Thursday, May 10, 2012

Recruitment of Senior Assistant Professors at VIT University

Centre for Bio-Separation Technology
VIT University
Vellore 632 014, Tamil Nadu
Recruitment of Senior Assistant Professors
Applications are invited for the following posts: Senior Assistant Professor (4 posts) under the DST
project with the following profiles and expertise:
1. BIOCHROMATOGRAPHY: Biochemists, chemists with biology understanding, protein structure–function relation studies and chromatographic sciences including columns, fluid dynamics and other approaches.
2. PROTEOMICS: Knowledge in proteins, relevant chromatographic techniques, mass spectrometry, LC-MS and 2D-gel electrophoresis, bioinformatics.
3. FERMENTATION TECHNOLOGY: Expertise in taking the shake flask data of protein expression to fermenter-level, with parameter-optimization and monitoring protein production. This may involve different microorganisms – both prokaryotic and eukaryotic.
4. PROTEIN EXPRESSION: Expertise in molecular biology, expression systems – E. coli, yeast, mammalian cells and plant-systems (Lemna); Protein extraction and characterization.
Applications on plain paper, clearly specifying the profile for which you are applying, along with detailed CV and copy of relevant certificates should reach us within 3 weeks of this advertisement, either by e-mail ( ) or by post to the following address:
Prof. M. A. Vijayalakshmi
Centre for Bio-Separation Technology
616, Technology Tower
VIT University, Vellore 632 014, Tamil Nadu, India

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