Friday, July 27, 2012

Walk-in for SRF in NICRA post at CMFRI

Eligible candidates are requested to appear for a walk-in Interview for one Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under the project entitled “National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)”. The engagements are purely temporary on contractual basis and will be liable for termination at any time in case of unsatisfactory performance. There will be no provision for absorption / re-employment in ICAR / CMFRI after termination of the time-bound project.
Post Name:Senior Research Fellow (One Posts)
Essential Qualification:M.F.Sc in Aquaculture / Fisheries Resource Management or M.Sc. in Marine Biology / Zoology / Aquaculture with 1st Class or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average
Desirable: One year experience in research activities in the field of Fisheries Resource Management / Aquaculture / Extension.
Age limit: 35 years for men and 40 years for women
Emolument: Rs. 16,000 p.m. + H.R.A
Place of work: Paradeep
Eligible candidates for the above mentioned positions may appear for a walk-in interview at State Marine Fisheries Department, In front of “Urban Haat”, Near Puri Railway station, Puri – 752 002, Orissa, along with all original certificates and attested copies of the same on 24.08.2012 at 10:00 AM. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.

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