Chatha, Jammu-180 009
Notification No. : 33 (Secy.) of 2011
D A T E D: 25 - 11 – 2011
No: AUJ/Adm/11-12/12647-12745
Applications on prescribed forms are invited for the following positions:
01 Professor/Chief Scientist (6 Posts) ( 37400-67000 + AGP of 10, 000/-)
S.No Discipline/Location No. of posts
1.Instructional Livestock Farm 01
2. Vety. and Animal Husbandry Extension 01
3.Animal Breeding and Genetics 01
4.Livestock Product and Technology 01
5.Live Stock Production and Management 01
6. Biotechnology 01
i.Doctorate degree in the subject concerned or in specified related disciplines as the case may be.
ii.12 years teaching and/or research experience (not below the rank of Assistant Professor) in the concerned subject, out of which 5 years should be in the rank of Associate Professor or equivalent.
iii.Good research experience as evidenced by publications.
i.Ability to provide leadership in the subject/discipline.
ii.Administrative experience in a teaching/research institution.
02. Associate Professor/Sr. Scientist (06 Posts) ( 15600-39100 + AGP of 8000/-)
S.No Discipline/Location No. of posts
1. Instructional Livestock Farm 01
2. Seed Sciences and Technology 01
3. Fisheries 01
4. Biotechnology (Crop Science) 01
5. Biotechnology (Animal Science) 01
6. Fruit Sciences 01
i.Doctorate degree in the subject concerned.
ii.7 years experience of teaching and/or research in the subject concerned out of which four years should be in the rank of Assistant Professor or equivalent.
i.Research Experience as evidenced by publications.
03 Assistant Professor/Junior Scientist (19 Posts)( 15600-39100 + AGP of 6000/-)
S.No Discipline No. of posts
1. Instructional Livestock Farm
i.Agronomy : 01
ii.LPM : 01
iii.LPM : 01(Poultry Production management)
ivAnimal Nutrition: 01
v.Animal Breeding: 01 05
2. Processing and Food Engg. 01
3. Fisheries 01
4. Fruit Sciences 02
5Post Harvest Technology/Food Sciences and Technology 02
6. Floriculture and Land Scaping 02
7. Plant Pathology 01
8. Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry 01
9. Livestock Product and Management 01
10.Vety. Clinic and Teaching Hospital 01
11.Vety. Microbiology and Immunology 01
12.Assistant Director Resident Instructions 01
i. High second class (55 % or higher percentage) in Master’s Degree or equivalent Postgraduate qualification in the concerned subject.
ii. Ph.D degree in the subject concerned.
iii. NET
1. For posts appearing under S.No. 1 of Item No. 1 and S.No. 1 of item No. 2 the candidate must have specialization in any of the Production Subjects of Veterinary Sciences.
2. For Item No. 3, Ph.D. degree is relaxable in the disciplines of Vety. Sciences & Animal Husbandry.
3. For posts appearing at S.No. 6 of Item No. 1 and S.No. 4 of Item No. 2, the candidates having degree in Genetics and Plant Breeding, biotechnology or other subject should have the experience of working in Molecular biology.
4. For posts appearing at S.No. 5 of Item No. 2, the candidates having degree in Genetics and Animal Breeding, Animal Biotechnology or other subject should have the experience of working in Molecular biology.
5. For S.No.12 of Item No.3, candidates from the discipline of both Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences can apply.
ALLOWANCES & PROVIDENT FUND: As per the University statues and rules of J&KCSR
AGE:Not less than 20 years and more than 55 years as on 01.01.2011. Upper age limit is relaxable in case of persons already in employment of the University and for the post of Officer/Professor and equivalent.
NATURE OF APPOINTMENT: Temporary with two year’s probation.
IN-SERVICE CANDIDATES: The candidates in employment should forward their application through their employer and their services shall be regulated in accordance with the statutory provisions as are in vogue or as may come into force from time to time.
Miscellaneous Instructions
· Separate applications should be submitted for separate posts.
· Application forms along with a copy of detailed notification can be downloaded from the University website
· Application forms complete in all respects duly supported by attested copies of certificates including marks sheets/transcripts, testimonials and accompanied by Demand Draft for 1500/- drawn in favour of Comptroller, SKUAST of Jammu should reach through Registered/Speed Post to the office of the Registrar, Sher-e-Kashmir, University of Agril. Sciences & Technology of Jammu, Chatha-180009 by or before 26.12.2011 upto 5 p.m. Applications received after expiry of the said date will not be entertained.
· Two self addressed envelops of size (9' x 4') duly affixed with postage stamps of 30/- each should be enclosed with the application form.
· Envelope containing the application form should be subscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _________________”.
· Eligible candidates will be informed about date and place of interview through intimation under Registered/Speed post. However, University does not take any responsibility for non-receipt or delayed receipt of the application or intimation about interview by a candidate.
· Submission of application for any position advertised here-in-above does not by itself entitle an applicant to be called for interview.
· Candidates who may not be fulfilling all the requirements prescribed here-in-above, by the last date of receipt of application form need not apply.
· University reserves the right to withdraw any or all posts, or defer filling up any or all the posts, advertised here-in-above without assigning any reason.
· The posts advertised here-in-above shall be filled subject to the requirements in each discipline.
· It will be open to the University to consider names of suitable candidates who may not have applied or to consider applicants in absentia.
· Selected candidates can be posted in any constituent unit of the University at an equivalent position.
· Those already employed should forward their application through their present employer. However, candidate should forward an advance copy of Application Form along with the requisite fee to the Registrar before the due date.
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