Sunday, November 13, 2011

Research Associate Walk-in at Vaccine Research centre – Viral Vaccines, TANUVAS, Chennai

Vaccine Research centre – Viral Vaccines,
Centre for Animal Health Studies, TANUVAS,
Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai – 600 051

A walk-in-interview will be conducted for filling up of one temporary post of Research Associate to work in the Indo-UK Collaborative Project titled “Monitoring and intervention strategies for bluetongue virus epidemics in rural India” at Vaccine Research centre – Viral Vaccines, Centre for Animal Health Studies, TANUVAS, MMC, Chennai – 600 051 and the project is funded through Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
The post is purely temporary for about three years from the date of recruitment or till the completion of the project whichever is earlier.
The qualifications and remuneration are as follows
NAME OF THE POST: Research Associate
QUALIFICATION: Ph.D., in zoology / Entomology / Parasitology.
Experience in entomology is preferred.
 REMUNERATION: Rs.24,000 Plus Rs.3,200 ( HRA)
1. Incase of non availability of the candidate with Ph.D., Qualification for the selection of Research Associate, the suitable candidate with M.V.Sc.,in Veterinary Parasitology or M.Sc / M.Phil in zoology / Entomology / Parasitology will be selected as senior Research Fellow and remuneration of SRF will be paid as per ICAR norms.
2. Qualified and interested candidates for this position may Walk-in for a written examination followed by an interview on 25.11.2011 at 10.00am to be held at the Vaccine Research centre – Viral Vaccines, Centre for Animal Health Studies, TANUVAS, Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai – 600 051.
3. No TA / DA will be paid for the candidates preferring to attend the interview. Candidates are to make their own arrangements for their stay at Chennai.
4. Mere attending the interview does not guarantee them the appointment and the selection will be based purely on merit basis. Candidates are requested to produce all original certificates (UG / PG degrees, age proof, experience certificate, publications and any other testimonialsthat certify their competency to work in the project) at the time of interview.
5. Selection will be made as per the norms of ASRR, TANUVAS.
6. The appointment is made purely on temporary basis with a condition to terminate the appointment without giving any prior notice and the candidate should not claim any University service.
Field Co-ordinator (Indo UK collaborative Project) and Professor, Vaccine Research Centre- Viral Vaccine, Centre for Animal Health Studies, TANUVAS, Madhavaram Milk Colony,Chennai – 600 051.
JOB DESCRIPTION: An enthusiastic, organized and ambitious worker is required to join a three-year multi-disciplinary project carrying out the first systematic survey of Culicoides biting midges in India. The project is a collaboration between India and the United Kingdom funded under the CIDLID scheme and involving nine separate internationally renowned institutes. Based at TANUVAS, the person employed will play a key role in initially organizing the logistics of Culicoides collection across Tamil Nadu and will liaise with veterinary workers carrying out the trapping. Once the trapping network is in place, the selected candidate will then carry out identification of samples in partnership with experts at the Institute for Animal Health, UK and fellow workers based in Bangalore and Karnataka states.
These data will be integrated into models of Culicoides populations allowing prediction of bluetongue virus outbreaks in advance of their occurrence. The selected candidate will additionally be responsible for planning and conducting detailed field experiments based around controlling Culicoides in  collaboration with Rothamsted Research and the London School for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. These data will be assessed for integration into the everyday lives of subsistence farmer groups as part of wider dissemination frameworks for improvement of ruminant productivity and control of vectors of veterinary pathogens.
In addition to the training provided in India, the selected candidate will also benefit from a period of training in the UK under scientists with an internationally competitive track record of peer-reviewed publications. The selected candidate will spend an extended period at the Institute for Animal Health using state of the art imaging and insectary facilities to complement those already in place in TANUVAS for the project use. There will also be the opportunity to visit other partner organizations during the visit to both form contacts for the future and to understand the breadth of the project areas.
·         Evidences / Original Certificates should be shown in the interview for the SI.No. : 2,4,9,10,11,13, & 14
·         Photo identity issued by State / Central Govt. or Head of Institution or Present Employer is essential to attend the interview.

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