in Epidemiological Clinical and Operational Research (MECOR)
1: Introduction to Clinical Research Methods
‐ 29th September, 2012
National Institute of
Epidemiology (NIE/ICMR), Chennai in collaboration with American Thoracic Society (ATS) will be conducting a one‐week course on Methods in
Epidemiological, Clinical and Operations Research (MECOR) from 24th September
to 29th September, 2012 at NIE, Chennai.
The MECOR Program Level 1 is
designed for academic physicians who will be involved in medical research in
chest medicine, including TB, sleep medicine, and critical care. Students will
learn the fundamentals of posing a testable research question, the various
study design options for generating and testing hypotheses, and basic analytic
skills. Students will gain an overview of statistics that will help them to
collaborate effectively with statistical co investigators.
The programme is primarily aimed
at physicians and public health professionals who intend to conduct clinical
research in the following fields: respiratory medicine (including
tuberculosis), sleep disorders (e.g., sleep apnea), and critical illness (e.g.,
septic shock, respiratory failure etc). The ideal candidates for the course are
the medical graduates doing their post‐graduation
or working in medical colleges at entry/middle level (Lecturer/Assistant
Professor and Associate Professors).
What are the
prerequisites for the course?
No prior experience in research
is needed.
Medical degree or advanced
degree in related areas such as Medicine, Chest,Tuberculosis, public health,
nursing, physical therapy etc.
Ability to read and speak
comfortably in English in classroom and group settings.
Commitment to attend class for
the full week; students will be expected to do preparation before the course
and in the evenings. The week's course work is demanding and participants must
be willing to free themselves of all other commitments for the week of the
course and participate in all class work.
Participants must be prepared
and willing to present their research protocols or week's work on the last day.
The MECOR courses are designed to
be very interactive. The central component of the course is the development of
a research protocol by students working in small groups. Students get a hands‐on experience in how to ask a
good research question, what research design to use,what methods to use, and
how to analyze the data. The interactive lectures provide the methodologic
background for the development of the research protocols. The students present
the protocols on the last day. Many students in MECOR courses subsequently go
on to carry out the research that they designed during the course.
There is no course fee. NIE will
provide financial assistance towards the travel (2 tier AC train) and arrange
for free accommodation in the hostel. NIE will bear the cost of food and
Interested candidates are
requested to email the completed NIE/MECOR Application Form to on or before 15th May, 2012.
Applicants will be notified of
the decision regarding the selection of the candidates for the course by June
15th, 2012
NIE/MECOR 2012‐Application Form
1. Last name:
2. First name:
3. Degree(s):
4. Institution or agency:
5. Mobile Number:
6. Email (required):
7. Address for communication :(
number, street, city, postal code):
8.Accommodationi: If accepted to
the course, will you need lodging?
___ Yes ___ No
9. Curriculum vitae: Attach a
brief biographic sketch that describes your training, degree(s), date(s)
degree(s) awarded, work experience, and publications (if any).
10. Essay: Please attach a brief
summary (not more than one page) of your research interests in chest medicine,
including TB, sleep medicine, or critical care., responsibilities and
experience (if any) with research, teaching, public health and epidemiology.
Include a brief paragraph about your professional goals and indicate how you
expect to be able to use the information you gain in this course in your
professional life. Please be as specific as you can. It must be written
i Accommodation will be provided
in NIE Hostel