Sunday, May 20, 2012

Postdoctoral Fellow(Identifying mouse genes that modulate malaria) at Sanger Institute

Sanger Institute
POST:Postdoctoral Fellow - Identifying mouse genes that modulate malaria
SALARY: from £28,563 to £35,126  per annum dependent on experience.
The Malaria Programme at the Sanger Institute combines natural and experimental genetic approaches to understand fundamental aspects of parasite biology and pathogen-host interactions in malaria. We are particularly interested to identify host genes that control the susceptibility, pathology and immunity to a malaria infection. To this end we interact closely with the mouse genetics project at the Institute, which systematically generates and comprehensively phenotype hundreds of mouse knock out lines each year. As part of this project we have established a panel of functional screens, which use Plasmodium berghei, a malaria parasite infecting rodents, to systematically identify mouse genes that impact on erythrocyte infection, immunopathology and liver stage development. To follow up on hit from our screen, we are now looking for an enthusiastic, independent and broad thinking individual, who will select mouse mutants with interesting phenotypes from our functional screens, and who will develop research projects that will lead to a deep understanding of novel aspects of host-parasite interactions. You will also oversee and further develop our on-going screening activities and work closely with a number of external collaborators. This project provides a unique opportunity to developing innovative research projects at the interface between large research programmes on mouse genetics and pathogen biology

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