Friday, April 06, 2012

Team leader & Research scientist posts t ICGEB, New Delhi

International Centre for Genetic engineering and Biotechnology
Applications are invited for:
Team Leaders and Research Scientists to drive bio-energy research in an independent and collaborative manner. These opportunities are being offered in the context of the Government of India, Biotechnology Department and ICGEB collaborative centre set up to perform cutting-edge research in the field of bioenergy using genomics, metagenomics, synthetic biology and systems biology approaches.
THREE TEAM LEADERS: with a PhD in biological sciences, engineering or biotechnology, min. 5 years' research experience showing an outstanding record of research publications and ability to perform independent research.
ONE RESEARCH SCIENTIST: PhD in biological sciences, engineering or biotechnology, min. 3 years' research experience showing an outstanding record of research publications.
ONE PROJECT MANAGER/RESEARCH SCIENTIST: PhD in biological sciences, engineering or biotechnology, experience in patent handling and project management.
Applications, including Curriculum Vitae, list of publications and names of three referees should be sent directly to:
Dr. Syed Shams Yazdani, Coordinator
DBT-ICGEB Centre for Advanced Bio-Energy Research
International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology ICGEB
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi 110067, INDIA
Closing date for applications: 25 April 2012

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