Tuesday, December 20, 2011

SRF Walk-in for NICRA project at ICAR Research Complex for N.E.H.Region, Tripura

ICAR Research Complex for N.E..H. Region
Tripura Centre, P.O. Lembucherra - 7992 10, West Tripura
F .No.RC/TC(R -1)/NICRA/2011/                 Dated 1st December, 2011.
Eligible candidates are invited to attend "Walk-in-interview" for 01 (One) contractual post of Senior Research Fellow (S.R.F .) under the Project "National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture" to be held in the off ice of th e Joint Director, ICAR Research Complex for N.E.H.Region, Tripura Centre, Lembucherra ,Agartala at 11.00 A.M . on 21" December, 2011.
Field of specialization
Assessment of mitigation potential through SWM techniques for enhancing climatic resilience

Soil & Water Management studies

Soil health and moisture Conservation

Soil Science/Agronomy/Plant Physiology/Environmental Sciences/ Agro-Meteorology/ AgriI.Engg(S.W.C)/Forestry

Candidates with Masters Degree in Environmental Sciences/ Zoology/Physics etc. having experience in the relevant field of Climatology/ dealing with Climate Change or related work may also appear in the interview. Working knowledge of computers is desirable for the post.
 Age limit is 35 years for men and 40 years for women. The vacancies are contractual and co –terminus with the project. Salary/emolument s payable are as per approved rates of ICAR.
Candidates, if selected are expected to work in the laboratory, field (Institute and Farmers) and also to undertake extensive t our of the Nor th Ea stern Region and other parts of the country for data collect ion, sampling, attending meeting/training/seminars etc .  as part of the project requirements.
Candidates are required to bri ng all the relevant documents, certificates and mark sheet s in original alongwith an application with full biodata addressed to the Joint Director,ICAR, Tripura Centre. A  passport size photograph should also be affixed on top of the application with enclosures of attested copies of certificate, marksheet etc. from Matriculation/H .S.L.C. onwards.

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