Endst. No. Agrimet/11/ 1385-1410 Dated: 14-12-2011
Applications are invited on plain paper for the following post(s). The applications complete in all respects should be sent to and received in the office of the undersigned latest by 24-12-2011. No application thereafter shall be entertained for any reason.
1 NAME OF THE POST: Sr. Research Fellow
2. NO. OF POST(S): One
3. CATEGORY: ____________________
4. DISCIPLINE: Agricultural Meteorology
5. EMOLUMENTS: Fixed: 16000+10% HRA PM for 1st and 2nd year; 18000+10% HRA PM for 3rd year
6 ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS:Master’s degree with 60% marks or an OGPA of 3.00/4.00 or 6.50/10.00 in Agril. Meteorology/ Agronomy/ Soil Sciences/ Plant Physiology/ Remote Sensing/ Agricultural Statistics/ Computer Application in Agriculture.
DESIRABLE: Preference will be given to candidate with knowledge of computers/knowledge/ experience in meteorological data processing/RS & GIS/Crop simulation modeling.
7. DURATION OF THE POST: Till 31st March 2012 or co-terminus with the project; (The project is likely to be continued during next 5 year plan)
8 AGE: 35 years for men and 40 years for women
i) Upper age limit will be relaxed by 5 years in case of SC/ST & PH categories.
ii) 45 years of age for in-service candidates of agricultural universities.
9. NAME OF THE P.I.: Dr Diwan Singh
10. NAME OF THE PROJECT: National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture-AICRPAM scheme no. 5209-C(b) Agrimet-6-ICAR
11. PLACE OF POSTING: KVK, SIRSA under NICRA-AICRPAM, Dept of Agril. Meteorology, CCS HAU Hisar
1. The appointment is co-terminus with the project. However in case the work and conduct is not found satisfactory, the service can be terminated at any time after giving due opportunity, of being heard to the concerned employees. If the selected candidate(s) wants to leave, he/she can do so after giving a thirty days notice in writing to the University.
2. The services of the employee will also be liable to terminated at any point of time, without assigning any reason because of non release of grant by funding agency.
3. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in interview as per rules.
4. On expiry of the term of the project, He/She will be relieved and the university/department will not be responsible for his/ her adjustment in the university.
5. He/she will not be a regular employee of the university and would not be entitled to any CPF/GPF or any other benefit admissible to regular employees.
6. He/she will be required to produce a medical certificate of fitness from the CMO, CCS HAU Hisar at the time of joining.
7. He/She would report for duty within 15 days from the date of issue of this order failing which his/her appointment will be treated as withdrawn.
8. His/her place of work will be at Hisar in the Department of Agril. Meteorology.
9. He/she will be required to execute a non-judicial stamped paper of Rs.15/- before he/she is allowed to join the post of SRF.
10. Interview will be held on 27-12-2011 at 2.30 p.m. in the office of Director of Research, CCS HAU Hisar. No separate letter for interview will be issued. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Original certificates will be required to be produced/shown at the time of interview (Please also bring original and true copies of certificate(s) submitted by the candidates in his/her application).
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