Thursday, August 23, 2012

Walk-in for Project Fellow post at University of Calcutta

University of Calcutta
A walk in interview will be held in the department of Biophysics, Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics, University of Calcutta, 92, APC Road, Kolkata 700009 for selection of One Project Fellow in the UGC Major Research Project “Role of Polyphenols during somatic embryogenesis and expression of Polyphenol oxidase gene in Plantago ovata Forsk during development” under the supervision of Prof Sarmistha Raychaudhuri on 27th August 2012 at 12.00 noon in the above department. Candidates must have 55% marks in MSc (Botany, Biophysics & Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics & Bioph ysics,Microbiology, Zoology or Physiology) and must produce two sets of applications with attested copies of marksheets and three copies of testimonials during the interview.

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