years of work in the specific area.
iii) The candidate must have a regular position in a University/Institute/Organization and should be engaged in research and development. If he/she is availing any other fellowship, he/she will have to opt for only one of the fellowships.
iv) The applicant should have spent at least 5 years in India before applying for the fellowship.
i)The amount of the fellowship is Rs. 20,000/- per month in addition to regular salary from the host institute (Revision of fellowship to Rs. 25,000/- p.m. is under consideration). If an awardee is receiving salary from international organization, he will be entitled for research grant i.e. contingency only.
ii)In addition, each Fellow will receive a contingency grant of Rs. 5.00 lakh per annum for meeting the expenses on consumables, equipment, international and domestic travel, manpower and other contingent expenditure to be incurred in connection with the implementation of ongoing research project under the fellowship.
iii)The Tata Innovation Fellows would be eligible for other regular research grant(s) through extramural and other research schemes of various S&T agencies of the Government of India.
i)The candidate will continue to work at the place of his/her employment.
ii)The Institution where the candidate is working would provide the necessary infrastructure and administrative support for pursuing the research under this fellowship.
NUMBER: Number of fellowships is 5 per year.
DURATION: The duration of the fellowship will be initially for three years, extendable further by two years on a fresh appraisal.
HOW TO APPLY: Application (one copy) may be sent as per proforma downloadable from DBT website (www.dbtindia.nic.in) and duly forwarded by the competent authority to Dr. A. K. Rawat, Joint Director, Department of Biotechnology, Block-2, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi -110 003, latest by 21st November, 2011.

FOR DETAILS, PLEASE REFER http://http://www.dbtindia.nic.in/


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