Monday, July 23, 2012

Walk-in for SRF/JRF, technical assistant and trainee positions at Mizoram University

Mizoram University, Aizawl
Walk – In Interview From 10:30 AM on 31st. July 2011
The State Biotech Hub is the state of the art facility in Mizoram funded by Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi. The Objective of DBT, New Delhi to set-up the State Biotech Hub is to strengthen the capacity of Mizoram to undertake research in any branch of Life Sciences / Physical Sciences / Biomedical Sciences/ Agri & Veterinary Sciences; to promote education & research for development and transfer of knowledge systems; to attract students to build their career in different fields of in Biology/ Biotechnology; to organize training courses for school / college / institute students and teachers and to collaborate with other biotech hubs/ other institutes. Other objective includes biotech awareness programs for farmers/ general public/ NGO’s.
Walk-in Interview will be held for the following posts under the DBT-sponsored project “DBT-State Biotech Hub”:
•Senior Research Fellow/Junior Research Fellow – Three (03) posts.
SRF (Emolument: Rs.14,000/- pm plus HRA) or JRF (Emolument: Rs.12,000/- pm plus HRA).
Eligibility for SRF: M.Sc. degree in Biological/ Chemical/ Physical/ Agri /Veterinary Sciences/Biomedical Sciences and two years of post-M.Sc research experience is essential. Eligibility for JRF: Candidates having M.Sc. degree in the above. NET/GATE/ BINC candidates will be given preference (SRF: Rs.18,000/- pm plus HRA or JRF: Rs.16,000/- pm plus HRA).
•Technical Assistant (TA) - One (01) post.
Emolument: Rs.12,000/- pm plus HRA
 Eligibility: M.Sc. degree in Biological/Chemical Sciences.
•Traineeship - Five (05 Posts)– 6 months duration
Emolument: Rs.5,000/-pm consolidated)
 Eligibility: Candidates having M.Sc. degree in Biological/ Chemical/ Physical /Agri / Veterinary Sciences/ Biomedical Sciences. Age: below 25 years. Preference will be given to candidates with research interests.
Studentship - Five (05 Posts)– 6 months duration
Emolument: Rs.5,000/-pm consolidated
 Eligibility: Student’s doing project/ dissertation work during the second year Post Graduate degree in Biotechnology/ botany/ Zoology/ Bioinformatics or any other branch of Sciences. (Preference will bw given to students doing project work related with Biotechnology/ Molecular Biology)
•The term of service is one year (except for Traineeship and Studentship) which may be extended further depending on their performance and/or other conditions prevailing at that time. Fellowship amount and age relaxations will be as per norms of DBT, New Delhi. The post is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the project. The appointment does not confer any entitlement or right over the job and will not be considered as formal service.
•Candidates having strong interests and dedication towards the objectives of DBT, New Delhi in setting up the State Biotech Hub only need to apply. The selected candidates should also involve in overall setting up and proper functioning of the Biotech Hub. 
•The walk in interview will be on 31st. July 2012. Applications, neatly typed on plain paper along with attested photocopies of mark sheets and certificates should be submitted on the date of the walk in interview. All the Original certificates should be produced for verification.
•No TA & DA will be paid for appearing in the walk-in interview.
Dr. J. Bhattacharya
Coordinator (DBT-State Biotech Hub)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology
Mizoram University, Aizawl

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