Applications are invited from the deserving candidates all over the country for the following posts on the proforma given below (to be typed on A-4 size paper). For each post separate application along-with all documents and the prescribed application fee of Rs. 1000/-(Rs.500/- for SC/ST candidates) through University Cash receipt or crossed Bank Draft drawn in favour of COMPTROLLER, G.B. PANT UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY, payable at Pantnagar State Bank of India, Branch Code No.1133/ Punjab National Bank, Branch Code No. 4446/U.Co. Bank, Branch Code No. 0678 should reach the Office of the Chief Personnel Officer (Recruitment Section) of this University latest by 15.2.2012. The application fee once paid will not be refunded in any case. Applications not on prescribed format or incomplete or received after due date will not be accepted. In-service candidates should send their application through proper channel; however, advance copy should reach here before the closing date otherwise such application received through proper channel after closing date shall not be entertained. The minimum eligibility qualifications of candidate will be determined on the closing date of receipt of applications.
Staff appointed through this Employment Notice can be posted at any outside Extension & Reseach unit /KVKs of the University. The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill or to increase the number of any post(s) so advertised. All disputes are subject to District Udham Singh Nagar (Uttarakhand State) jurisdiction.
PAY-SCALES: Asstt Prof. /JRO/Asstt. Librarian/Asstt. Director Physical Education.: PB-3, Rs. 15600-39100 + AGP Rs. 6000.
Retirement benefits will be as per Govt. orders from time to time and adopted by the university.
RESERVATION: The reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes as well as horizontal reservation to sub categories i.e. disabled persons, dependents of freedom fighters, females and ex-army personnel will be given only to the permanent residents of Uttarakhand as per orders of Uttarakhand Govt. Such candidates of other states shall be considered under unreserved category.
FOR HORIZONTAL RESERVATION: If no candidate is available or not found suitable against the post earmarked under the horizontal reservation, the post shall be filled through suitable candidate of the original category. However, in case the post remains vacant, it shall be re-advertised with horizontal reservation in the same category.
Note: 1. If the number of candidates possessing minimum qualifications is large, the University reserves the right to short-list the candidates on the merit-based criteria and/or written test for the purpose of calling for interview. Abbreviations: SC=Scheduled Castes, ST=Scheduled Tribes, OBC=Other Backward Classes, UR=Unreserved, NET=National Eligibility Test, P.H.= Physically Handicapped, D.F.F.= Dependents of Freedom Fighters, JRO= Junior Research Officer .
1. Asstt. Prof. Agril. Communication (UR-1 for female): 4
2. Asstt. Prof. Agril. Economics (UR -1 for female) :3
3. Asstt. Prof. Horticulture (OBC -1 for female): 4
4. Asstt. Prof. Agronomy (SC-1 for female): 5
5. Asstt. Prof. Plant Pathology (SC-1 & UR-1 for female): 3
6. Asstt. Prof. Agro-Meteorology ( UR-1 for PH)
7. Asstt. Prof. Food Science & Technolgy (UR -1 for female):3
8. Asstt. Prof. Soil Science:2
9.Asstt. Prof. Entomology (for female):1
10.Asstt. Prof. Genetic & Plant Breeding:1
Asstt. Prof. Animal Sc. ( Animal Nutrition):1
Asstt. Prof. Vety. Physiology:1
Asstt. Prof. Vety. Microbiology(UR -1 for female):2
Asstt. Prof. Vety. Surgery & Radiology:1
Asstt. Prof. Vety. Medicine:2
Asstt. Prof. Animal Biotechnology:1
Asstt. Prof. Animal Sc.( Animal Breeding ) (for female):1
Asstt. Prof. Vety. Public Health (for female):1
Asstt. Prof. Vety. Biochemistry(for female):1
Asstt. Prof. Vety. Pharmacology & Toxicology (for female):1
Asstt. Prof. Vety. Gyn. & Obst.:1
Asstt. Prof. Vety. & Animal Husbandry Extension Education: 1
Asstt. Prof. Vety. Clinics: 1
Asstt. Prof. Biochemistry: 2
Asstt. Prof. Chemistry: 1
Asstt. Prof. Environ-mental Sc.(for female): 1
Asstt. Prof. Molecular Biology & Genetic Engg. (SC & UR for female): 3
Asstt. Prof. Farm Machinery & Power Engg. (SC for female):2
Asstt. Prof. Soil & Water Conservation Engg.:2
Asstt. Prof. Post Harvest Process & Food Engg. (OBC-1 for female):2
Asstt. Prof. Aquaculture (for female):1
Asstt. Prof. Fishery Biology: 1
Asstt. Prof. Agri-business Management( Marketing):1
Asstt. Prof. Agri- business Management(Business Economics & Policy) (for female):1
Asstt. Prof. Agri- Business Management (Finance):1
Junior Agronomist/ JRO Agronomy – AICRP on Potato: 1
Asstt. Plant Pathologist/ J.R.O. Plant Pathology – AICRP on Sugarcane: 1
J.R.O./ Asstt. Scientist Forestry/Agro- Forestry - AICRP on Agro forestry (for female):1
Junior Scientist / J.R.O. Agronomy - AICRP on Forage Crops: 1
Junior Plant Pathologist/ J.R.O. Plant Pathology – AICRP on Soybean: 1
J.R.O./ Asstt. Entomologist – AICRP on Wheat:1
J.R.O. / Aasstt. Entomologist – AICRP on Sub Tropical Fruits: 1
J.R.O./Junior Scientist Entomology – AICRP on Pigeon Pea: 1
Scientist/ J.R.O. Soil Science – AICRP on Agro- Forestry: 1
J.R.O./ Asstt. Prof. Soil Science – AICRP on Long Term Fertilizer: 1
J.R.O. Soil Sience – AICRP on Soil Test Crop Response: 1
J.R.O. Plant Breeding – AICRP on BSP (Annual Oil Seed):
Junior Rice Breeder/ J.R.O. Plant Breeding – AICRP on Rice (for DFF):1
Junior Scientist/ Agronomist/ J.R.O. Agronomy – AICRP on Chick Pea: 1
J.R.O. Animal Science – AICRP on Utilization of Animal Energy: 1
Asstt. Biochemist/ J.R.O. Biochemistry – AICRP on Biogas Technology (for female):1
J.R.O./Asstt. Process Engineer, Process & Food Engg. – AICRP on PHT: 1
FOR DETAILS, PLEASE REFER http://www.gbpuat.ac.in/news/Advt._A-18.pdf
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