The walk-in-interview for the positions of Research Associates and Senior Research Fellows in various projects will be conducted at this Institute on the date/time and venue and other details shown against each position on contractual basis. The eligible candidates are invited to appear before the Selection Committee for Walk-in-Interview for the position of RAs and SRFs at NDRI, Karnal, as per schedule indicated against each.
1. PROJECT TITLE: “Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and associated techniques for characterization of chromosomes for detection of genetical and reproductive problems in cattle, buffalo and goats” under
POST: SRF 01 (One)
STIPEND: Rs. 16000/- per month + HRA
DURATION: Upto March 31st 2014
WALK-IN DATE, TIME AND PLACE: DCB Division NDRI, Karnal on30-08-2011 at 10.30 A.M
QUALIFICATIONS: Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Zoology/Animal Genetics/Animal Genetics & Breeding/Biotechnology/ related areas of Life Sciences/M.V.Sc.
Desirable: Knowledge on Chromosomes & Molecular biology techniques/DNA Polymorphism.
2. PROJECT TITLE: “Diversity study of CLA producing indigenous Butyrivibrio spp., its subsequent utilization as probiotic for animals and gene expression pattern of enzymes involved in biohydrogenation of fatty acids”
POST: RA 01 (One)
STIPEND: Rs. 24000/- per month + HRA as applicable for Ph. D and Rs. 23000/- per month + HRA as applicable for Master Degree with 2 years experience
DURATION: Up to July, 2012 Likely to be continue upto March, 2015
WALK-IN DATE, TIME AND PLACE: DCN Division NDRI, Karnal on 02-09-2011 at 10.30 A.M
QUALIFICATIONS: Masters Degree with 2 years of research experience in the following subjects with 1st Division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point (Animal Nutrition/Life Sciences/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology.
Desirable: Experience in molecular biology, Anaerobic culture techniques and animal handling.
3. PROJECT TITLE: “Role of Toll-Like and NOD receptors in probiotics-induced mucosal toleroegenicity”
POST: SRF 01 (One)
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr (Ms.) Sunita Grover, PS & PI, MBU, DM Division, NDRI, Karnal
STIPEND: Rs. 16000/- per month + HRA
DURATION: Till 1st June, 2014
WALK-IN DATE, TIME AND PLACE: DM Division, NDRI, Karnal on 06-09-2011 at 10:30 A.M.
QUALIFICATIONS: Essential:M.Sc./M.Sc(Hons)/ M.V.SC / M. Tech in Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology/Microbiology/ Biochemistry / Genetics/ Life Sciences or any other allied disciplines.
Desirable: Preference will be given to candidates having a minimum of one year research experience in area of probiotics or probiotic foods along with hands on knowledge of routine techniques in Molecular Biology/ Genetic Engineering/Microbial Genetics / Tissue culture/ Small animal model handling etc. Preference will also be given to those having qualified NET (CSIR/UGC/ICAR/ARS).
4. PROJECT TITLE: Developmental potency of parthenogenetic goat embryos”
POST: SRF 01 (One)
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: D. Malakar, Sr. Sci. ABTC Division, NDRI, Karnal.
STIPEND: Rs. 16000/- per month + HRA for 1st and 2nd year Rs. 18000/- per month + HRA for 3rd year for Post Graduate in subjects other than Veterinary Science.
Rs. 18,000/- per month + HRA for 1st and 2nd year Rs. 20000/- per month + HRA for 3rd year for Post Graduate in Veterinary Science.
DURATION: Till March 2012
WALK-IN DATE, TIME AND PLACE: ABTC , NDRI, Karnal on 09-09-2011 at 10:30 A.M.
QUALIFICATIONS: Essential: M.Sc./M.V.Sc./M.Tech in Biotechnology or Modern Life Sciences.
Desirable: The candidate should have research experience preferably in one of the following areas: In vitro maturation and fertilization oocytes, embryonic gene expression analysis, Real-Time PCR, Microarray etc.
5. PROJECT TITLE: Rumen microbial diversity in domesticated and wild ruminants and impact of additives on methanogenesis and utilization of poor quality fibrous feeds”
POST: RA 01 (One) Reserved for PHC
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. S.K. Sirohi, Sr. Scientist & PI, DCN Division, NDRI, Karnal.
STIPEND: Rs. 24000/- per month + HRA as applicable for Ph. D and Rs. 23000/- per month + HRA as applicable for Master Degree with 2 years experience
DURATION: Upto March, 2012
WALK-IN DATE, TIME AND PLACE: DCN Division NDRI, Karnal on 13-09-2011 at 10:30 A.M.
QUALIFICATIONS: Essential Qualification: Ph.D or equivalent in Animal Nutrition/Animal science/Animal Biochemistry/Animal Biotechnology/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ OR M.Sc or equivalent in Animal Nutrition/Animal science/Animal Biochemistry/Animal Biotechnology/Biotechnology/Microbiology with two years research experience.
Desirable: Research experience in microbiological and molecular techniques for isolation, culturing, identification and quantification of microbes and good working knowledge of computer programmes related to word processing and statistical analysis.
6. PROJECT TITLE: “Economics of Fodder Production and Marketing in Haryana State”
SPONSORING AGENCY Emeritus Scientist Scheme:
POST: SRF 01 (One)
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. J.P. Dhaka, Emeritus Scientist, DES&M Division, NDRI, Karnal
STIPEND: Rs. 16000/- (fixed) per month (Rs. 18000/- per month to veterinary gradate) + HRA as admissible as per rules of the host Institutions
DURATION: Up to May, 2013
WALK-IN DATE, TIME AND PLACE: DES&M Division NDRI, Karnal on 16-09-2010 at 10.30 A.M.
QUALIFICATIONS: Essential Qualification: Master’s Degree in Dairy Economics/ Livestock Economics/ Agricultural Economics/Economics from a recognized University.
Desirable: (1) Proficiency in data collection and analysis; (2) Sound knowledge of computer in operating statistical, spreadsheets, work processing and internet access is required (3) Good command of English language. At least one year research experience on field data collection from rural households. (4) One year research experience on field data collection from rural households
40 years for Men and 45 years for women in case of RA on the date of Interview.
35 year for Men and 40 years for Women in case of SRF on the date of Interview.
(Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC and PHC as per GOI/ICAR rules)
The above positions are purely temporary and will be filled in on Contractual basis. The selected candidate shall have no right/claim for regular appointment at this Institute as the fellowship is co-terminus with the Project/Scheme. Interested candidates may attend Walk-in-Interview on the dates as indicated against each project/scheme alongwith original certificates and typed bio-data with one set of attested copies of each their certificates with passport size photograph. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. All eligible candidates are advised to be present at least 30 minutes before scheduled time on the date of interview for necessary formalities. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidates.
Application format: Name, Fathers Name, Date of Birth, Full Present and Permanent address with Telephone Numbers and email address, Category: General/SC/ST/OBC, Qualification details with percentage marks from matriculation/high school onwards (starting from the highest qualification first), Previous Experience, if any, self declaration regarding truthfulness in the application, signature with date and place.
FOR DETAILS, PLEASE REFER http://www.ndri.res.in/ndri/Design/employment.htm
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