Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Palaeontological Society of India, Lucknow invites nominations for the Awards for the Year 2012

Palaeontological Society of India, Lucknow
Nominations for the Awards for the Year 2012
The Palaeontological Society of India invites nomination for the following awards:
1. Prof. S.N. Bhalla Medal for outstanding contributions in Micropalaeontology and allied disciplines for the year 2012.
2. Sharda Chandra Gold Medal for the best original published contribution on Indian material in any field of palaeontology for the year 2012.
Nomination can be made as per the following format.
1. Name of the award
2. Full name, age and address of the nominee
3. Qualification and position held by the nominee
4. List of significant publications for the Prof. S. N. Bhalla Gold Medal and the name of the publication with full details for the Sharda Chandra Gold Medal
5. Brief statement by the proposer (not more than 250 words) about the scientific achievement/contribution  of the nominee for justification of the awards
Fellows of the Palaeontological Society of India and Head of the Institution/Academic Societies can nominate the candidate for the award. The nominations for the Bhalla and Sharda Chandra medals should reach the secretary on or before 30 May 2013. E-mail: mpsinghgeology@gmail.com  .
The Palaeontological Society of India has instituted from 2010 the Prof. S. K. Singh Memorial Gold Medal for the best paper published in the society’s journal. The medal will be awarded every year at the Annual General Body Meeting.
All esteemed fellows are requested to send their e-mail ID for better and faster communication. In future, notices will be sent only by e-mail.
Prof. M. P. Singh
Secretary PSI

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