Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Post Doctoral Fellow (Signaling in Cardiomyocytes and Human Breast Cancer) at FDA, Bethesda

Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, Maryland
POST: Post Doctoral Fellow (Signaling in Cardiomyocytes and Human Breast Cancer)
A Postdoc position is available in the Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, Division of Monoclonal Antibodies, Office of Biotechnology Products, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration. This is a contract position and will be sponsored by FDA Office of Woman Health through the Oak Ridge institute for Science and Education (ORISE). The selected candidate will work on a research project involving trastuzumab-induced cardiotoxicity and ErbB family receptor mediated signaling pathways in cardiomyocytes and human breast cancers. Prior experience in molecular and cellular biology and techniques for handling laboratory mice is preferred.
The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. with 0 - 4 years of experience.
To Apply:
Send cover letter indicating the time frame of you availability, resume, and names of four references through email to Wen Jin Wu:

Post Doctoral fellow Position at Center for Public Genomics, Duke University

Center for Public Genomics
Duke University Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy, Durham , North Carolina
Duke University's Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy is seeking a Fellow to work in its Center for Public Genomics (CpG) beginning August/September 2012. The CpG was established in 2004 to explore the value of "open science" norms and practices, and to understand the risks and benefits of intellectual property protections in genomics. The CpG is funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute, and is a national Center of Excellence in Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Research, supported by a P50 center grant.
The Fellow is expected to do research and help with administrative and scholarly work within the Center. The Fellow will be responsible for a variety of tasks within the CpG's different projects, particularly a study of DNA sequencing technologies and the implications of widespread full-genome sequence analysis. The Fellow will conduct research on policy issues related to data-sharing, intellectual property, and genomics research. The overall Center comprises several research projects, including projects on interpreting genomic data (Misha Angrist, PI), and on DNA sequencing and its applications (Robert Cook-Deegan, PI; Shubha Chandrasekharan, co-investigator). The Fellow may work on one or both of these projects as part of a team that also includes two research assistants, as well as undergraduate, graduate and professional students (in law, medicine and other fields). While there is flexibility as to the focus, research, and work of the Fellow, he or she will be expected to accomplish the following:
1. Become an integral participant in one or two teams conducting research on DNA sequencing technologies and applications of DNA sequence, taking responsibility for analyzing and writing about ethical, legal, and policy issues connected to that research and its many uses.
2. Write or participate in writing at least two articles for publication in the medical or ethics, law, policy, or social sciences, and submit these for publication in the scholarly literature at first-rate journals.
3. Help organize interviews, searching for and cataloguing documents, and analyzing items of historical and policy interest related to DNA sequencing technologies and their uses, including companies developing DNA sequencing methods and instruments and companies offering interpretation of genomic data as a service.
4. Identifying and helping maintain a web archive of seminal documents and graphics related to the research themes.
5. Present research at a public meeting of national scope.
6. Serve as a teaching assistant in one course per year, and give occasional guest lectures in Duke courses that are pertinent to his/her developing area of expertise.
7. Supervise undergraduate and graduate research assistants working on CpG projects.
The Fellowship will begin late summer or early fall 2012, and is for a two-year term, with the possibility of renewal at the end of two years until the grant expires in March 2015. (Under special circumstances, we will consider a shorter fellowship, but preference will be given to applicants interested in joining us for two years.)
Qualified candidates should hold an advanced degree in the natural sciences, social sciences, law, medicine or humanities. A scientific or technical background is desirable, but not required. Salary is commensurate with experience, with an anticipated range of $39,200 to $47,800 annually, depending upon experience. NIH funding requires that the person selected be an American citizen or have a Permanent Resident card (Alien Registration Receipt card or "green card".)
To Apply:
Applications will be considered on an ongoing basis, and should include:
1. A cover letter describing candidate's research interests and experience (maximum 3 pages)
2. Current CV
3. Writing sample (or excerpt) of up to eight pages on an ethical, legal, social or policy issue related to genomics or another scientific area, written for a non-technical audience,
4. Two letters of recommendation, and
5. A list of at least three references (The list may include those writing recommendation letters, but must include at least two individuals who have directly supervised the applicant's work.)
Application materials should be submitted electronically to Dr. Robert Cook-Deegan, e-mail:   . Letters of recommendation may be sent either electronically (  ) or by regular mail to:
Robert Cook-Deegan, MD
Director, Center for Genome Ethics, Law & Policy
ATTN: CEER Fellowship
Box 90141
Durham, NC 27708
Duke University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
Genome Ethics, Law & Policy in the IGSP:   
Center for Public Genomics:

Post doctoral Fellow (CYLD Tumor Suppressor in Skin Cancer) at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina

Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
POST: Post doctoral Fellow (CYLD Tumor Suppressor in Skin Cancer)
The Department of Dermatology at Duke University in Durham, N.C. has an open Postdoctoral Associate position that will focus on investigating the role of CYLD tumor suppressor in melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer.
Candidates should have a Ph.D. and/or M.D. and experience with animal models of carcinogenesis is desired.
Interested applicants should email a brief description of research interests and curriculum vitae that includes contact information for a minimum of three references to:
Dr. Jennifer Zhang
Assistant Professor
Department of Dermatology
Please include "Postdoc Position" in the subject line.
Duke University and Health Systems is an equal opportunity employer.

Post Doctoral Fellow(Targeted Lentiviral Vectors for Cell-specific Transduction) at Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland

Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland
POST: Post Doctoral Fellow(Targeted Lentiviral Vectors for Cell-specific Transduction)
A postdoctoral position is currently available in the Division of Cellular and Gene Therapies, FDA. Our research is focused on improving the safety of HIV-1-based lentiviral vectors. The successful candidate will work on engineered lentiviral vectors for cell-specific transduction in vitro and in vivo. The project will employ a variety of approaches including vector engineering, vector production, qPCR, confocal microscopy and in vivo imaging.
The laboratory is located on the main campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD.
Candidates are expected to be independent and self-motivated and to have fewer than five years of postdoctoral experience. Applicants should have a strong background in molecular and cellular biology and experience with small animal surgery techniques. Non-USA citizens must currently hold a valid U.S. work visa or be eligible for a J-1 training visa.
Candidates should send a cover letter, CV including bibliography, and contact information for three references to:
Dr. Jakob Reiser
Division of Cellular and Gene Therapies
1401 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852

PostDoc posts(MicroRNAs as Biomarkers, Pathogen Reduction Technologies) at Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, Maryland

Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, Maryland
TWO POSITIONS: MicroRNAs as Biomarkers, Pathogen Reduction Technologies
Two research positions supported by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) contract fellowship training program are available immediately in the Section of Cell Biology, Laboratory of Cellular Hematology at CBER, FDA, located on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland. One research position will primarily focus on the application of microRNA in biomarker discovery for RBC and platelet cell quality during storage and microRNA-mRNA interactions in stored blood cells (RBC and platelets) to enhance the shelf-life of stored blood cells. The second position will focus on developing novel pathogen reduction technologies (PRT) for stored blood cells and functional evaluation of PRT treated blood cells in small animal models.
The successful candidate will have a MS or PhD degree in biological sciences, and extensive experience in molecular biology and performance of complex laboratory protocols. The successful applicant will be responsible for running assays, reporting results, assisting the Principal Investigator (C.D. Atreya) in developing and validating new tests, and some aspects of laboratory administration. Experience in microRNA work and small animal experiments will be a plus. The applicant must have received a graduate degree within five years of the appointment start date. Applicants should be eligible to work in the USA (U.S. citizens or visa holders).
Salary will be determined to reflect the candidate's experiences.
To Apply:
Please send CV and names of three references to:
Dr. C.D. Atreya    
Associate Director for Research
1401 Rockville Pike, HFM-300
Rockville, MD 20852
The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and employment programs.

Post Doctoral Fellow(Gait and Mobility Modeling in Aging Research) at National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, MD

National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, MD
POST: Post Doctoral Fellow(Gait and Mobility Modeling in Aging Research)
The Longitudinal Studies Section (LSS) of the Clinical Research Branch (CRB) of the National Institute on Aging (NIA), a major research component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to participate in research projects associated with the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA). The BLSA examines various trajectories of change in primary physiological parameters across the age spectrum with the underlying goal to identify change due to "normal aging" versus changes caused by age-related diseases and identify key factors that impact the aging process. Extensive longitudinal data exist on physiological function (cardiovascular, renal, pulmonary, metabolic, musculo-skeletal), sensory function (vision and hearing), cognition, personality, nutrition and physical activity. Biological material (serum, plasma, DNA, urine, cells) were collected and stored in one of the richest biological banks in the context of a longitudinal study of aging. The scientific paradigm of the BLSA has been revisited to increase the focus on early biological, environmental and behavioral risk factors for the development of mobility disability in older persons. Given the multiplicity of projects within the BLSA, we are seeking applicants with experience and interests in specific areas.
The BLSA is particularly interested in the study of efficiency and energetics of gait and mobility. The metabolic cost of walking in normal older individuals and in those affected by multiple chronic diseases is mostly unknown. A state of the art 3D gait laboratory has been designed to study change over time in the biomechanics and kinematics of gait, how these parameters are affected by specific chronic conditions or impairments and are correlated with biomarkers, brain imaging, muscle and nerve function, vision and proprioception. A Vicon 3D motion capture system with10-cameras (Oxford Metrics Ltd., Oxford, UK) is used to evaluate multiple components of normal and challenged gait. Ground reaction forces are measured synchronously with motion capturing using 3 staggered force platforms (Advanced Mechanical Technologies, Inc., Watertown, MA, USA; sampling rate 1080Hz) imbedded in the walkway. There is a fully dedicated technician who administers the study protocol to participants, coordinates the laboratory and helps in pre-processing the data collected.
The ideal candidate should have considerable experience in working in a 3D gait laboratory (preferentially VICON), conducting quality control on and processing the data collected, analyzing data and writing scientific papers for peer-review scientific journals. She/he will have access to considerable expertise in statistics and epidemiology and other scientists with vast experience in aging-related research.
Send curriculum vitae, statement of research interest, relevant publications, and contact information for three references to Ms. Annette D. Edwards, Program Support Assistant, Clinical Research Branch, National Institutes on Aging, 3001 S. Hanover St. Baltimore, MD 21225, Email:
Additional information regarding the NIA/IRP and the Longitudinal Studies Section (LSS) are available at the following web sites   or  .
The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and employment programs.

Postdoctoral researcher (metabolism in Cancer and Cardiovascular Biology) at Postdoctoral researcher metabolism in Cancer and Cardiovascular Biology

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Bethesda, MD and surrounding area
POST: Postdoctoral researcher metabolism in Cancer and Cardiovascular Biology
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), a major component of the NIH, has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher. The aim of our studies is to prevent cancer and improve cardiovascular health. Specifically, we have been focusing on the role of tumor suppressor p53 in regulating the mitochondria for energy and oxidative stress handling that affects cardiovascular function and tumorigenesis (Curr Opin Oncol 24(1):76-82; Nature Communications 1(1):1-8; Science, 312(5780):1650-3; Nature Medicine 7:1111-7). A related area of interest is the role of oxygen homeostasis in pathogenesis.
The postdoctoral candidate must have obtained a Ph.D. and/or M.D. within the past five years. The ideal candidate should have a strong molecular biology background demonstrated by first-author publications in peer reviewed journals. The successful candidate will be offered stipend commensurate with experience and supported with the excellent intramural resources and environment of the main NIH campus.
Interested applicants should submit their curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests and career goals, along with the names, telephone numbers, postal, and e-mail addresses of three references by June 30th, 2012 to:
Paul M. Hwang, M.D., Ph.D.
Senior Investigator
Center for Molecular Medicine
10 Center Drive, MSC 1454
Building 10-CRC, Room 5-5330
Bethesda, MD 20892-1670
The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and employment programs.

Post Doctoral fellow(Autoimmunity and Tolerance) at National Eye Institute, Bethesda

National Eye Institute, Bethesda, MD and surrounding area
POST: Post Doctoral fellow(Autoimmunity and Tolerance)
Postdoctoral position available summer 2012 to study cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in immunity and autoimmunity affecting the eye. Emphasis is on events driving Th1, Th17, and T regulatory responses, using models of autoimmune and autoinflammatory uveitis. Methodologies include gene manipulated mice, multiplexed ELISA, ELISPOT, Real-Time PCR, flow immunocytometry, and DNA arrays. Concepts and approaches are generalizable to other autoimmune diseases. Additional information can be found on our web site
Applicants must have a Ph.D. or M.D. degree, a strong background in molecular and cellular immunology, and less than 5 years of postdoctoral experience. Thorough knowledge of English and excellent written and oral communication skills are essential.
Please email your CV, statement of research interests, and detailed contact information of 3 references to:
Rachel R. Caspi, Ph.D.   
Chief, Immunoregulation Section Laboratory of Immunology
National Eye Institute, NIH
10 Center Drive, 10/10N222
Bethesda, MD 20892
The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and employment programs.

Field Assistant post at BHU, Varanasi

Banaras Hindu University
Department of Mycology and Plant Pathology
Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Applications are invited for the post of Field Assistant (man power) @ 5000/- pm consolidated. Conterminous with DST funded project. P-07/459 (Dated 11-05-2010). Minimum qualification Graduate or Intermediate with 2-3 years' laboratory/field work experience. Upper age limit – 30 years, relaxation for female/ SC/ST/ Physically Handicapped Candidate).
Application should under sign within 15 days from the date of above advertisement(From 30.4.2012) on web-site.

Scientific Officer (Pearl Millet Breeding) at ICRISAT

POST: Scientific Officer (Pearl Millet Breeding)
ICRISAT seeks applications from Indian nationals for the post of Scientific Officer (Pearl Millet Breeding) to be based at Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India. This is a nationally recruited position.
ICRISAT is a non-profit, apolitical, international organization for science-based agricultural development. Established in 1972, it is an Alliance of centers of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), and supported by more than 48 governments, foundations, and development banks. To reduce poverty, enhance crop productivity and food security and to protect the environment, ICRISAT research focuses on farming systems and crop improvement, management and utilization of sorghum, pearl millet, pigeonpea, chickpea, and groundnut in the semi-arid tropics. 
•Constitution and implementation of field trials.
•Supervision of technicians for data collection, and breeder seed production.
•Analysis of experimental data and data management
•Assist the scientist in the preparation of technical reports
•Proficiency in English communication skills (both written and spoken);
•Proficiency in Computer skills (Ms- Office, data analysis);
•Should be a good team player and adaptable to working in multicultural team.
•Post Graduate from a reputed university in plant breeding/genetics with 1-2 years of experience in plant breeding/genetics at a research institute/university/private sector company, with good aptitude for field work.
•Proficiency in Computer skills (Ms- Office, data analysis), Statistical Skills and communication skills in English (both written and oral)
•Should be a good team player and have experience working in multicultural team.
The position is for three years, renewable based on the performance of the incumbent and the Institute's continuing need for the position. An attractive compensation is offered for the right candidate.
HOW TO APPLY:  The application should include an up-to-date resume, a recent passport size photograph, names and addresses (including phone & e-mail) of three referees and date of availability. Please send applications stating the job title clearly on the application/envelope, to Human Resources Services, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh 502 324, or by E-mail to , latest by 25 May 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
“ICRISAT strongly welcomes women candidates to apply"

Scientific Officer (Biometrics Unit) post at ICRISAT

POST: Scientific Officer – Biometrics Unit
ICRISAT seeks applications from Indian nationals for the post of Scientific Officer – Biometrics Unit to be based at Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India. This is a nationally recruited position.
ICRISAT is a non-profit, apolitical, international organization for science-based agricultural development. Established in 1972, it is an Alliance of centers of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), and supported by more than 48 governments, foundations, and development banks. To reduce poverty, enhance crop productivity and food security and to protect the environment, ICRISAT research focuses on farming systems and crop improvement, management and utilization of sorghum, pearl millet, pigeonpea, chickpea, and groundnut in the semi-arid tropics. 
•           To support and help in analysis of data from various experiments of ICRISAT scientific staff
•           To assist in developing statistical computing programs using R/GenStat/SAS to facilitate statistical computing support to agricultural researchers
•           To assist in training in applied statistics, statistical computing, and provide support to other functions of Biometrics Unit.
           Proficiency in English communication skills(both written and spoken);
•           Proficiency in Computer skills (Ms- Office, data analysis);
•           Should be a good team player and adaptable to working in multicultural team.
•           Master’s Degree in Statistics/Agricultural Statistics/Biometrics/Mathematics with strong background in numerical analysis;
•           Demonstrated ability and experience in statistical analysis of data preferably using R/GenStat/SAS;
•           The person should be willing to work in ICRISAT’s African sites/locations;
•           Knowledge of programming in computer languages (C/C++/JAVA) will be a plus.
The position is for three years, renewable based on the performance of the incumbent and the Institute's continuing need for the position. An attractive compensation is offered for the right candidate.
HOW TO APPLY:  The application should include an up-to-date resume, a recent passport size photograph, names and addresses (including phone & e-mail) of three referees and date of availability. Please send applications stating the job title clearly on the application/envelope, to Human Resources Services, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh 502 324, or by E-mail to , latest by 31 May 2012. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
“ICRISAT strongly welcomes women candidates to apply

SRF , JRF & field assistant posts at CAZRI, Jodhpur

Indian Council of Agricultural Research
No.F.NICRA/Div-III/2011-Adm.I Dated:
It is proposed to fill-up following position as per details below purely on temporary basis under the time bound Projects running in this Institute.
NAME OF PROJECT:Vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies for agriculture in respect of climate change in arid western India” (NICRA)” CAZRI, Jodhpur
NAME OF POST: Senior Research Fellow
NO. OF POST: 2 (Two)
EMOLUMENTS:  Rs. 16,000/- pm + HRA (for Ist and IInd years and Rs. 18000/- + HRA in the IIIrd year onwards)
POST NO.1 SRF (Soil Science) : M.Sc. Science/Chemistry (Organic/Inorganic) /Agronomy and allied disciplines with Ist Division or 60% marks or equivalent grade point average.
POST NO.2 SRF (Horticulture/Entomology) : M.Sc. Horticulture/Entomology/Agriculture with specialization in entomology with Ist Division or 60% marks or equivalent grade point average.
DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE FOR ALL THE SRF POSTS: In computer operation and handling of modern equipment in the relevant fields.
AGE LIMIT:35 years for men and 40 years for women on the date of walk-in-interview (Relaxation for SC/ST/ OBC candidates as per rule)
DURATION AND OTHER CONDITIONS: Upto 31 March 2013 or till the expiry of the scheme whichever is earlier as co-terminus with the project The number of SRF post may increase and / or decrease. (purely temporary)
DATE OF WALK-IN-INTERVIEW: 03.05.2012 at 10.30 AM
NAME OF PROJECT: Establishment of Field Gene Bank (PVP & FR Project)
1.      NAME OF POST: Senior Research Fellow
NO. OF POST: 1 (One)
EMOLUMENTS: Rs. 16,000/- pm + HRA
QUALIFICATION: M.Sc. in the disciplines of Botany/Economic Botany/Genetics/Plant Breeding and allied disciplines with Ist Division or 60% marks or equivalent grade point average, experience in the respective field

2.      NAME OF POST: Junior Research Fellow
NO. OF POST: 1 (One)
EMOLUMENTS: Rs. 14,000/- pm + HRA
QUALIFICATION: M.Sc. in the disciplines of M.Sc. in Botany/Economic Botany/ Genetics/Plant Breeding and allied disciplines with Ist Division or 60% marks or equivalent grade point average.

3.      NAME OF POST: Field Assistant
NO. OF POST: 1 (One)
EMOLUMENTS: Rs. 8,000/- pm
QUALIFICATION: B.Sc. Bio-Science/Agriculture and /or M.Sc. in Botany/Economic Botany/Genetics/Plant Breeding and allied disciplines.

MAXIMUM AGE LIMIT FOR ALL THE POSTS: 35 years for men and 40 years for women on the date of walk-in-interview (Relaxation for SC/ST/ OBC candidates as per rule)
DURATION AND OTHER CONDITIONS: Upto 31 March 2016 or till the expiry of the scheme whichever is earlier as co-terminus with the project The number of SRF post may increase and / or decrease. (purely temporary)
DATE OF WALK-IN-INTERVIEW: 04.05.2012 at 10.30 AM
The candidates fulfilling the qualification for the above position are invited to appear for a walk-in-interview to be held at the office of Dr. R.K. Bhatt, HD-III, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Light Industrial Area, Jodhpur – 342 003 (Raj.). The candidate should bring the following documents alongwith bio-data on plain paper duly signed and pasted with a recent colour passport size photograph on it.
(i)Original certificate of educational qualifications and attested copies (ii) Two testimonials of Character from two responsible gazetted officers (iii) relevant publication (iv) a brief of research work during post graduations (v) No objection certificate from the employer in case of employment elsewhere (vi) Experience certificate in original, if any.
The above position is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. The service of the selected candidate will stand terminated automatically after the expiry of the project or completion of period mentioned in the offer of appointment and on the decision of the competent authority, whichever is earlier. He/she will not have any right to claim for regularization or absorption whatsoever in regular vacancies of the Institute/ICAR. TA/DA will not be admissible for attending the interview.

JRF post(nano-formulations for enhancing plant growth and productivity) at GBPUAT, Pantnagar

No. CBSH/MBGE/152 28/04/2012
Subject: Advertisement for the award of one Junior Research Fellowship
Application are invited for the award of one Junior Research Fellowship on a consolidated fellowship of Rs. 12,000/- pm., in the UCOST funded project entitled “Development of nano-formulations for enhancing plant growth and productivity”. The post is tenable for a period of two years or the termination of the project, whichever is earlier. The appointment shall be given on a six monthly work review basis.
M.Sc. in Molecular Biology /Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Chemistry /Bioscience or related discipline.
Basic Knowledge of Inorganic Chemistry and computer applications
Candidates possessing the above qualifications may submit their application on plain paper in the following format to the undersigned, latest by 18.05.2012. The interview will be held on 19.05.2012 at 10.30 am, in the committee room of the MBGE Department. No separate letter for interview will be issued and no TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Note: a passport size photograph must be affixed at the corner of the application. Attested copies of all the certificates/ degree/ testimonials must be enclosed. Originals should be produced at the time of interview. No interim correspondence will be entertained.

JRF posts(fficacy, Validation of Soil Amendments and Microbial Cultures in Reducing Pesticide Residues ) at GBPUAT, Pantnagar

Dated: 28.04.2012
Applications are invited for the temporary post under the research project entitled, “Efficacy, Validation of Soil Amendments and Microbial Cultures in Reducing Pesticide Residues in Soil, Crops and Ground Water under Field Conditions” . The appointment shall be given on six monthly review basis. Candidates fulfilling the following qualification are requested to submit their applications on plain paper in the format given below to Dr. Anjana Srivastava, Principal Investigator, Department of Chemistry, CBSH, G.B.Pant University of Agriculture and Technology,Pantnagar-263 145,U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand upto 24.5.2012
Principal Investigator: Anjana Srivastava
1.      DESIGNATION: Junior Research Fellow
QUALIFICATION: M.Sc.Chemisty/ Ag. Chemicals/
 DESIRED EXPERIENCE: Field work and sample analysis
2. DESIGNATION: Junior Research Fellow
QUALIFICATION: M.Sc, .Microbiology/ Biotechnology
DESIRED EXPERIENCE: In microbial work
Candidates fulfilling the above qualifications should appear for interview on 25.5.2012 at 11 a.m. in the office of the undersigned. No separate interview letter will be issued for the same.
Note: Attested copies of the certificates, degrees and testimonials must be enclosed and originals produced at the time of interview. Candidates already in employment should apply through proper channel. No interim correspondence will be entertained and no TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

JRF posts(Preventing Extinction and Improving Conservation Status of Threatened Plants) at Delhi University

DELHI110 007
Applications on plain paper (with a recent passport size photograph and biodata) are invited for the post of two JRFs in DBT funded project entitled “Preventing Extinction and Improving Conservation Status of Threatened Plants through Application of Biotechnological Tools”. The candidates should be M.Sc. Botany with minimum 55% marks. NET qualified candidates will be preferred. NonNET candidates may also be considered. Project work involves extensive field work.
The completed application may reach undersigned within twenty days from the date of advertisement.
CONTACT: Professor A K Pandey,
Department of Botany
University of Delhi
Delhi110 007

JRF post(Bioprospecting of Central Himalayan bryophytes for antimicrobial potential) at GBPUAT, Pantnagar

Department of Biological Sciences
College of Basic Sciences & Humanities
G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar – 263145, UA, India
No./Biol./ Date: 25thApril, 2012
Subject Advertisement for the award of Fellowship in U-COST Project
Applications are invited for the award of one Junior Research Fellow in the Department of Biological Sciences on consolidated fellowhip of Rs 12,000/- per month under U-COST sponsored project entitled “Bioprospecting of Central Himalayan bryophytes for antimicrobial potential”. Applicants possessing following qualification should apply on plain paper on the prescribed proforma given as under to Dr. Preeti Chaturvedi, Principal Investigator, Deptt. of Biological Sciences, College of Basic Sciences & Humanities, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar – 263145, US Nagar, UA latest by14th May by 10.00 AM. Candidates fulfilling the qualification should appear for the interview on 14th May, 2012 at 11.00 AM in the office of the Principal Investigator. No separate interview letter will be issued and no TA/DA will be paid for appearing in interview.
QUALIFICATIONS: JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW: M.Sc. in any branch of life sciences (Essential)
Experience in identification of bryophytes and handling bacteria and fungi (Desirable)
(Attested copies of all certificates/degree/testimonials must be enclosed. Original should be produced at the time of interview. No interim correspondence will be entertained)

“Earn While Learn Programme” at GBPUAT, Pantnagar

CAG/Agromet/ Date: 27/04/2012
Notice / Advertisement
“Earn While Learn Programme”
All the students of the university are hereby informed that University Farm, Haldi has requested to develop the geo-spatial database of the entire University farm at earliest possible. The work will be completed on the basis of “earn while learn” programme in a month period. The work mainly involves the handling of the high resolution images in image processing software (ENVI 4.8); identifying and digitizing the individual field boundary in GIS software (ArcView 3.2 and ArcGIS 10.0) so that the area of every field could be estimated precisely.
The interested candidates can apply in the attached format on or before 3 May 2012. The work will be initiated on 4th May 2012. Candidates already having knowledge of remote sensing and GIS specially handling of the image processing software and GIS software, will be given preference. However, other students can also apply, who will be trained for the specific module (required in the study) before assigning work. The students will be paid at a rate of Rs- 200 (two hundred) per hours basis. The work will be usually conducted after the working hours of the university, however office time may also be utilized based on availability of the system. An orientation session will be conducted on 4th May 2012 in the Department of Agrometeorology.
CONTACT: Ajeet Singh Nain
Associate Professor


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