The Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) as the umbrella organization of the research establishments in the State, in its effort to take stock of significant research developments during the year, organises the annual Kerala Science Congress, to revitalize R&D in the state and to identify new talents in scientific research in Kerala. The 24th session of the Kerala Science Congress (KSC) will be organized jointly by KSCSTE and Rubber Board at Kottayam during 29th to 31st January 2012.
The 24th Kerala Science Congress will have a number of sessions for providing an opportunity for intense interaction and knowledge sharing. General papers, contest papers and posters in the identified subject areas will be included. Particular thrust will be given to encourage young researchers through Young Scientist Awards and Children’s Science Congress. KSC will also provide a platform for interaction and exchange of ideas between scientists and young researchers working in different parts of the country.
Highlights of the Science Congress
A panel discussion exclusively on “Science Communication and journalism”
A special session on the cutting edge research areas in science and technology and their implications on Kerala’s development.
Memorial lectures
The 24th Kerala Science Congress will be held at the Rubber Research Institute of India, Kottayam during 29-31 January 2012.
The main thrust of the Congress is to provide an opportunity to researchers to share and discuss key developments in the different areas of science and technology. The Congress will have a number of sessions enabling intense interaction and knowledge sharing. General papers, contest papers and posters in the identified subject areas will be included. Particular thrust will be given to encourage young researchers through Young Scientist Awards and Children’s Science Congress. KSC will also provide a platform for interaction and exchange of ideas between scientists and young researchers working in different parts of the country. The broad subject areas for technical sessions are as given below:
Subject Area
01 Agriculture
02 Fishery and Veterinary Sciences
03 Biotechnology
04 Chemical Sciences & Technology
05 Earth System Science & Geo-informatics
06 Engineering Science
07 Information Technology & Computer Science
08 Environmental Science including Forestry & Wildlife
09 Health Science
10 Life Science
11 Physical Science
12 Science and Society
Topics other than those mentioned in broad subject areas and papers on social aspects of Science and Technology can also be included, depending upon the merit of the study.
Format for Submission of Extended Abstract
The Extended Abstract should be submitted online ( Along with online submission of the abstract, the Transaction ID obtained from bank while remitting the registration fee through NEFT is to be entered in the appropriate column of the registration page. Demand Draft number may be entered in the column in case of those making the payment through DD. The mode of remittance of registration fee is detailed separately.
Extended Abstracts could conform to the guidelines given below:
· The Extended Abstracts not conforming to the stipulated format are liable to be rejected.
· The Extended Abstracts should not exceed four A4 size pages (equivalent to about 1000 words in double space), which is inclusive of text, illustrations, graphs, etc.
· The Extended Abstract should be in Microsoft Word with Times New Roman of font size 12, in double space with a margin of 30mm at the top and 25mm on other three sides.
· All sub titles should be title case in font size 12 and bold and also left intended.
· The pages should be numbered consecutively (at bottom central position), starting with the title page and through the text, reference list, tables, figures etc.
· Tables and figures should be referred to in numerical order.
· All symbols and abbreviations should be properly defined; superscripts, subscripts and ambiguous characters should be clearly indicated.
· SI units alone should be used.
· Photographs if any will be printed only in black and white. Line drawings and charts that are not sharp enough will not be considered.
· All photos and figures in the extended abstract shall be attached separately in jpeg or tiff format to enable good reproduction.
· They are to be however embedded in the Microsoft Word file for the sake of completeness.
· The style of citing References in the text of the Extended Abstract should be author(s) name and year within brackets (Gravish and Friedman, 1969).
· The listing of the References at the end of the Extended Abstract should be in alphabetical order as shown in the example below :
· Gravish E and Friedman G M (1969). Progressive diagnosis in quaternary to late tertiary sediments, sequences and time scale. J. Sed. Pet., 39: 1000-1006Williams H H and Jones A (1994). Paraitic Worms of Fish. Taylor and Francis, New York, 595 pp.
The Extended Abstract should be organized as given below:
(i) Title of the Extended Abstract (centre alignment, upper case, font size 14, bold)
(ii) Name(s) and Address(es) of the Author(s) (centre alignment, title case, font size 12, names alone bold)
(iii) Introduction (about 100 words)
(iv) Materials and Methods (about 250 words)
(v) Results and Conclusions (about 600 words including tables and illustrations)(vi) References (about 50 words)
The best contribution that satisfies the conditions of award in each of the broad subject areas (Code 01-12) will be awarded a Certificate of Merit with a prize money of Rs.25,000/-. The awardees are also eligible for a Contingency grant of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One lakh only) for two years for pursuing further research. The contestants should submit Extended Abstract as per the guidelines along with the nomination form.
The nomination should contain the title of the paper with subject code and broad subject area, name, sex and date of birth of the contestant and declaration to the effect that all the prerequisites for consideration for the award are satisfied, duly certified by the Head of Institution. In the case of Universities, Heads of Departments may forward the nominations. Attested photocopies of documentary evidence on age, sex, SC/ST category, qualifications and experience are to be enclosed along with the nomination form. Originals of certificates are not to be sent. However, they have to be produced for verification at the Science Congress Venue.
The Technical Committee constituted for each broad subject area will scrutinize the Extended Abstract and recommend whether they qualify for contest. If not, they will be considered for oral presentation. The authors who qualify for contest will be intimated by 31st of December 2011 through e-mail. If there are no suitable contributions in a particular subject area as per the opinion of the judges and KSCSTE, no awards will be given in that subject area.
Ø The number of authors in the case of contest papers should not be more than three.
Ø The upper age limit of a candidate for Young Scientist Award will be 35 years as on 29.01.2012. A relaxation of five years is allowed for women and SC/ST candidates. Documentary evidence for proof of age should be provided.
Ø The candidate should be bona-fide research worker with a minimum qualification of post graduation in science or graduation in professional courses.
Ø The candidates should be scientists working in Kerala or a person from Kerala working outside or anyone who is working on a problem relevant to Kerala State.
Ø The contributions should be in any of the twelve broad subject areas specified.
Ø The application should be forwarded by the institution/department where the work is carried out.
Ø The work should be certified by concerned supervisor/Head of the Department as predominantly that of the contesting author.
Ø Should not have been a collective work of more than three authors, including the contestant.
Ø Candidate can choose a subject classification which will be considered as provisional. There will be a review panel for choosing the subject area of each paper and the decision of the panel shall be final.
Ø Online Registration
Online registration alone is allowed for the XXIV Kerala Science Congress. Kindly log on to the Science Congress 2012 website ( and follow the instructions to make online registration.
Registration Fee
Ø The registration fee for the Science Congress is `500/- (Rupees five hundred only). However, bonafide students need to pay only `250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only). All the persons intending to participate in the Science Congress will have to register themselves by paying the registration fee.
Mode of Payment
Ø Registration fee can be paid through Bank Transfer. Money can be transferred to SB ACCOUNT No 3148395613 of Central Bank of India, RRII Extension Counter, Rubber Board P O, Kottayam, 686009 (IFSC Code of the branch: CBIN 0010955) from a Nationalised or Scheduled bank. Delagates have to collect the Transaction details from the bank which will be required for the completion of the registration process. Demand Draft drawn in favour of Kerala Science Congress 2012 payable at Kottayam is also accepted. In such cases the demand draft details are to be incorporated into the online registration form.
Ø Very Important Note: If registration fee is paid through Bank Trasfer please furnish to the bank counter the name of the delegate for whom the amount is paid and obtain the transaction number. If the delegate is making the payment through Internet Banking give the name of the delegate for whom the payment is made in the payment remarks and note down the transaction ID.
Ø The name of the delegate and the transaction number or the demand draft details, as the case, should be sent to along with the Register Number obtained after online registration for verification.
Ø All Demand Drafts shall be sent to :
Dr.Jacob Mathew, Co-Covener, Registration Committee , Deputy Director ( Plant Pathology), Rubber Research Institute of India, Rubber Board P.O,Kottayam-686009, Phone:9447602250
Dr Anilkumar C
Member Convenor
24th Kerala Science Congress Committee
Kerala State Council for Science, Technology
and Environment, Pattom
Thiruvananthapuram -695004
Phone :-9847090193, 0471 2548314