Tuesday, April 03, 2012

SRF post(epigenetic regulation during lactation and its impact on milk biosynthesis) at University of Hyderabad

Applications are invited from qualified individuals for Research Specialist position, sponsored by the National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB-DBT) project entitled “Studies on epigenetic  regulation during lactation and its impact on milk biosynthesis” (NIAB/CP/107/2012).
PROJECT : Studies on epigenetic  regulation during lactation and its impact on milk biosynthesis” (NIAB/CP/107/2012).
POSITION: Senior Research Fellow (SRF)
FELLOWSHIP/MONTH: RS. 18,000/- + HRA 30% if applicable
 DURATION: Initial appointment is for 1 year and subjected to renewal up to 3 years
Dr. Sreenivasulu Kurukuti laboratory is investigating the dynamics of 3-D genome organization and gene expression upon extra cellular signalling utilizing a combination of genetic, molecular and computational approaches in association with high throughput sequencing based chromatin structure analyzing methods. Successful candidate shall pursue project related to the computational analysis of genome and epigenome data derived from mouse primary epithelial cell line model system. Applicants should have M.Sc/Integrated M.Sc. in Biological/Physical/Mathematical/ Computer sciences with 2 years of experience or M.Tech/M.Pharm. Training in computational biology, bioinformatics, statistics, machine learning and algorithmic development is required. Knowledge of programming languages (e.g. C, C++, perl, python, Ruby etc.) and statistical framework (e.g. R, matlab, etc.) is preferable. An understanding of molecular biology, genetics is desired. Candidates with JRF-fellowship through CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR will have an option to enroll into Ph.D. program. Good written and oral communication, excellent organizational skills and ability to work in a team is highly desired. Applicants should note that the appointment is purely temporary and subjected to renewal up to three years and there is no Right to Claim for any regular appointment with the University. The interested candidates should email or submit their resume (include Email address and contact telephone no.) and a brief description of future research plans should reach the undersigned on or before April 24, 2012. Eligible candidates will be called for an interview and they should carry all original certificates of the qualifying exam. No TA/ DA will be paid for attending the interview or at the  time of joining the post
Corresponding address: Dr. Sreenivasulu Kurukuti PhD
Department of Animal Sciences
School of Life Sciences
University of Hyderabad
Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500046

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