Monday, June 18, 2012

JRF post(Technology for Ethanol Production from rice straw) at IARI, New Delhi

Centre for Environment Science and Climate Resilient Agriculture
IARI, NEW DELHI – 110012
NAME OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR AND PROJECT: DST sponsored project on “Development of Economically viable Conversion Technology for Ethanol Production from rice straw”
EMOLUMENTS (FIXED) PER MONTHS: Rs. 12000.00 + 30% HRA I & II year and 14000.00 + 30% HRA in III yr
ESSENTIAL : M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences/ Microbiology
DESIRABLE: Experience in fermentation techniques, working knowledge of computers (MS Office, Internet etc.)
1. Age limit for JRF is maximum 35 years (age relaxations as per Govt. of India rules)
2. The total duration of project is 3 years and the positions are purely temporary on contractual basis (subject to the satisfactory performance) and co-terminus with the project.
3. The interview will be held on July 9, 2012 at 10:00 AM at CESCRA, NRL Building, IARI, New Delhi- 110012.
4. The interested candidates may also send their application in advance to .
5. Candidates must bring biodata with full particulars i.e. qualification, CSIR/UGC/ICAR-NET certificate (if qualified), experience certificate, NOC from the last employer, publications etc. along with original and attested copies of the certificates to be submitted before appearing for the interview.
6. Only the candidates having essential qualification would be entertained for the interview.
7. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates appearing for the interview.
Dr. Renu Singh, Scientist (Senior Scale), Centre for Environment Science and Climate Resilient Agriculture, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012

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