Friday, November 18, 2011

8th National Biennial Competition for Green Grassroots Unaided Technological Innovations, Ideas & Outstanding Traditional Knowledge

8th National Biennial Competition for Green Grassroots Unaided Technological Innovations, Ideas & Outstanding Traditional Knowledge

The last date for submission of entries for the 8th biennial competition is March 31, 2013 
The 8th National Biennial Competition for Green Grassroots Unaided Technological Innovations, Ideas & Outstanding Traditional Knowledge
NATIONAL INNOVATION FOUNDATION (NIF), a grant-in-aid institute under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of . 
India aims to recognize, respect and reward grassroots technological innovators and traditional knowledge experts.
It is mandated to build a National Register of green Grassroots Technological Innovations and Traditional Knowledge practices developed by various individuals and communities in the unorganized sector.

NIF's commitment to grassroots innovators and traditional knowledge holders is aimed at

(a) building their linkages with institutional scientists, technologists and designers to add value in their technologies (b) providing micro venture innovation fund (MVIF) - support to help convert innovations into enterprises, (c) protecting their intellectual property rights and (d) creating a culture of creativity and innovation in society.

Through its activities, NIF is striving to make India innovative, self-reliant and a world leader in sustainable technologies

The Honey Bee Network was established in 1988-89 to connect creative people across language cultures, acknowledge the contribution of innovators and expand policy and institutional space for local knowledge experts by ensuring fair share of benefits.

NIF, while building upon the Honey Bee philosophy, is trying to generate a movement in the country by linking green grassroots innovators with one another as well as with experts in modern science and technology, markets, design and other relevant formal sector institutions.

The national campaign is a means to build solidarity among creative people, by unfolding the potential of genius at grassroots. Several values (7 E's) are being blended such as ethics, excellence, efficiency, environment, education, equity and empathy. Creativity in that sense is being combined with compassion, conservation and concern for the disadvantaged people. The entries received by NIF are screened for their possible validity, uniqueness, potential social impact, creativity or embedded valuable traditional knowledge.

The selected entries are evaluated with the help of group of experts and Honey Bee Network collaborators. The most outstanding entries are given awards and also support for prototype development and scaling up depending upon the social criticality, potential impact, eco-friendliness, potential for value addition through linkage with science and technology and prospects of diffusion through commercial and non-commercial channel. 
NIF solicits entries of unaided technological innovations and traditional knowledge developed at grassroots by an individual or group comprising farmers, artisans, fishermen and women, slum dwellers, workshop mechanics, students, local communities etc. The innovations can be in agriculture, machines, processes or products for farm/non-farm operations, household utility, transportation, energy conservation or generation, reduction in drudgery, development of plant varieties, development of herbal remedies for human/ animal problems, or any other low cost sustainable green technologies. These should be unaided/unsupervised and an outcome of one’s own creativity, without any technical support from external agencies. Special awards will be given for innovations and outstanding traditional knowledge of/for women. There will be prizes to recognize outstanding innovations by/for people with physical disabilities as well. Creative ideas for innovative technologies, which may not have been developed into prototypes are also welcome. Children in or out of school are also encouraged to send their original ideas for the competition.
Communities developing People's Biodiversity Register (PBR) or People's Knowledge Register (PKR) are encouraged to register/link their knowledge base with the National Register at NIF. 
The best three innovations will be awarded Rs 500,000 (National First), Rs 300,000 (National Second) and Rs 100,000 (National Third) each in different categories. NIF may also give a Life Time Achievement Award of Rs 750,000 to an outstanding innovator with demonstrated lifelong creativity. 35% to 52% of the total prize money will be given in the form of monthly fellowship to the awardees of Lifetime achievement, National First, Second and Third. 15% of the total prize money in these cases would be given to the innovator(s) for their voluntary contribution towards community welfare and nature. The award winner may undertake any activity (s)he chooses for her/his community and nature. NIF believes that community or the natural resources around one's habitat nurture the creativity and sustain the innovative spirit. It may be useful to impress upon innovators and the holders to reciprocate moral or material support received from the society and environment. Therefore, as a matter of principle, we suggest that the award holders may share their incentives so as to foster creativity and to restore their faith within their community. The details of the awards are given below 
The fellowships will be given to the awardees of Life time achievement, National first, National second and National third for 5 years, 3 years, 2 years and 1 year period respectively. The per month fellowship will be calculated using the following formula  
Monthly Fellowship = Fellowship amount /Total fellowship period (in months)
Interest accrued on the fellowship amount will be given to awardees with the last month's fellowship.
There will be several consolation prizes of Rs 10,000 each in different categories depending upon the incremental inventiveness and potential social and environmental impact. In addition, individuals and/or organizations that make extraordinary contributions in scouting grassroots innovations and traditional knowledge may also get recognition and awards worth Rs 100,000, Rs 50,000 and Rs 25,000 besides recognition to many others.
 Three most outstanding innovative ideas may be given prizes of Rs 50,000, 25,000 and 15,000 in addition to consolation prizes of Rs 5,000 each. Certificate of appreciation may be given to herbal and traditional knowledge holders whose claims may not have been validated but whose contributions are worth emulating for the society.
Technologists adding significant value to the people’s knowledge and creativity, and electronic/print journalists promoting grassroots innovations will also be recognized. Entries may be submitted along with copy of the reports.
The outstanding entries will also be widely publicized in the Honey Bee Newsletter and through other media. Summary and/or details of the selected innovative practices and traditional knowledge practices included in the Register will be displayed at the websites of NIF with the Prior Informed Consent (unless such knowledge is already in the public domain) of the innovators/knowledge providers. 
Young inventors and innovators (upto class 12th) are invited to send their ideas or innovations for a special category of awards for them. These should be unsupervised, an outcome of their own creativity, without any support from their teachers or outsiders. There will be prizes worth Rs 30,000, 25,000 and Rs 20,000 for the best three entries and several consolation prizes of Rs 10,000 each in this category.
Individuals, from the unorganized sectors of the society, who have achieved distinction in improving quality and productivity without the aid of formal institutions, are invited to participate in the 8th National Biennial Competition for Unaided Green Grassroots Ideas, Innovations and Outstanding Traditional Knowledge. Ideas for innovative technologies which have not yet become products are also welcome.
NIF is very keen that women knowledge holders/innovators participate in this campaign in as large a number as possible. We have had rather limited participation from women in the past and we wish to rectify this situation with the cooperation of groups working with women in the unorganized sector. 
The resources of NIF are dedicated to supporting innovators and traditional knowledge holders from the unorganized sector only with no/limited exposure to formal system of education and/or professional/technical training. Therefore, entries from professionals that is, those having professional/ post graduate degrees or affiliation with formal institutions or those who have gained long professional experience in public or private sector, are not accepted. Projects of students enrolled in engineering, bio technology or any other professional/ post graduate courses will also not be considered.
However, if anybody develops a technology in their individual capacity without any institutional help and that has grassroots applications, it may be considered for inclusion in a separate database of innovations by professionals, inclusion in which would not be eligible for any recognition, technical or financial support. NIF may help them only through linkages.
For considering eligibility of participation in its National Competition, NIF will take into account BOTH education AND occupation of the participant. The detailed competition guidelines are available for download below.
Individuals or groups may send as many entries as they wish on plain paper providing
a) technical details of the idea/innovation/traditional knowledge practice along with sketches, photos or videos wherever available/necessary b) genesis of idea/innovation or traditional knowledge c) educational qualification of the innovators/ traditional knowledge holders and occupation, d) complete postal address with pin code and contact number(s) and e) any other information that may seem necessary.
Herbal entries may be accompanied by properly dried plant samples to enable correct identification. The last date for the 8th Biennial Competition is March 31, 2013. Entries received after this date will be included in the 9th National Biennial Competition 2013-15. 
National Coordinator (Scouting and Documentation), National Innovation Foundation, Satellite Complex, Bungalow No 1, Premchandnagar Road , Jodhpur Tekra, Ahmedabad 380015 Gujarat.
Note: Any doubts/queries may also be sent to the above mentioned address/email.

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