Monday, June 18, 2012

Project Assistant post in Cancer Cell Signaling at IIAR, Gandhinagar

Indian Institute of Advanced Research,
 Koba Institutional Area, Koba,
 Gandhinagar-382 007
Advertisement for position of Project assistant in Cancer Cell Signaling
Applications are invited for the position of Project Assistant in Department of Science & Technology (DST) sponsored project “Investigating the functional relationship of Receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) mediated signaling and cell survival in cancer and special focusing to its regulation by RAGE specific SiRNA”.
FELLOWSHIP: RS. 12000 + 10% HRA per month.
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION:  Master’s degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Life Science with minimum 55% marks. Age limit should be not more than 28 years
DESIRABLE: Candidates should have good knowledge of biochemistry, molecular & cell biology. NET-LS/GATE /research experience in animal Cell Culture, and techniques of molecular cell biology & biochemistry will be preferred.
DURATION OF PROJECT: 3 Years (up to duration of project)
HOW TO APPLY: Interested candidate can send only hard copy of application in prescribed format with all certificates & mark sheets.
Complete application should be reach to Dr. Chandramani Pathak, Cell Biology Department, School of Biological Sciences & Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Advanced Research, Koba Institutional Area, Koba, Gandhinagar-382 007 last by 7th July 2012.
DATE OF INTERVIEW: 20th July 2012 at 11:00 a.m.
Short-listed candidate will be informed by email by 10th July 2012
NOTE:    1.  Position in mentioned project is purely temporary, for the period of duration of the project
   2.  No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Selected candidate should be place joining instantly.

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