Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Applications invited for XVIIth Sukumar Basu Memorial Award

Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi 110 012
XVIIth Sukumar Basu Memorial Award
Nominations are invited for the XVIIth Sukumar Basu Memorial Award from Scientists and Academicians of Indian nationality from all branches of Agricultural Sciences as listed in Agricultural Research Service(ARS) of ICAR.. The award carries a sum of Rs 10,000 and a scroll which will be presented at time of IARI convocation in February 2012. The nominee should be an active scientist upto the age of 62 years of age and should have made outstanding contribution in the concerned field of Agricultural sciences whil working in India. The awardee will be required to deliver a lecture based on his/her research contributions. TA/DA to the awardee will be paid as per rules.
Nominations /Applications complete in all respects as per proforma available at Post Graduate School, IARI/Institute website:  should reach The Registrar, Post Graduate School, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012 latest by 25 October 2011. The Institute is not responsible for any postal delay.

Applications invited for XIIth Hari Krishna Shastri Memorial Award

Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi 110 012
XIIth Hari Krishna Shastri Memorial Award
Nominations are invited for the XIIth Hari Krishna Shastri Memorial Award from Scientists and Academicians of Indian nationality from all branches of Agricultural Sciences. The award carries a sum of Rs 25,000 and a commendation certificate which will be presented at time of IARI convocation in February 2012. The nominee should be an active scientist upto the age of 62 years of age and should have made outstanding contribution in the concerned field of Agricultural sciences whil working in India. The awardee will be required to deliver a lecture based on his/her research contributions. TA/DA to the awardee will be paid as per rules.
Nominations /Applications complete in all respects as per proforma available at Post Graduate School, IARI/Institute website:  should reach The Registrar, Post Graduate School, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012 latest by 25 October 2011. The Institute is not responsible for any postal delay.

Applications invited for Shri B. Lakshminarayana Memorial Award for the Biennium 2010-2011

NEW DELHI-110 012
No. SSAC/BLM Award/2010-11/ Dated: 12 August 2011

Indian Agricultural Research Institute has initiated ‘Shri B. Lakshminarayana Memorial Award’ which carries a cash prize of Rs 10,000/- and a commendation certificate. The award is presented biennially to an outstanding scientist for his/her highly notable original research contributions, fundamental or applied, in the field of Soil Science, Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Physics.
Applications/nominations for the biennium 2010-11 are invited from the research workers up to the age of 40 years working in the Research Institutions/ State Agricultural Universities in India for their fundamental or applied research including inventions, discoveries etc. leading to results of practical value in the field of Soil Science, Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Physics. A copy of general guidelines, governing the award, and application proforma are enclosed, and the same is also available at institute website
It is requested that wide publicity may please be given to the circular at your University/Institute/Department/Division. Applications/Nominations, if any, complete in all respects be forwarded so as to reach B.S. Dwivedi, Head, Division of Soil Science And Agricultural Chemistry, IARI latest by 17-10-2011. Applications received without proper nomination from the Institute/ University employing the candidate will not be entertained. Applications received after due date shall not be considered. The Institute shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
·         The award will carry a sum of Rs 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) in cash and a commendation certificate.
·         The award shall be made biennially
·         The award shall be made for either fundamental or applied research including inventions, discoveries etc. leading to results of practical value in the field of Soil Science, Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Physics.
·         The Institute shall have the sole right of selection of the recipients of the award and of the formulation of rules governing such selection from time to time.
·         All research workers up to the age of 40 years and actively engaged in research in the field Soil Science, Agricultural Chemistry and Agricultural Physics in India shall be eligible for the said award.
·         The award shall be made for notably outstanding or original research work, inventions or discoveries both fundamental and applied as evidenced in the form of publications, monographs, papers, patents or any other published account. However, contributions or achievements which have received any other award shall not be eligible for consideration. The candidates shall be judged on the basis of original results of research contributions.
·         The applications received for the award shall be screened first at Divisional level and subsequently by a Judging Committee constituted by the Chairman, Academic Council, IARI for the purpose.
·         The award shall be presented at a Divisional level function where the recipient of the award shall present an account of his/her contributions/achievements.
·         The expenditure relating to arrangements for the award and TA/DA to the awardee to be paid as per ICAR rules, will be met out from the interest accrued from the deposit.


Nominations invited for Rao Bahadur Dr B. Viswanath Award (2011–12)

Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi 110 012
Nominations of outstanding agricultural scientists of Indian nationality are invited from the Secretaries of Science Departments of Government of India, Vice-Chancellors, Directors of Agricultural Research Institutes of national importance and Presidents, National Academies for the IVth Rao Bahadur Dr B. Viswanath Award. The award carries a sum of Rs 100,000, a medal and a citation. The nominee should not be less than 50 years of age and with a standing of 25 year’s contributions in the concerned field of agricultural sciences while working in India. The awardee will be required to deliver a lecture based on his/her research contributions. Nominations (10 copies) complete in all respects as per proforma available at Post Graduate School, IARI/Institute website:  should reach The Registrar, Post Graduate School, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012 latest by 31 October 2011. The Institute is not responsible for any postal delay.

National Seminar on "Molecular Techniques: The Face of Modern Sciences" at MDU, Rohtak

Department of Biochemistry Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak–124001, Haryana
National Seminar On
October 24, 2011
The Department is organizing a National seminar on “Molecular Techniques: The Face of Modern Sciences” on October 24, 2011. The modern molecular skills and their applications are need of a biologist in this era. In view of this, eminent scientists working in this domain are requested to deliver talk on this occasion. You are invited to participate in this seminar. Researchers and students will have a best opportunity to interact with experts.
Time: 9.00 am, Venue: DDE Conference Hall

Before 17th October :Rs.100.00

On spot:

MSc. Students

Rs. 100.00

Rs 150.00
Research Scholars & Faculty


Rs. 250.00

Note: After the seminar, Department will also organize hands on training for Real Time PCR Technology for a limited number of participants. Accordingly, the interested participants are requested to post the resume as earliest possible at After the recommendations of screening committee, candidate will be informed about date and time for the training in Roche Diagnostics India Pvt. Ltd. Training Centre at Delhi.

SRF(2) positions at NII, New Delhi

(An autonomous research institute)
NEW DELHI-110067

Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow for the following time-bound sponsored project as per the details given below:
NAME OF THE PROJECT: Expression of recombinant proteins/ virulent factors of Clostridium novyi and Clostridium chauvoei, for use as vaccine candidates
 POST DETAILS: Senior Research Fellow (Two Posts)
 JOB DESCRIPTION:   Candidate should have experience in cell culture, molecular, immunological. Biophysical and protein purification techniques.
QUALIFICATIONS: M.Sc. in life sciences with minimum 2 years of research experience.
EMOLUMENTS: The selected candidates will draw consolidated emoluments as per Institute Rules.
 Rs. 18000 plus 30% HRA p.m based on qualification and experience.
1.   The posts exist in sponsored projects and are purely temporary. There shall be no claim for regularisation against any core posts of the Institute.
2.   Those who have qualified National qualifying examination NET/GATE/CSIR/ICMR will be  given preference.
3.     The candidates selected for the above posts will be on contract for one year or duration of the project whichever is shorter, at a time.
4.      No hostel/ housing facility will be provided.
5.    No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview if called for.
6.  Name of three references.
Interested candidates may apply directly, strictly in the prescribed format given below, through e-mail, to the Investigator of the project, clearly indicating the name of the project along with their complete C.V., e-mail id, fax numbers, telephone numbers. Short listed candidates will be required to submit attested copies of all their certificates and a Demand Draft of  Rs 100/- drawn on Canara Bank or Indian Bank payable at Delhi / New Delhi in favour of the Director, NII (SC / ST and PH and female candidates are exempted).

Short Term National Training Course on Fermentation Technology at IARI

Division of Post Harvest Technology
NRL Building, 3rd Floor,
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012
Under the auspices of National Agricultural Innovation Project Component-1 for learning and capacity building, scientists trained in state of art laboratories across the globe and resource persons from an International Laboratory will be available to enhance the capacity of Indian NARS to keep its scientific competence.
A Short Term National Training Course on Fermentation Technology (a Frontier Area as identified by NAIP), is being organized at The Post Harvest Technology Division of IARI, N Delhi with an emphasis on ‘Methods &Scale-up Strategies in Fermentation’ from December 9-22, 2011. The details of the programme may also be viewed on website of IARI:
TRAINING MODULES: The training component will include approaches, Theoretical and practical on Fermentation process requirements: Fermentor- Operation, configuration types; Dimensional designing of vessels, Requirements and Engineering aspects, Solid State Fermentation, Media in Industrial fermentations; Mass balance aspects in upscaling process (with special reference to Alcohol and alcoholic drinks (case studies); Process optimization, fermentation scale-up aspects as also related to co-products of fruit and vegetable industries; Biomass resources, classification, availability and technological gaps and considerations in bio-fuels (based on specific fermentation aspects); Production and scale up strategies of select ingredients of fermented foods, food related ingredients (enzymes), culturing and preservation of microorganisms for fermented foods, Microbial growth kinetics; Downstream processing :Recovery and purification (enzyme as case study; Single-use technology in fermentations; Recovery end products and analysis; Industry visit/Academic Institution visit and Hands on experience with fermenter and related practical works. The purpose of the training programme is to upgrade skills and generate trained human resource in the related fermentation sector.
The Training will give an opportunity to have hands-on experience on fermenter and analytical applications. The course has been specifically designed to impart awareness about alcoholic and food related fermentation aspects.
 ELIGIBILITY :Active academicians working not below the rank of Assistant Professor and equivalent in the concerned subject under Agricultural University/ICAR Institute with a minimum of Master’s Degree in relevant/related subject like Microbiology; Biotechnology; Biochemistry; Agricultural Process Engg. and Food Technology working in concerned area of fermentation technology or related processes may apply.
The interested candidates may send their applications through proper channel as per the attached application proforma to the undersigned so as to reach the undersigned latest by October 28th, 2011. Applicants may send an advance copy if they anticipate delay in forwarding through proper channel. However, the final selection will be made only if the application is duly recommended by the competent authority and received within one week after the closing date or with timely intimation of forwardal of application from their place of work.

National Bioscience Awards For Career Development: 2011(DBT, India)

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) invites nominations of scientists who are engaged in basic and applied research in Biosciences & Biotechnology including Biological, Agricultural, Medical, and Environmental Sciences and have made outstanding contributions in research with potential for application/ product and technology development, for ‘National Bioscience Awards for Career Development for the year 2011’.
The award is to recognize outstanding contributions of young scientists below 45 years of age in basic and applied research and to provide grant for research for their career development.
Upto 10 awards per year will be given. Each award carries a cash prize of `. 1,00,000/- and a trophy alongwith a citation and a project research grant of `.9,00,000/- @ `.3,00,000/- per year for a period of three years for career development.
The details of the Award, eligibility criteria, and proforma for nomination are available at
The nominations (10 copies) neatly typed in double space on plain paper in the prescribed proforma complete with enclosures should reach on or before 30th October, 2011 to                Mr. K.M. Kutty, Deputy Secretary, Department of Biotechnology, Room No. 807, 8th Floor, Block-II, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003 and a soft copy in MS-Word .doc file to be e-mailed to
To recognize outstanding contributions of young scientists below 45 years of age in basic and applied research in the areas of biosciences and biotechnology including agricultural, biomedical and environmental sciences with potential for application/product and technology development and to provide grant for research for their career development.
Upto 10 awards subject to the availability of suitable candidates will be given every year. Each award carries a cash prize of `. 1,00,000/- alongwith project research grant of `.9,00,000/-        @ `.3,00,000/- per year for a period of three years for career development and a citation.
i)          Any Citizen of India including Overseas Citizen of India (OCIs), who is engaged in basic and applied research in the areas of biosciences and biotechnology in the country.
ii)         Citizens of India should have made significant and outstanding contribution in the areas of biosciences/biotechnology during last 5 years and the work must have been done entirely in India. In case of OCIs, he/she should have made significant and outstanding contribution in the areas of biosciences/biotechnology while continuously staying and working for a period of 3 years in India or during their stay and work in India in total period of 5 years in piece meal basis over a period of 10 years. The work for which nomination is made must have been carried out in India.
iii)        Candidate should submit a research project for advancement of his/her work in India for a period of next 3 years. OCIs have to stay and work in India for implementation of the proposed research project.
iv)He/she should be below the age of 45 years as on 31st December of the year of award.
Names of candidates may be proposed in the prescribed proforma (Annexure) for consideration for the Award by the following categories of persons or organizations: Secretaries of S&T Departments; user Ministries (Departments such as Atomic Energy, Commerce, Environment & Forests, Health and Family Welfare, Human Resource Development, Industry, New and Renewable Energy, Earth Sciences, Space); members of the Standing Advisory Committee (Overseas) of DBT, Directors General of Scientific Organizations (CSIR, DRDO, ICAR, ICMR); Presidents of Scientific Societies and Academies of all India character; Chairman UGC; Vice Chancellors /Directors of universities and deemed universities; Heads of R&D Institutions; Directors of National Research Laboratories and Member (Science), Planning Commission. The nominations should include a brief project proposal for proposed research in the next 3 years.
Nominations from individuals sponsoring their own names are not considered.
The selection of candidates for the award will be made on the basis of recommendations of  Selection Committee. Only nominations complete in all respects as per proforma will be considered.
Only selected candidates would be informed. The awards will be presented to the selected scientists at a formal function, organized by the DBT.
TA/DA to the awardees for attending the award ceremony will be paid by the Department of Biotechnology as per Govt. of India rules.
Government of India
Department of Biotechnology
(Ministry of Science & Technology)

Admission To Ph.D / M.Tech.(Research) Programmes at NIT, Rourkela

National Institute of Technology Rourkela
Admission To Ph.D / M.Tech.(Research) Programmes
Starting Spring Semester (January), 2012.

Applications are invited online from eligible candidates for admission to Ph.D. and M.Tech. (Research) Programmes of the Institute with or without fellowship for Spring Semester 2011-12.


Programmes being Offered in Spring 2011-12

Biotechnology and Medical Engineering

Ph.D only

Ceramic Engineering

Ph.D & M.Tech (Research)

Chemical Engineering

Ph.D & M.Tech (Research)

Civil Engineering

Ph.D & M.Tech (Research)

Computer Science & Engineering

Ph.D & M.Tech (Research)

Electrical Engineering

Ph.D & M.Tech (Research)

Electronics & Communication Engineering (Including Instrumentation Engineering)

Ph.D only

Industrial Design

Ph.D only

Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D & M.Tech (Research)

Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

Ph.D & M.Tech (Research)

Mining Engineering

Ph.D & M.Tech (Research)

School of Management

Ph.D only


Ph.D only

Life Science

Ph.D only


Ph.D only


Ph.D only

Humanities & Social Sciences (English, Psychology, Economics & Sociology)

Ph.D & M.Tech (Research)

The minimum qualification required for admission to Ph.D. programme in Engineering, Science, Management, Humanities & Social Sciences is one of the following:

a) M.E./M.Tech./M.Pharm in relevant discipline with at least 6.5 CGPA or 60 percent marks in aggregate in both B.Tech. (Or M.Sc./M.Pharm/MCA) and M.Tech. Levels from a recognized technical Institute or University.

b) B.E./B.Tech./B.Pharm/MCA or equivalent in relevant discipline with CGPA of 7.0 or 65 percent marks in aggregate.

c) M.Sc. in Basic Sciences with CGPA 7.0 or 65 percent marks in aggregate in relevant disciplines.

d) M.B.B.S. with CGPA 6.5 or 60 percent marks in aggregate.

e) M. Sc. /M.A. / MBA / M.Com. in Humanities or Social Sciences or Management with CGPA 6.5 or 60 percent marks.

The minimum qualification required for admission to M.Tech (Research) programme in Engineering, Science, Management, Humanities & Social Science is one of the following:
a) B.E./B.Tech./B.Pharm/MCA or equivalent in relevant discipline with 60 percent marks in aggregate (or 6.5 CGPA).
b) M.Sc. in Basic Sciences with 60 percent marks in aggregate (or 6.5 CGPA) in relevant disciplines.
c) M.B.B.S. with 60 percent marks in aggregate (or 6.5 CGPA).
d) M. Sc. /M.A. / MBA / M.Com. in Humanities, Social Sciences or Management with 60 per cent marks or 6.5 CGPA.
Applicants who have fully completed the final examination and are awaiting results are also eligible to apply for both M.Tech(Res) and PhD programmes. The following conditions apply:
1. For all course based degrees [B.Tech, M.Sc., MBA, M.Tech (Regular)] results need to have been published before admission is granted.
2. For thesis based Postgraduate degrees [M.Tech (by Research), MS or equivalent] a student given admission to the PhD programme is permitted one year from the date of his/her thesis submission (proof required) to submit successful result. During this period students awarded fellowship will be paid fellowship at B.Tech rate. Difference of fellowship will be paid on submission of results.
Differential academic qualifications across the departments have been made considering the departmental requirement, availability of candidates in the respective departments and uniform growth of all departments in the Institute.
Qualifying Degrees for Admission to Ph.D. / M.Tech (Research) Programmes


Requisite Academic Qualification

Biotechnology and Medical Engineering (BM)

M.Tech in Biotechnology/Biomedical Engg. / Chemical / Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics / Metallurgical / Polymer/ Instrumentation Engg with GATE qualification in the past / MBBS.

Civil Engineering (CE)

B.Tech. in Civil / Mining/Mechanical/Agricultural/Chemical Engineering or any relevant branch of Engineering.

Chemical Engineering (CH)

B. Tech. in Chemical / Bio Chemical / Biotechnology / Mining / Metallurgical & Materials Engg. / Mechanical / Ceramic Engineering or any relevant branch of Engineering.

Ceramic Engineering (CR)

B.Tech/M.Tech in Ceramic / Metallurgy / Chemical / Mechanical Engg./ Nanotechnology/Biomedical Engg.
Or M.Sc in Physics / Chemistry / Materials Science/ Nano Science.

Computer Science & Engineering (CS)

B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering / Electronics / Electrical Engg. / IT, MCA or M.Sc. in Computer Science

Chemistry (CY)

M.Sc. in Chemistry, Physics, or B.Tech. in Chemical / Ceramic / Metallurgical and Materials Engg.

Electronics & Communication Engineering (EC)

B. Tech. in Electronics / Electrical Engg. /Biomedical Engg.

Electrical Engineering (EE)

For Ph.D, B.Tech. in Electrical / Electronics / Electrical & Electronics/ Electronics & Communication / Instrumentation Engg.
For M.Tech ( Res ), specialization in Electrical Engg (Electrical Machines) only with good GATE Score.

Humanities and Social Sciences (HS)

M.Sc. / MA in relevant subjects, B.Tech. in any branch of Engineering, MBA.

Industrial Design (ID)

B.Des with any specialization
OR B.E. / B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering/ Manufacturing Science/ Production/ Industrial Engineering/ Robotics/ Instrumentation/ Mechatronics/ Computer Integrated Manufacturing/ CAD/CAM.

Life Sciences (LS)

M.Sc. in Life Sciences/ Botany/ Zoology/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Bioinformatics / MBBS/ BVSc.

Mechanical Engineering (ME)

B. Tech. in Mechanical / Automobile / Biomedical / Aeronautical / Production / Manufacturing / Industrial / Metallurgy or Material / Polymer / Chemical Engg/ Mechatronics.

Mathematics (MA)

M.Sc. in Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Science/Information Technology and MCA. However candidates with M.Sc. in Computer Science, Information Technology and MCA degree must have Mathematics Honors at B.Sc. Level.

Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (MM)

B.Tech. in Metallurgy / Met. and Mat. / Ceramic / Chemical / Mechanical / Production / Manufacturing Engg. or M.Sc. in Physics or Chemistry.

Mining Engineering (MN)

B.Tech. in Mining or in any other relevant branch of Engineering or M.Sc. in Geology / Geophysics / Physics / Chemistry. School of Management (SM)
M.Tech/ B.Tech in any discipline/ M.Pharm/ MBA

Physics (PH)

M.Sc in Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry (With Mathematics as a subject in B.Sc), B.Tech in any branch.

1. Students with B.Tech. background will be given preference over students with M.Sc. background, even with an M.Tech. Degree, for selection as Research Scholars in Engineering Disciplines.
2. Students with any other relevant background can be eligible with approval of Senate or Chairman, Senate on the recommendation of the DAC (PG & R).
3. Science students admitted to Ph.D. programme in Engineering need Mathematics in +3 level. Students without Mathematics in +3 level may be admitted under the condition that they will have to register for 16 credits of 100 and 200 level Mathematics & Computer Science courses (Theory and Practical) in addition to their normal course requirement, and secure at least C grade in each course.
1. There is no relaxation in academic requirement for SC/ST/OBC/Handicapped students.
2. Students of one discipline may seek admission in a related department which will be considered on the basis of merit of the case. Selection will be made on the basis of academic record, relevance of qualification, candidate’s research interest, existing research programmes and facilities of the departments, and performance in tests and/or interviews.

Fellowships/Assistantships are available to meritorious Ph.D. and M.Tech (Res) students of all departments, the rate of which is given in the following table.

Academic Programme

Rate of Fellowship/ Assistantship



1st & 2nd year
3rd & 4th year



B.Tech./B.Pharm./M.Sc./MA/ MCA
[With valid GATE/NET score only]

1st & 2nd year
3rd, 4th & 5th year

B.Tech./ B.Pharm./ MBA/ M.Sc./ MCA/ MBBS/M.Com./M.A.[With valid GATE/ NET score only]
2 years

Institute fellowships will not be awarded to candidates above 32 years of age for Ph.D. (35 years for SC/ST and women candidates) and above 28 for M.Tech (Res) (31 years for SC/ST and women candidates) on the date of interview. The restriction shall not apply to scholarships awarded by external agencies or sponsored projects.
A student receiving fellowship or other financial support is required to assist faculty members of department in teaching and research activity. He may be required to take theory, tutorial and laboratory classes, assist in student projects or other R & D activities as assigned by the HOD.
Financial support is initially for a period of one year. All financial support can be renewed on year to year basis on satisfactory performance.
Interested candidates satisfying the eligibility criteria may submit online application following the instructions. Applicants are advised to (a) use Internet Explorer browser version 6.0 or above, (b) read the advertisement carefully, (c) read the instructions to fill up the online application form (d) fill up and submit the online application form accordingly and (e) take the print out of the online application submitted with setting Paper size: A4, and margins as Left: 0.165, Right: 0.165, Top: 0.16 and Bottom: 0.165 inches. Applicants are required to send the print out of the application submitted online attaching a non-refundable demand draft of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred) in favour of Director, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, payable at any bank in Rourkela and appropriate Sponsorship Certificate (if applicable) and no other documents to “The Assistant Registrar (Academic), National Institute of Technology, Rourkela – 769 008 (Odisha)”. The envelope containing application form should be super scribed by “Application for PhD/M.Tech(Research)”. Application forms received after due date may not be considered.
The results of scrutiny and selection will be displayed in the Institute website as per the dates given below and no intimation will be sent to the candidates by post. The candidates are requested to visit Institute website accordingly.
Application form will be available in the Institute website for online submission

September 30, 2011 (Friday)

Closing date for online application

October 31, 2011 (Monday)

Last date for receipt of print out of online application form with a DD of Rs 500/-

October 31, 2011 (Monday)

Completion of scrutiny of applications by all departments

November 10, 2011 (Thursday)

Result of scrutiny in the website

November 21, 2011 (Monday)


December 13, 2011 (Thursday)

Result of Interview in the website

December 19, 2011 (Monday)


December 26, 2011 (Monday) to January 30, 2012 (Friday)
(except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays)

Semester Registration

January 02, 2012 (Monday)

Starting of Classes

January 03, 2012 (Tuesday)

For the departments with poor availability of research students, as well as in all other special cases, admission can be done throughout the year with the approval of the Director. Intending applicants may contact the Head of the Department or the proposed supervisor.
Applicants are required to visit the above webpage accordingly. Also they are advised to book ticket much prior to the date of interview and admission. In case they fail to qualify either in scrutiny or interview, they will cancel their ticket.
For further details please contact:
Dean (Ac), NIT Rourkela. Email:
Assistant Registrar (Ac), NIT Rourkela: Email:


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