Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Walk-in for Fellow (Development of stable single chain antibodies for the therapeutic, diagnostic and cosmetics use) at University of Calcutta

University of Calcutta
One position for fellow in DST, GOI sponsored project
Interested candidates are requested to appear for a walk in interview in Lab 214, Dept of Zoology on July 30, 2012 (Monday) at 11:30 AM for recruitment to one fellow position in the DST, GOI sponsored project “Development of a novel format of stable single chain antibodies for the therapeutic, diagnostic and cosmetics use.” funded by SERB, DST under the Fast Track scheme, sanction number NO. SR/FT/LS-200/2009 dated 15-5-2012.
Remuneration is Rs.8000 p.m. consolidated and term is for 3 years. Minimum qualification M.Sc. Knowledge of Molecular Biology is a must. Upper age limit 30. NET qualified candidate shall be given preference.
CONTACT: PI- Ena Ray Banerjee
Associate Professor
Department of Zoology, University of Calcutta
35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata-700019
Phone: 033-24615445 (Extn.275), Fax: 033-24732984
Cell : 91637.39975

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