Thursday, August 25, 2011

CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral research Fellowship Scheme(Rolling Advertisement, 100 fellowship per year)


“CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral research Fellowship Scheme” (100 Fellowship every year)

PhD degree holders within three years of award of PhD degree/
About to submit thesis
(research publications in high
impact factor SCI journals)

Indian nationals,
Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) and Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), (up to
20%  for foreign nationals.)

32 years
( relaxable upto 5 years in case of SC/ST/OBC/Physically
handicapped and women candidates.)

2 yrs , (extension of 1 year)
consolidated fellowship
of Indian Rs. 35,000/- per month +HRA +
contingency grant of Rs. 3.0 lakh per annum.

25% of the contingency grant can be used for
domestic and international travel including per diem expenses.

MODE OF SELECTION: Eligible candidates can apply in the prescribed format, available on the website, any time of the year. However, the selections will be made twice a year, in the months of June and December.

Applications received two months before the scheduled interview date will be considered for short listing and calling for interview. Eligible candidates must route their applications through the sponsoring CSIR laboratory.
Selections to the “CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowships” will be made based
on the presentation of the proposed research project followed by interview of short listed
candidates by specially constituted Committees.
Applicants from abroad may also be considered in absentia, if eligible. Selection of foreign nationals will be subjected to clearance by ISTADS, CSIR.

ACCOMMODATION AND OTHER BENEFITS: Accommodation may be provided by CSIR laboratories if available. CSIR rules on leased accommodation are being reviewed in the light of “Sixth Pay Commission” recommendations and will be made applicable as and when approved. CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Fellows will be entitled for Medical benefits as per the CSIR rules for Research Associates.

Other relevant information:
(i) Candidates who have worked for their PhD from a particular CSIR laboratory will not be eligible for becoming a PDF in the same CSIR laboratory under this scheme.
(ii) Appointing CSIR laboratory will bear 20% of the annual expenditure from its internal resources.
(iii) 20% of the fellowship amount will be paid as lump sum at the end of completion of 1st and 2nd year, respectively.
(iv) Selected candidates are expected to join within four months of effective date of award.

All other rules and regulations will be as applicable to CSIR Research Associates (can be seen at Further, in all matters, the decision of CSIR shall be final.

HOW TO APPLY: Please read the instructions, given at Annexure-I, carefully before filling the Application Form. The Application Proforma is given as Annexure-II. Application received without attestation of the Director of the Sponsoring CSIR laboratory will ne rejected.

WHERE TO APPLY: Applications duly filled in the prescribed format and complete in all respect should be sent to:
Ms Sushila Khilnani,
Human Resource Development Group,
CSIR Complex, Library Avenue,
Pusa, New Delhi-110012
Email :
Tel : 011-25846077

Application for CSIR-Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship” should clearly be
written on top of the envelope containing application form.


ICMR Centernary-Post Doctoral Research Fellowship scheme(Rolling advertisement)

 ICMR CENTENARY -Post Doctoral Research Fellow (Scheme)

ICMR Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Scheme is being instituted to foster high quality research opportunities to promising fresh PhD/ MD/MS holders in the cutting edge areas of basic science, communicable and non communicable diseases, and reproductive health including nutrition at ICMR Institutes /Centers.  Special focus will be on fundamental research in areas of science and other priority areas identified by ICMR from time to time.  ICMR intends to offer fifty (50) such fellowships every year for working in ICMR Institutes/Centers with state-of-art R&D facilities. These fellowships will be allocated by Director General, ICMR, depending upon the needs of the Institute /Centre.


Fresh PhDs/MD/MS within three years of completing their PhD/MD/MS and also those who have submitted PhD/MD/MS thesis.

Indian nationals
2 years and extendable for maximum one more year

32 years,
Rs.35,000/- pm + (HRA), (NPA) as admissible  
+ contingency grant of Rs.3.0 lakhs per annum.

 Age limit  is relaxable upto 5 years in case of SC/ST/OBC/PH and women candidates, as on last date of application ( 30 June and 31 December ) .For deserving candidates age can be relaxed maximum upto maximum of 3 based on earlier work done, publications, awards etc. along with the request by sponsoring Director /Director-in-charge. Director General may consider and relax on the recommendation of the screening committee.
 25% of the contingency grant can be used for travel including per diem expenses.
 Mode of Selection: Through interview of short listed candidates by specially constituted Committees by Director General based on their publications, citation and its impact factor.
Accommodation and other benefits: May be provided by ICMR Institutes/ Centers if available. However, in such cases HRA will not be paid.  ICMR Postdoctoral Fellows will be entitled for medical benefits and leave as per the ICMR rules for JRF/Research Associates.
Other relevant information:
Fellowship amount will be paid to ICMR institutes/Centre every six months including contingency grant.
All correspondence pertaining to “ICMR CENTENARY -Postdoctoral Research Fellowship” should be addressed to :
 Dr K K Singh, Scientist ‘G”
Division of Human Resource Planning and Development,
Indian council of Medical Research,
Ansari Nagar, Post Box No.4911,
New Delhi-110029
Date’s for receiving application: Selection will be made twice in a year and this will be 31st December and 30th June every year.
 How to Apply
Please read the instructions, given at ICMR website carefully before filling the Application Form (Annexure-I ).  The Application Proforma is also provided there (Annexure II).  List of ICMR Institutes/Centers are available at ICMR web Page at  Applications complete in all respect must reach on or before the closing date (twice in a year). Candidates are advised to contact the Director/ Officer-in Charge of ICMR Institutes/Centers where they are interested to pursue their PDF. Applicants can visit the site at to know the activities of the Institutes/ centers and to know the their mandates. Application received without the recommendation of the Director /Officer-in charge of the sponsoring ICMR institutes/centers will not be entertained.
 Where to apply
Applications duly filled in the prescribed format and complete in all respect should be sent to :
 Director General
Attention: Dr K K Singh, Scientist “G”
Division of Human Resource Planning and Development,
Indian Council of Medical Research
Ansari Nager
New Delhi-110029
“Application for ICMR CENTENARY -Post- doctoral Research Fellowship” should clearly be written on top of the envelope containing application form.

Fellowships at National Institute of Biomedical Genomics(Re-entry Fellowships)(Rolling advertisement)


OBJECTIVE: To promote the goals of the institute and to facilitate re-entry of scientists of indian origin working abroad.  

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants for this Fellowship should possess Ph.D., M.D., or an equivalent degree relevant to biomedical genomics, with an outstanding track record reflected in publications and other professional achievements. Applicants must not have affiliation to an institution in India.  Awardees will carry out their scientific research in NIBMG or in other collaborating institutions. 

EMOLUMENTS AND DURATION: Each awardee will receive a consolidated fellowship of Rs 75,000 per month and a contingency grant (not exceeding Rs. 500,000 per annum) linked to a project to be proposed by the applicant at the time of application.  The duration of the fellowship will be for a period of five years. In case an awardee during the tenure of the fellowship finds a suitable job at any research institute/university, he or she will be permitted to relinquish the fellowship and take up the job. 

APPLICATION PROCEDURE:  Each applicant should provide a Curriculum Vitae and the following:
(a)   Summary of pre-doctoral training (with details of major courses taken and grades obtained) [about 10 sentences],
(b)   Highlights of doctoral training and publications [about 20 sentences],
(c)    Highlights of post-doctoral training and publications [about 30 sentences],
(d)   Problems to be addressed in the next 5 years, with clear indication of the importance of the problems and methodologies to be adopted in solving them [about 3 pages],
(e)   Description of long-term (5-15 years) professional goals [about 1 page], and
(f)     A specific project proposal (with clear descriptions of objectives, methodologies, importance and timelines) to be carried out in the next 5 years, with budget and justification [6-10 pages].

The application should be sent by email to:

Applications will be considered on a running basis.

Project fellow vacancy at Mumbai university(Last date:27.8.2011)


NAME OF POST: Project Fellow
PROJECT: Molecular and phytochemical analysis of some medicinal important plants from Western Ghats of Maharashtra
EXPERIENCE: should have experience in area of biotechnology, molecular genetics with considerable knowledge of taxonomy of plants.
STIPEND: 10000 Rs pm
DURATION: 3 years
Applications should reach Professor and Head, University Department of Life sciences, university of Mumbai .
The date and time of interviews (walkin) that will be held in the Office of Professor and Head, University Department of Life Sciences, university of Mumbai, Vidyanagari, Santacruz(E), Mumbai 400098 will be ccommunicated to candidates on 30.8.2011.
No TA and DA will be paid for attending the interview.

UGC invites application for Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF) 2011-12

 UGC invites application for Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF)  

NAME OF FELLOWSHIP: Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF) for year 2011-12

BENEFICIARY: Students belonging to Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist and Parsi communities for pursuing (Full time) studies leading to M.Phil /Ph.D degree.

DISCIPLINES: Arts, Commerce, Science and engineering
 Selections will be made on the base of merit.

The guidelines of the scheme, detailed terms and conditions of the fellowship, eligibility, Please refer

The applications in the prescribed format may be submitted only through on-line mode latest by 30th August 2011(non-extendable). Please see details, Please refer Decision of the commission with regard to selection of candidates for the award of fellowships shall be final.

1. Applications submitted only through online mode shall be entertained and no application submitted in hard copy shall be entertained or considered for award of fellowship under any circumstances whatsoever.
2. Record of the non-selected candidates shall not be preserved beyond three months from the date of declaration of results.

XI Symposium on Vectors and Vector Borne Diseases

The XI symposium is being hosted by Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals (RMRCT) and will be held from 15th to17th October 2011 at Jabalpur.

About the Symposium:
The National Academy of Vector Borne Diseases
This symposium is organized as part of centenary year celebration of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) the apex body in India steering biomedical research. Over hundred years ICMR has promoted
better health through research and is committed to pioneer in the medical research for health of the nation. Vector borne diseases are major cause of disease burden in the country. The council has contributed commendably through its various centers dedicated to research on vector and vector borne diseases and by funding several research projects.

The Indian scientists working in the area will be participating. The subject experts of international repute in the field of “malaria and biomarkers” and “arbovirology” from overseas will be invited speakers making this symposium an excellent platform to discuss important issues pertaining to vector borne diseases and prompt the new dimensions in the field.

The XI symposium is being hosted by Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals (RMRCT) and will be held from 15th to17th October 2011 at Jabalpur.

REGISTRATION FEE: Includes access to all scientific sessions, Tea / coffee during session breaks, lunch, official dinner and conference kit. However,  accompanying persons are not entitled for conference kits. All Registration fee charged in INR (Indian Rupees) or US $(US dollar). Student delegates should carry their student identification Card (ID) with photograph on it.

MODE OF PAYMENT: The registration fee will be accepted in the form of Demand draft drawn in favor of “XI Symposium on Vector and Vector Borne Diseases” payable at Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh. Please mention your name, and affiliation and sign on the reverse of the DD .

ADVISORY:Please inform about any special need you may have during the Symposium. Please fill the form completely and send it along with DD to: The Organizing Secretary, XI-Symposium on Vectors & Vector Borne Diseases,  Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals, Nagpur Road, PO Garha, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India 482003. E-mail to : The forms and other information is also available at

Category                     Registration before 15/9/2011*                     Spot Registration*
Indian student                          INR 1000/-                                        INR 1500/-
Indian delegate                       INR 2000/-                                         INR 2500/-
Accompanying Person            INR 2000/-                                         INR 2000/-
Foreign Delegate                    USD 250/-                                         USD 300/-

50% discount for NAVBD member


Bio-CARe Career Re-orientation Fellowship (CRF) fellowship for women(DBT)


Career Re-orientation Fellowship (CRF)

This scheme would be mainly for women scientists who are trained in a particular area, but leave their permanent jobs due to family compulsions / or are employed but would now like to change their career path to take on newer areas. Specialized skills would be essential and this would require training in the relevant fields. Some examples are–
Ø  IP management
Ø  Bioinformatics
Ø  Policy research and analysis
Ø  Translational research
Ø  Regulatory issues for GM crops etc
Ø  Clinical Research Management
Ø  Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Ø  Technology transfer and licensing etc.
Ø  Clinical trial Managemen
This training could be for a period ranging from 3 months -12 months
1.  Eligibility Criteria:

                        (i).        M.D/M. Tech /Ph. D/Equivalent degree in any branch of Life Sciences

                       (ii).        Women scientists who are currently unemployed or are presently working in temporary capacity

                      (iii).      Employed scientist, who are looking for a change in career path

                      (iv).        Women scientists upto the age of 55

2.  Guidelines for Application & Procedure:

(i).     Women Scientists who have a training in a specific area but are keen on taking up employment in another area requiring specialized training should identify a specific area and the required skill sets.

(ii).     The woman scientist should identify a mentor/laboratory where she   
    would like to take up this training.

(iii).  A brief Letter of Intent should be submitted giving her area of specialization and the specific area of training requested. The Letter of Intent should also specify the opportunities for further career development after completion of this training.

(iv).      A Letter from the Mentor/Institute agreeing to provide training for a stipulated time period should accompany the letter.

(v).       On successful completion of the training period a report from the Mentor/institute will be essential. The training can be extended for another 6 months if required based on reports from the Mentor/Institute subjects to a maximum of one year. 

(vi).      On completion of the training or while in training the woman scientist is eligible to apply for R&D Scheme.

   3.    Budget/Stipend:

                    (i).            The women scientists will be provided a stipend of Rs. 25,000/ p.m. (fixed for unemployed) for the training period in addition to the overall training course fee and /or consumables/contingency grant of upto Rs. 1.00 lakhs for 12 months. For training of lesser duration the consumable /contingency grant will be on a prorata basis.

                   (ii).            The working women scientist also will be provided stipend, in case they do not get salary for this period.  

                  (iii).             Working women scientist getting salary would also be entitled for an additional amount of Rs. 5,000/- only.  

For any query contact : Dr. Anamika Gambhir
                                    Principal Scientific Officer
                                    Department of Biotechnology
                                    C.G.O. Complex, New Delhi – 110 003.
                                    Tel: 011-24369612


Biotechnology Career Advancement (Research Grant opportunity) for women

Research Grant Opportunity (RGO)
The purpose is to build capacities for women scientists employed fulltime in Universities and small research laboratories or unemployed women scientist after a career break so as to help them undertake independent R&D projects.
1.      Eligibility Criteria:

                                       (i).            M.D/M. Tech /Ph. D/Equivalent degree in any branch of Life Sciences

                                     (ii).            Women Scientists who are employed or unemployed or are coming back after a break.

                                   (iii).            Women Scientists for whom it is the first  grant

                                   (iv).            Women Scientists upto 55 years of age

                                     (v).            The scheme is open to women applicants from all areas in  Life Science or biology (including agriculture, veterinary science and medicine)
2.      Guidelines for Application & Procedure:

                                    (i).            Since women who are currently not holding grant proposals are eligible, the applicants be asked to submit a letter of intent (LOI) for preliminary screening. 

                                  (ii).            For unemployed candidates, a letter from the Mentor Scientist /Institute in whose lab she proposes to work should accompany the LOI.  In case, where Mentor/Institute  is not identified, but LOI looks interesting a Mentor/Institute can be identified and requested to be associated.

                                (iii).            Women whose LOIs look promising be called to participate in workshops.  The workshops will be held from time-to-time to improvise on their project notions and proposals.  Final proposals should be submitted following such consultative process.

                                (iv).            For the R&D grant, journal impact factor or even nil publications would not be a limiting factor.

                                  (v).            Project proposal can be for a 3+2 years (two years extension is subjected to review).

                                (vi).            First successful application and execution of the project need not debar the women scientist from a second application. Any woman scientist can be considered for a maximum of 3 such applications run consecutively not in parallel with total duration of the support under this scheme not extending beyond fifteen years.

                              (vii).            For 2nd such application-rest of the qualifying conditions would be the same except that there should at least be one/two publications in an ISI indexed journal with an impact factor > 0.5

                            (viii).            All the actual amounts mentioned at the time of proposing these schemes can be revised from time to time based on inflation index.
3.      Budget/Stipend:

(i)                 The slabs would be decided based on post Ph.D experience

Grade – I   Rs.35,000/- (Ph.D+ nil experience)
Grade – II  Rs.40,000/-(Ph.D + more than 5 years research/industrial experience)
Grade – III Rs.45,000/-(Ph.D+ more than 10 years research/industrial experience)
(ii)                     For employed candidat,e an additional amount of Rs. 5,000/- over her salary would be provided as an incentive

(iii)       The total budget for R&D project will range from  25 lakhs to 50 lakhs. All research related expenses to be booked under Equipment, Consumables, Manpower, Contingency, Travel etc as in other ongoing R&D Schemes.

For any query contact : Dr. Anamika Gambhir
                                    Principal Scientific Officer
                                    Department of Biotechnology
                                    C.G.O. Complex, New Delhi – 110 003.
                                    Tel: 011-24369612



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