Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Doctoral vacancy at Technische Universität Dresden (University of Technology)

Technische Universität Dresden (University of Technology)
Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering
Degree:Dr rer nat, Dr rer medic, Dr-Ing
In Cooperation with
International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Cell Biology and Bioengineering
Course Language(s): The language of the programme is English. All courses are held in English. The thesis must be written in English and the oral examination and defence are also conducted in English.
Admission Semester: any time
Beginning of Programme: The starting date within the programme is flexible. For the spring selection, the latest starting date is 1 October in the year of admission. For the autumn selection, the latest starting date is 1 March of the year following the year of admission.
Programme Duration: The typical duration of a PhD thesis is three to four years.
Application Deadline: Applications are accepted twice a year. In general, the deadline for the spring selection is in December, and the deadline for the autumn selection is in July. The actual deadlines are published on the internet page.
Technische Universität Dresden, PhD Programme Office
Dr Birgit Knepper-Nicolai
Pfotenhauerstraße 108
01307 Dresden
Tel. +49 (0) 3 51-2 10 26 97
Fax. +49 (0) 3 51-2 10 10 89
Birgit Knepper-Nicolai

Submit Application To: Applications are only accepted via the online application form within the published deadlines. Details on the application procedure and access to the application form are available at
Description of Content: The Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB), in cooperation with the International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Cell Biology and Bioengineering (IMPRS-MCBB), provides interdisciplinary training and research opportunities for outstanding university graduates who wish to work towards a PhD or MD/PhD in the fields of Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology, Regenerative Medicine or Nanobiotechnology, Biophysics and Bioengineering.
Structured graduate training is offered in three interconnected programmes, namely the programmes for Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology (CellDevo programme), for Regenerative Medicine (RegMed programme), and for Nanobiotechnology, Biophysics and Bioengineering (NanoBio programme). For students enrolled in a particular programme, in-depth expert training is offered in the programme-specific research areas, supplemented by training modules of the two other programmes. The curricula are composed of mandatory and elective modules. In addition to the programme-specific training, all students participate in central training modules including seminars, symposia, soft skills and language classes. Great emphasis is placed on expert thesis supervision; each PhD student is guided by a Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) throughout the thesis work.
Course Description:
Educational Organization: For students in the first year of thesis work, the CellDevo programme, the RegMed programme and the NanoBio programme each offer a four-week full-time course, including lectures, practical work, and tutorials. A variety of advanced courses and workshops (two to three days) are offered for students in the second and third years. Throughout the thesis work, students participate in journal clubs, research seminars, internal seminars and group meetings.
Forms of Assessment: The progress of the thesis is annually monitored and evaluated by the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) on the basis of a written report and an oral presentation. Theoretical knowledge will be examined in an oral examination (Rigorosum) in the course of the proceedings towards a doctoral degree. Further requirements include the experts' evaluation of the written PhD thesis (dissertation) and the public defence (disputation).
Diploma Supplement: No
Course Objectives: The DIGS-BB and the IMPRS-MCBB provide training and research opportunities towards a doctoral degree. Great emphasis is placed on promoting the ability to independently address research questions in an interdisciplinary context.
Costs, Fees and Funding:
 Tuition Fees: None
Enrolment Fees: The enrolment fee is currently 212.60 EUR per semester and includes a "Semesterticket" which entitles the student to use the public transport system in Dresden and regional trains throughout the federal state of Saxony.
Costs of Living: Costs of living may vary according to personal needs and preferences. However, 600 EUR per month represents an average for a student in Dresden, including the expenses for student accommodation and insurance.
Funding Opportunities within the University: PhD students will receive financial support for the duration of the thesis. Financial support is granted via fellowships or working contracts. Fellowships are 1,365 EUR plus subsidy and child allowance (if eligible) per month.
Required Entry Qualification Profile:
Language Requirements
The language of the PhD programme is English. Proficiency in English is therefore required, and applicants may be contacted by phone for assessment.
Required DSH / TestDaF: No
Required English Language Test: No
Academic requirements: Applicants who hold an undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline (life and natural sciences, medicine or engineering) that allows them to enter doctoral programmes in their home country are eligible for admission. In general, an MSc degree or equivalent is required. However, students holding an excellent BSc degree can be admitted on a case-by-case basis.
Where to Apply: Directly at the university

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