Saturday, April 07, 2012

ICMR's Junior Research Fellowship-2012 Notification

Indian Council of Medical Research
Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Ansari Nagar,
Post Box 4911, New Delhi-110029
EntranceTest For ICMR's Junior Research Fellowship
Notification No. ICMR/1/2012
ICMR in collaboration with PGIMER, Chandigarh will hold a National level examination for the award of Junior Research Fellowships (JRF), for Indian national candidates at Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkatta Mumbai, Guwahati, Hyderabad and Varanasi on Sunday, July 22ND, 2012.
A total of 150 Fellowships would be awarded; 120 fellowships awarded in Life Sciences stream (like Microbiology, Physiology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Human Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Immunology, Pharmacology, Zoology, Environmental Sciences, Botany, Veterinary Sciences ), and 30 fellowships in Social Sciences stream (like Psychology, Sociology, Home Science, Statistics, Anthropology, Social work and Health Economics).
Application form duly completed must reach in the office of the Registrar, PGIMER, Chandigarh-160012 by registered/Speed post on or before 7.5.2012. Candidates from remote areas /regions may submit their application forms duly completed latest by 14.5.2012.
EDUCATIONAL: M.Sc/M.A or equivalent degree with minimum 55% marks for General/OBC Candidates and 50% for the SC/ST & physically handicapped (PH) candidates in the subjects mentioned above. Candidates appearing in the final year examination (2011-2012) can also apply.
AGE LIMIT: The upper age limit for admission to the eligibility test is 28 years as on 30-09-2012 (relaxable up to 5 years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH/ female candidates and 3 years in the case of OBC.
Information bulletin containing the details along with application form & Challan form will be available at PGIMER Website and ICMR New Delhi website only. After downloading application form and challan form, the candidate should take out challan form (in triplicate) and deposit the application fee in any branch of State Bank of India and send the application form duly filled along with copy of challan and two window envelopes (without self-address) affixing Rs. 10/- postal stamp on them directly to Registrar, PGIMER, Chandigarh on or before 7.5.2012.
The candidates can visit any branch of State Bank of India with the challan form (in triplicate) duly filled for payment of prescribed fee in the “Power Jyoti” PUL current account of ICMR. The Account No. of ICMR for admission is 32211616762. After depositing the fee with the branch of State Bank of India, the candidate shall send PGI’s copy of challan form along with the application and will retain candidate’s copy of challan with him/her for future use. The challan form is required to be filled in the name of Director,PGIMER, Chandigarh (Examinations) in the Power Jyoti Account No. 32211616762. Those candidates who have SBI account can also pay their fee through “I-collect” service of State Bank of India. In that case the INB reference No. will be generated and the same will have to be mentioned instead of Challan/Journal Number as reflected in the application form. The amount of fee to be paid is as under :-
SC/ST/OPH : Rs. 300/-
General & OBC : Rs. 500/-
No other mode of payment of application fees like Demand Draft, Banker Cheque, Money Order, Postal Order etc. will be accepted under any circumstances. The fee once paid will not be refunded in any case.
All disputes relating to the conduct of the examination or any other matter connected with this advertisement shall be dealt in the jurisdiction of Delhi Court.
Naresh Virdi
Registrar, PGIMER,
& Coordinator, ICMR-JRF Examination

ICMR International Fellowships for Young scientists & Senior scientists


The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) invites applications from Indian biomedical scientists for the international fellowships for the year 2012-13.
NUMBER OF FELLOWSHIPS: Young scientists-12; Senior scientists-6
DURATION: 3-6 months for young scientists and 10-15 days for senior scientists
•           M.D/PhD degree with at least three years teaching/research experience for young scientists.
•           And at least fifteen years teaching/research experience for senior scientists.
•           Regular position in a recognized biomedical/research/health institution in India.
•           Below 45 years of age for young and 55 years for senior scientists.
Financial support:*
•           US$ 2400 per month, contingency grant of Rs.15,000/- and return economy class air  ticket (excursion airfare) for young scientists. US$160 per day (including US$75 as per  diem and rest for accommodation expenses) and return economy class air ticket (excursion airfare) for senior scientists.
* (Revision of financial support is under consideration)
Note:  -
The applicant should submit a letter of acceptance from the foreign Institute where he/she proposes to work along with a concrete plan of training/research work to be undertaken during the fellowship.
•           Recommendation by the Head of the parent organization/ institute is essential.
•           Incomplete applications will not be entertained.
•           Decision of ICMR will be final.
•           If selected, the fellowship is to be availed before 28th February, 2013
            Ten copies of the application should be submitted to: International Health Division, Indian Council of Medical Research, V Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Post Box No.4911, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi – 110029
Last date of receipt of applications: 30th April, 2012

Junior Research Fellow (Entomology) post at Rubber Research Institute of India

Rubber Research Institute of India
2/90/PathoVCRC/2012/Res 29/03/2012
Rubber Research Institute of India, Rubber Board, Kottayam-9, proposes to fill the following vacancy on consolidated remuneration to work in a collaborative research programme on “Development and demonstration of integrated vector control for prevention of Chikunguniya/Dengue fever in rubber plantations” with Vector Control Research Centre (VCRC), Pondicherry by selection of suitable candidate through walkin-interview on 17/04/2012 at 11.00 AM.
POST: Junior Research Fellow – Entomology
ELIGIBILITY: Only bonafide Indian citizens are eligible.
QUALIFICATION : First class Master’s Degree in Zoology (with specialization in Medical Entomology/Entomology) OR
Agriculture (with specialization in Entomology)
DESIRABLE - One year research experience in Medical Entomology/Entomology as evidenced by Publications
TENURE: For a period up to May 2013.
STIPEND: Rs.16000/- per month (consolidated). No contingent grant will be paid.
TA/DA: As entitled to Scientist A of RRII
AGE LIMIT: Not more than 28 years as on 01/04/2012 (relaxable up to 5 years in Case of SC/ST, women, physically handicapped and OBC applicants)
PLACE OF WORK: RRII / VCRC Regional Centre, Kottayam.
SELECTION: By walk-in-interview.
DATE & TIME: 17/04/2012 at 11.00 AM
VENUE: At the Office of the Director of Research, Rubber Research Institute of India, Rubber Board P.O., Kottayam 686 009.

Research trainee post at Rubber Research Institute of India

Research Assistant post(safety and immunogenicity of novel candidate vaccines against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi and Paratyphi) at NICED, Kolkata

National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases
No. 01/182/STP Proj./2012                                                                   Date : 02.04.2012


The following vacant post will be filled up on purely temporary basis under the project entitled “Development and pre-clinical studies on safety and immunogenicity of novel candidate vaccines against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi and Paratyphi” under Dr. S.S. Das, Scientist ‘D’ of this Institute:-

NAME OF THE POST: Research Assistant
QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCES: Essential: M.Sc./ M.Tech. first class in any branch of Life Sciences.

Desirable: Hand-on experience in molecular biology / protein purification / immunology; NEL-LS/GATE qualification. Hand-on experience in immunological studies using laboratory mice will be considered a special quality.
CONSOLIDATED SALARY: Rs. 21,140/- p.m.
AGE :Below 28 Years
N.B. Age is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/PH Candidates as per Govt. of India Rules.

Candidates fulfilling the above criteria may report to the Administrative Officer, alongwith Bio-data, originals of the testimonials and a photocopy of each. No TA/DA is admissible under the project. The project is approved for 3 years. The appointment is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. However, the appointment may be terminated on the basis of one month’s notice from either side at any point of time during the 3 years’ period. Candidates are requested to reach the venue of interview as per details given below:-

DATE,  TIME   & ADDRESS : 17th April, 2012 at  10:30 A.M. , National Institute of Cholera & Enteric Diseases,P-33, C.I.T. Road, Scheme-XM, Beliaghata,(JICA building within ID & BG Hospital), Kolkata- 700 010
CONTACT:  Subodh Karmakar)
Administrative Officer
for Director-in-Charge

Director post( CGIAR Research Program 3.6 ‘Dryland Cereals’) at ICRISAT

International Crop Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics
POST: Director, CGIAR Research Program 3.6 ‘Dryland Cereals’
ICRISAT is seeking an innovative, dynamic and creative Program Director who is a strong believer in partnerships to lead and manage the CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Cereals. 
The Consultative Group for International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) Research Program on Dryland Cereals (CRP 3.6) will focus on four staple cereals (barley, finger millet, pearl millet, and sorghum) that are of particular significance to smallholder farmers, especially women, in marginal dryland environments of Africa and Asia. The program will enhance the use of genetic resources and breeding efficiency, produce high yielding varieties with resistances to major biotic and abiotic stresses, improve crop management to reduce yield gaps, and improve systems to deliver new technologies into the hands of smallholders. The CRP is a global partnership among the CGIAR Centers ICRISAT (Lead Center) and ICARDA, plus and an array of principal partners including ICAR, India; AREEO, Iran; IRD and CIRAD, France; INTSORMIL, USA; and the Generation Challenge Program. See details at .
The CRP Program Director will report to the Director General, ICRISAT/Chair of the CRP 3.6 Steering Committee, and will be based at ICRISAT’s Headquarters in Patancheru, near Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. The position is for an initial three-year period with the opportunity for renewal based on performance and availability of funding.
•Develop a clear and shared vision for CRP 3.6 among all partners and stakeholders and communicate this vision to all stakeholders.
•Provide intellectual leadership to, and coordinate implementation of, the CRP.
•Develop strong partnerships among participating centers, partners and other stakeholders.
•Represent the CRP in international for a to ensure that the Dryland Cereals program is highly visible and strongly supported by investors and other stakeholders.
•Guide fundraising efforts for the DRYLAND CEREALS CRP together with the Centers and other partners.
•Ensure that the CRP has well developed and articulated gender and capacity strengthening strategies, defined work plans, clear deliverables, and that the CRP meets its programmatic and financial targets.
•Demonstrated leadership qualities and track record in leading multicultural and multi-disciplinary teams and building partnerships for collaborative and cross-cutting research.
•At least 10 years of relevant experience, including research management experience, in an international, multi-disciplinary, and multi-cultural environment.
•PhD degree in a relevant discipline with a broad perspective on dryland agriculture in the developing world and across the research for development agenda.
•Proven fund-raising record.
•Demonstrated commitment to gender equity and diversity.
•Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
Employment contract will be for an initial three-year term. Salary will be internationally competitive, paid in US dollars, and commensurate with experience. ICRISAT provides additional benefits, including employer-paid medical, life and disability insurance and retirement benefits. Allowances toward hardship, relocation, housing, home leave travel, dependent children’s education and annual leave are also provided. ICRISAT provides a collegial and supportive working environment, which allows space for personal and professional growth.
Applicants should apply on or before 10 May, 2012 by email, sending a letter of motivation, a full Curriculum Vitae, and the names and contact information of three references that are knowledgeable of the candidate’s professional qualifications and work experience to: The reference name of the position (Director, CRP-Grain Legumes) should be clearly marked on the subject line of the email message. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Learn more about CGIAR and ICRISAT by accessing web site at and
ICRISAT is an equal opportunity employer and is especially interested in increasing the participation of women on its staff.  ICRISAT has a flexible approach to international appointments  and welcomes dual-career couples.

Scientist/Senior Scientist(Bio-economic Modeling) at ICRISAT

International Crop Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics
POST: Scientist/Senior Scientist-Bio-economic Modeling
ICRISAT is seeking applications from a dynamic and highly innovative Scientist with a strong background in bio-economic modeling and integrated models for analyzing household, village, watershed and regional scale behavior, and in particular demonstrating how technological interventions and policy decisions impact on agriculture, livelihoods, poverty, natural resources and ecosystems in the semi-arid tropics. This position will be based in Asia at ICRISAT’s Headquarters.  S/he will undertake the research activities to develop bio-economic models by integrating biophysical models and socio-economic decision models using existing longitudinal panel data, like ICRISAT Villages Level Studies (VLS) in SAT villages of Asia.
ICRISAT is a nonprofit, apolitical, international organization for sciencebased agricultural development. Established in 1972, it is one of the 15 Centers of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), and is supported by more than 48 governments, foundations, and development banks. ICRISAT with its Headquarters located in Hyderabad, India has regional centers and research teams in Asia and SubSaharan Africa. For more details, see
•Analyze trade-off between small holder farm household welfare and sustainability of natural resource base and dryland ecosystems.
•Analyse the drivers of change and options for agricultural productivity growth and sustainable intensification and diversification in dryland crop-livestock farming systems.
•Develop alternative strategies using bio-economic models for income growth and food security.
•Develop alternative policy environments for diffusion of agriculture technologies and other intensification options.
•Develop policy recommendations for enhancing dryland system resilience and adaptation to climate change.
•Participate in center-wide program strategy development and publish research findings and contribute to dissemination of results to stakeholders.
•Ph.D. in agricultural, natural resource, or environmental economics; hydrology, or another related discipline with over 5-10 years of post-doctoral experience.
•Knowledge and experience of bio-economic models with ability to describe how bio-economic models can be used to enhance analysis of policy relevant research questions,
•Experience in combining applied quantitative methods with qualitative approaches to study complex dryland farming systems.
•Knowledge on biophysical models like crop simulation model, hydrology models, GIS and remote sensing, GAMS, STATA and other programming languages.
•Good record of publications in international peer reviewed journals.
•Ability to work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams with a range of nationalities, cultures, and scientific disciplines.
•Excellent oral and written skills in English.
This is an internationally recruited staff position with an attractive and competitive salary and benefits package payable in US dollars. The position is initially for three years, and extendable depending on performance of the incumbent and funding availability. An attractive compensation will be offered for the right candidate.
Applicants should apply on or before 15 May 2012 by email to:, with a letter of motivation, a full Curriculum Vitae, and the names and contact information of three references that are knowledgeable of the candidate’s professional qualifications and work experience. The reference name of the position (Scientist-Bioeconomic Modeling) should be clearly indicated in the subject line of the email. Screening of applications will begin in June 2012 and will continue until the post is filled. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short listed candidates will be contacted.
ICRISAT is an equal opportunity employer and is especially interested in increasing the participation of women on its staff. ICRISAT has a flexible approach to international appointments and welcomes dual-career couples.

Scientist post(Production Economics, Innovation Systems and Markets) at ICRISAT

International Crop Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics
POST: Scientist-Production Economics, Innovation Systems and Markets (Eastern and Southern Africa)
ICRISAT is seeking applications from a dynamic and highly innovative Scientist with a strong background in production economics, markets, institutional innovations and impact assessment. The position will be based in Kenya or Malawi working within the Research Program on Markets Policy and Institutions in ESA.
ICRISAT is a nonprofit, apolitical, international organization for sciencebased agricultural development. Established in 1972, it is one of the 15 Centers of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), and is supported by more than 48 governments, foundations, and development banks. ICRISAT with its Headquarters located in Hyderabad, India has regional centers and research teams in Asia and SubSaharan Africa. ICRISAT’s Regional hub for Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) is located in Nairobi, Kenya, with scientists also located in research centers in Lilongwe, Malawi and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. ICRISAT’s work covers all countries in ESA. For more details, see
•Study economic, social and institutional issues at micro- meso and macro-level that affect the development and application of integrated quality agricultural innovations in sub-Saharan Africa.
•Analyse of the drivers of change and options for agricultural productivity growth and sustainable intensification and diversification in dryland crop-livestock farming systems.
•Develop, stimulate and assess technological and institutional innovations to improve interactions between farmers, input and output markets, service providers, researchers, media and policy makers.          
•Understand technology adoption pathways and differential outcomes on poverty, gender, and food security for targeting technology and policy interventions.
•Conduct research on agricultural innovation systems and interact with private and public sector to strengthen seed systems, rural learning & value chains to synthesis key findings across crop and resource management technologies.
•Collect information through interactions with biophysical scientists and partners in different countries to identify policy relevant factors and map institutional architectures that condition technology development, testing, adaptation and adoption.
•Prepare research reports, journal articles, seminar papers, and take initiative in developing project proposals.            
•Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, Applied Economics or related social sciences with proven knowledge of or interest in institutional analysis.
•Preferably 5-years post-doctoral experience in production economics, institutional analysis, markets and impact assessment.
•Ability to review literature and gather information using different tools (qualitative and quantitative/ unstructured and semi-structured) and skills for analysis of data using standard econometric methods and software (e.g. STATA and GAMS) are essential.
•Good analytical skills and ability to write in English, including skills to present and communicate more complex concepts using concise and accurate styles that will help draw key lessons and conclusions. A good working knowledge of French would be an added advantage.
•Good interpersonal skills and ability to operate effectively across cultural boundaries and maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds with respect for diversity is essential.
This is an internationally recruited staff position with an attractive and competitive salary and benefits package payable in US dollars. The position is initially for three years, and extendable depending on performance of the incumbent and funding availability. An attractive compensation will be offered for the right candidate.
Applicants should apply on or before 15 May 2012 by email to:, with a letter of motivation, a full Curriculum Vitae, and the names and contact information of three references that are knowledgeable of the candidate’s professional qualifications and work experience. The reference name of the position (Scientist-Production Economics-ESA), should be clearly indicated in the subject line of the email. Screening of applications will begin in June 2012 and will continue until the post is filled. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short listed candidates will be contacted.
ICRISAT is an equal opportunity employer and is especially interested in increasing the participation of women on its staff. ICRISAT has a flexible approach to international appointments and welcomes dual-career couples.

Director post( CGIAR Research Program 3.5 ‘Grain Legumes’) at ICRISAT

International Crop Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics
POST: Director, CGIAR Research Program 3.5 ‘Grain Legumes’
ICRISAT is seeking an innovative, dynamic and creative Program Director who is a strong believer in partnerships to lead and manage the CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes. 
The Consultative Group for International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) Research Program on Grain Legumes (CRP 3.5) will apply modern crop improvement, agronomic management, seed systems interventions, up-scaling and out-scaling technologies/innovations, and related high-priority value-chain interventions to maximize the benefits that grain legumes offer to smallholder farmers, especially women, in developing countries. The CRP 3.5 is a global partnership among the CGIAR Centers ICRISAT (Lead Center), CIAT, ICARDA, and IITA plus an array of principal partners including EMBRAPA, Brazil; EIAR, Ethiopia; GDAR, Turkey; ICAR, India; the Dry Grain Pulses CRSP, USA; and the CGIAR’s Generation Challenge Program. See details at .
The CRP Program Director will report to the Director General, ICRISAT/Chair of the CRP 3.5 Steering Committee, and will be based at ICRISAT’s Headquarters in Patancheru, near Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. The position is for an initial three-year period with the opportunity for renewal based on performance and availability of funding.
•Develop a clear and shared vision for CRP 3.5 among all partners and stakeholders and communicate this vision to all stakeholders.
•Provide intellectual leadership to, and coordinate implementation of, the CRP.
•Develop strong partnerships among participating centers, partners and other stakeholders.
•Represent the CRP in international for a to ensure that the Grain Legumes program is highly visible and strongly supported by investors and other stakeholders.
•Guide fundraising efforts for the Grain Legumes CRP together with the Centers and other partners.
•Ensure that the CRP has well developed and articulated gender and capacity strengthening strategies, defined work plans, clear deliverables, and that the CRP meets its programmatic and financial targets.
•Demonstrated leadership qualities and track record in leading multicultural and multi-disciplinary teams and building partnerships for collaborative and cross-cutting research.
•At least 10 years of relevant experience, including research management experience, in an international, multi-disciplinary, and multi-cultural environment.
•PhD degree in a relevant discipline with a broad perspective on agriculture in the developing world and across the research for development agenda, particularly involving grain legumes.
•Proven fund-raising record.
•Demonstrated commitment to gender equity and diversity.
•Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
Employment contract will be for an initial three-year term. Salary will be internationally competitive, paid in US dollars, and commensurate with experience. ICRISAT provides additional benefits, including employer-paid medical, life and disability insurance and retirement benefits. Allowances toward hardship, relocation, housing, home leave travel, dependent children’s education and annual leave are also provided. ICRISAT provides a collegial, and supportive working environment, which allows space for personal and professional growth.
Applicants should apply on or before 10 May, 2012 by email, sending a letter of motivation, a full Curriculum Vitae, and the names and contact information of three references that are knowledgeable of the candidate’s professional qualifications and work experience to: The reference name of the position (Director, CRP-Grain Legumes) should be clearly marked on the subject line of the email message. All applications will be acknowledged, however only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Learn more about CGIAR and ICRISAT by accessing web site at and
ICRISAT is an equal opportunity employer and is especially interested in increasing the participation of women on its staff.  ICRISAT has a flexible approach to international appointments  and welcomes dual-career couples.


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