Sunday, May 17, 2015

Research positions at University of hyderabad

University of Hyderabad
Repository of Tomato Genomic Resources
Department of Plant Sciences
Research Positions in Tomato Functional Genomics
Currently we have following positions available in the projects “Tomato ripening network”  and  “Interaction between proteome and metabolomic networks during tomato fruit ripening” awarded to Dr. Y. Sreelakshmi, funded by Department of Biotechnology. T
he qualifications for the positions are as follows:
Research Associate1 position:
Applicants should have very good experience in gene cloning and functional
genomics approaches gene silencing, genome editing using CRISPR/CAS and/or yeast two hybrid BiFC  analyses, preferably in tomato or other crop plants and should be supported by publications. Selected candidate would be paid Rs. 38,000+30% HRA. The candidates who have submitted PhD Thesis and have research publications in plant molecular biology  are also encouraged to apply.

2  Research Associate II -1 position
Applicants should have very good experience in proteomics, preferably using
plant tissues in examining posttranslational modifications, quantitative proteomics using shotgun  approaches , basic knowledge of mass spectrometry and should be supported by publications. Selected candidate  would be paid Rs. 3 6,000+30% HRA
The candidates meeting the above specifications and  who have submitted
PhD Thesis an d have research publ ications  are also encouraged to apply.
3 . Junior research fellow  -1 position:
Applicants should have M.Sc. in any branch of Life Sciences plus 1- 2  years research experience in proteomics analyses - 2Dgel/LC - MS or M.Tech with GATE/GATE equivalent with  experience in mass spectrometry.  Candidates with M.Sc. should be qualified in NET - LS/BET.  Selected candidate  would be paid Rs. 25,000+30% HRA.

4 . Tissue culture assistant - 1 position : Applicants should have minimum one year experience in plant tissue  culture for  generating transgenic plants. M.Sc. in any branch of Life Sciences is required. Selected candidates  would be paid a consolidated pay of Rs. 13,000/ - pm.
The applications for tissue culture assistant without enclosed experience certificate will be rejected.

5. . Laboratory Assistant - 1 position:
Applicants  should have minimum  3 years’ experience working in a research
lab  with a  minimum qualification of  10 th class pass  . The candidate should take care of the plants in the green house  and open field, wash glassware, maintain
lab and help the research students.
The applications for laboratory assistant without enclosed experience certificate will be rejected . Selected candidate would be paid Rs .  8000/month consolidated.
We also have few openings for CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/BINC JRF qualified candidates for pursuing PhD in research areas of tomato proteomics, metabolomics and functional genomics. The interested candidates can  send CV to the email address given below for conside ration for PhD program.
Candidates interested in above project positions should send a one page statement
clearly explaining how their  skills are relevant to the position. The candidates should also enclose detailed CV and the name/email id for three   referees. The candidates can send their application by email at  on or before
May 24 th , 2015 . All the positions are purely temporary in nature. Shortlisted candidates would be called for interview.   No TA/DA would be provided for attending the interview.

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