Bioinformatics journals could be divided into four major types:
1. Solely Bioinformatics journals: Journals those publish purely Bioinformatics works.
2. Mathematical Journals which publish bioinformatics work or allied algorithms:
3. Life science journals which accepts bioinformatics works:
4. Chemical Journals which considers Molecular Modeling and allied bioinformatics work:
Below we have enlisted the journals as per the above category along with their links and wherever possible their impact factors have been mentioned:
A. Solely Bioinformatics journals:
1. Bioinformatics:
About this Journal: “Bioinformatics publishes the highest quality scientific papers and review articles of interest to academic and industrial researchers. Its main focus is on new developments in genome bioinformatics and computational biology. Two distinct sections within the journal - Discovery Notes and Application Notes- focus on shorter papers; the former reporting biologically interesting discoveries using computational methods, the latter exploring the applications used for experiments.”
Impact factor: 4.926 (2010)
Journal Site:
2. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (JBCB):
About this Journal: “The Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology aims to publish high quality, original research articles, expository tutorial papers and review papers as well as short, critical comments on technical issues associated with the analysis of cellular information.
The research papers will be technical presentations of new assertions, discoveries and tools, intended for a narrower specialist community. The tutorials, reviews and critical commentary will be targeted at a broader readership of biologists who are interested in using computers but are not knowledgeable about scientific computing, and equally, computer scientists who have an interest in biology but are not familiar with current thrusts nor the language of biology. Such carefully chosen tutorials and articles should greatly accelerate the rate of entry of these new creative scientists into the field.”
Impact Factor: Not found (2010)
Journal Site:
3. Briefings in Bioinformatics:
About this Journal: “Briefings in Bioinformatics is an international forum for researchers and educators in the life sciences. The journal publishes reviews for the users of databases and analytical tools of contemporary genetics and molecular biology and is unique in providing practical help and guidance to the non-specialist.”
Impact Factor: 9.283 (2010)
Journal Site:
4. In Silico Biology:
About this Journal: “The considerable ‘algorithmic complexity’ of biological systems requires a huge amount of detailed information for their complete description. Although far from being complete, the overwhelming quantity of small pieces of information gathered for all kinds of biological systems at the molecular and cellular level requires computational tools for adequate storage and interpretation. Interpretation of data means to abstract them as much as allowed to provide a systematic, integrative view of biology. Most of the presently available scientific journals focus either on accumulating more data from elaborate experimental approaches, or on presenting new algorithms for the interpretation of these data. Both approaches are meritorious. However, since both communities do not sufficiently interact with each other, neither the experimental nor the computational biologists really apply the theoretical tools to an extent which would be possible and desirable to achieve that progress of research that is already feasible. In an attempt to bridge this gap for the sake of scientific progress, In Silico Biology has been established both in print and electronically. The major focus of this journal is on the application of theoretical / mathematical / computational tools onto biological systems rather than to describe new algorithms. The basic idea is to promote the development of a more integrated view of living systems, answering the question: What can we learn for biology from this study? The computational method used may have been published earlier, but its application onto a certain molecular / cellular system should now provide some new insight into the way life is organizing itself.”
Impact Factor: Not found (2010)
Journal Site:
5. BMC Bioinformatics:
About this Journal: BMC Bioinformatics (ISSN 1471-2105) is an online journal publishing research articles after full peer review. All articles are published, without barriers to access, immediately upon acceptance. The journal is published by BioMed Central Ltd, Floor 6, 236 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8HB, United Kingdom. BMC Bioinformatics is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the development, testing and novel application of computational and statistical methods for the modeling and analysis of all kinds of biological data, as well as other areas of computational biology.
Impact Factor: 3.03(2010)
Journal Site:
6. Algorithms for Molecular Biology:
About the Journal: Algorithms for Molecular Biology publishes articles on novel algorithms for biological sequence and structure analysis, phylogeny reconstruction, and combinatorial algorithms and machine learning.
Areas of interest include but are not limited to: algorithms for RNA and protein structure analysis, gene prediction and genome analysis, comparative sequence analysis and alignment, phylogeny, gene expression, machine learning, and combinatorial algorithms.
Impact Factor: 2.80 (2010)
Journal Site:
7. Journal of Computational Biology:
About the Journal: “Journal of Computational Biology is the leading journal covering the analysis, management, and visualization of cellular information at the molecular level. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed papers focusing on novel, cutting-edge methods in computational biology and bioinformatics.
Topics include:
• Genomics
• Mathematical modeling and simulation
• Distributed and parallel biological computing
• Designing biological databases
• Pattern matching and pattern detection
• Linking disparate databases and data
• New tools for computational biology
• Relational and object-oriented database technology for bioinformatics
• Biological expert system design and use
• Reasoning by analogy, hypothesis formation, and testing by machine
Impact Factor: 1.694
Journal Site:
8. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology:
About the Journal: “The overall aim of EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology is to publish research results related to signal processing and bioinformatics theories and techniques relevant to a wide area of applications into the core new disciplines of genomics, proteomics, and systems biology.
The journal is intended to offer a common platform for scientists from several areas including signal processing, bioinformatics, statistics, biology and medicine, who are interested in the development of algorithmic, mathematical, statistical, modeling, simulation, data mining, and computational techniques, as demanded by various applications in genomics, proteomics, system biology, and more general in health and medicine.
Articles should emphasize original results related to the theoretical and algorithmic aspects of signal processing and bioinformatics, in close connection with the applications to genomics, proteomics, systems biology and medicine. Tutorial articles, especially those emphasizing strong components of signal processing or bioinformatics in multidisciplinary views of genomics, proteomics and systems biology are also welcome. The journal will embrace a wide range of topics, and will accommodate different exposition styles, to help scientists with various backgrounds, e.g., engineering, bioinformatics, or biology, to interact effortlessly and to facilitate the exchange of information across the multidisciplinary areas involved. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology employs a paperless, electronic submission and evaluation system to promote a rapid turnaround in the peer review process.
Impact Factor: 0 (2010)
Journal Site:
9. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB):
About the Journal: “IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB) is a scholarly archival journal published bimonthly that publishes research results related to the algorithmic, mathematical, statistical, and computational methods that are central in bioinformatics and computational biology; the development and testing of effective computer programs in bioinformatics; the development and optimization of biological databases; and important biological results that are obtained from the use of these methods, programs, and databases.”
Impact Factor: 2.25 (2010)
Journal Site:
10. Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics (JCIB):
About this Journal:
“The Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics (JCIB) is an international research journal, which publishes articles describing recent fundamental contributions in the field of Bioinformatics. Artificial intelligence and computational intelligence theory and their applications in Bioinformatics are the essential topics being covered.
Areas of interest include but are not limited to advances in computational molecular/structural biology, encompassing areas such as computing in biomedicine and genomics, computational proteomics and systems biology, and metabolic pathway engineering. Developments in these fields have direct implications on key issues related to health care, medicine, genetic disorders, development of agricultural products, renewable energy, environmental protection, etc. Journal publishes research articles and reviews within the whole field of bioinformatics, and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in this ever-expanding subject.”
Impact Factor: 0 (2010)
Journal Site:
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