Friday, August 03, 2012

Walk-in for Project Fellow post at University of Calcutta

University of Calcutta
A walk in interview will be held at the office of the undersigned on 16th August, 2012 between 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm for the recruitment of one Project Fellow in the project entitled “Studies on the Effect of Excessive Iodine in Reproduction with Reference to Thyroid Gland in Rats” [UGC Sanction No. F.No. 41-84/2012 (SR) dated 11th July, 2012]
funded by University Grants Commission, under the supervision of Prof. Amar K Chandra (Principal Investigator), Department of Physiology, University of Calcutta. Tenure of the project is three years at present.
Qualification required: M.Sc. in Human Physiology having specialization in Endocrinology & Reproductive Physiology with at least 55% marks and passed NET /CSIR / UGC / GATE / RET (desirable) and also have one year research experience in the field of Reproductive  Physiology/ Endocrinology.
Remuneration: As` per UGC Sanctioned order
Candidates should appear with two sets of complete application furnishing Bio data on plain paper, original testimonials at the office of the Secretary, UCSTA, University of Calcutta, 92, APC Road, Kolkata-700009 on 16th August 2012. Applicant should mention the title of the project on top of the application. (No TA/DA is admissible for candidates appearing at the interview as per rules)
CONTACT: Faculty. Council for PG Studies in Science, Technology & Agriculture (UCSTA)
University of Calcutta
92 A.P.C. Road

Walk-in for Project Fellow post at University of Calcutta

University of Calcutta
A walk in interview will be held at the office of the undersigned on 16th August, 2012 between 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm for the recruitment of one Project Fellow in the project entitled “Studies on the Effect of Excessive Iodine in Reproduction with Reference to Thyroid Gland in Rats” [UGC Sanction No. F.No. 41-84/2012 (SR) dated 11th July, 2012]
funded by University Grants Commission, under the supervision of Prof. Amar K Chandra (Principal Investigator), Department of Physiology, University of Calcutta. Tenure of the project is three years at present.
Qualification required: M.Sc. in Human Physiology having specialization in Endocrinology & Reproductive Physiology with at least 55% marks and passed NET /CSIR / UGC / GATE / RET (desirable) and also have one year research experience in the field of Reproductive  Physiology/ Endocrinology.
Remuneration: As` per UGC Sanctioned order
Candidates should appear with two sets of complete application furnishing Bio data on plain paper, original testimonials at the office of the Secretary, UCSTA, University of Calcutta, 92, APC Road, Kolkata-700009 on 16th August 2012. Applicant should mention the title of the project on top of the application. (No TA/DA is admissible for candidates appearing at the interview as per rules)
CONTACT: Faculty. Council for PG Studies in Science, Technology & Agriculture (UCSTA)
University of Calcutta
92 A.P.C. Road

Temporary project positions(JRF, Project Fellows) at IGIB

(Date of interview -- 22-08-12 at 10:30 AM)

Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology (IGIB), desires to engage qualified incumbents on purely temporary basis as detailed below:
Project Title/ Code
of Post(s)
Essential Qualification
Age Limit
"To understand the function of PE_PGRS family proteins in the survival and virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv"
(Project Code: GAP0092)
Post Code - 1
JRF (Project)
First Class M.Sc./M.Tech or equivalent  degree in Life Sciences
28 years
Rs. 12,000/- + 30% HRA per month
One year
"Molecular studies of Asthma"
Sub Activity:
"Role of microRNAs in Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT)"
(Project Code:
Post Code - 2
Project Fellow
First class in M.Sc./M.Tech/B.Tech degree in Biochemistry/Life sciences/Biotechnology
28 Years
Rs. 16,000/- + 30% HRA per month
One year
"Setting up of CSIR(unit)-TRISUTRA(Translational research and Innovative Science through Ayurgenomics)"
(Project Code:
Post Code - 3
Project Fellow
First class M.Sc. or equivalent degree in any area of Life Sciences/Bioinformatics
28 Years
Rs. 16,000/- + 30% HRA per month
One year
Post Code - 4
Senior Project Fellow
First class M.Sc./B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent degree in the area of Life Sciences with Two years of post M.Sc./B.E./B.Tech relevant research experience
First class M.Pharma or equivalent degree in pharmaceutical sciences
30 Years
Rs. 18,000/- + 30% HRA per month
One year
Post Code - 5
Senior Project Fellow
First class M.Sc./B.E./B.Tech degree in Computer Science with Two years of Post M.Sc./B.E./B.Tech relevant research experience
First class M.E./M.Tech degree in Computer Science
30 Years
Rs. 18,000/- + 30% HRA per month
One year
Post Code - 6
Senior Project Fellow
First class B.E./B.Tech or equivalent degree in Bioinformatics with Two years of relevant research experience
First class M.E./M.Tech or equivalent degree in Bioinformatics
30 Years
Rs. 18,000/- + 30% HRA per month
One year

Age relaxation for SC/ST/ OBC candidate as per Govt. of India instruction.
Engagement is for the project and on behalf of the funding agency and the tenure shall be as mentioned above. The duration of the post is initially for One year or till the closing date of the project, whichever is earlier. Tenure may be extendable up to project duration. Contract may be terminated at any time by giving one-month notice by either side. The applicants will have no claim implicit or explicit for consideration against any CSIR/IGIB post.
How to Apply:
The eligible applicants have to email their resume in "MS Word" format directly to by 01-08-12. No application would be entertained with "result awaited" status or after due date.
(In subject line of the email please mention: "<Project Code> application for <Post Code-No.> Aug 2012" example: GAP0092 application for Post Code-1 Aug. 2012). Kindly write correct project code and format otherwise application will not reach to the concerned department.
The email will be sent to the short listed candidates.
No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates to attend the interview. The engagement shall be as per guidelines of CSIR/Funding agency. Candidates will have an option to give reply in Hindi.
Note: The shortlisted candidates, who have received the email for interview, have to report at 09:30 AM for interview along with any Photo ID card and original certificates for entry purpose. Entry will be closed by 10:15 AM.

Walk-in for field assistant post at NEHU, Shillong

A walk-in interview for the post of Field Assistant (1 No.) in DBT funded Research Project entitled “Characterization of Rhizobia associated with native and wild legumes of Northeast India with special emphasis on Meghalaya.”Interested Candidates having experience of field work and maintenance of plants, the personal interview may attend to be held on 7th August 2012 at 3pm, in the chamber of the undersigned.
CONTACT: Prof. S. Rama Rao
Principal Investigator
Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

Walk-in for RA post at Assam Agricultural University

Precision Farming Development Centre
Assam Agricultural University
Kahikuchi Guwahati- 781 017

(No. AAU/HRS/ 2012-13/720-25 dtd 01.08.2012)

Applications are invited in plain papers from interested candidate of North East having requisite qualification and experience for the following positions for restructuring manpower of Precision Farming Development Center (PFDC), Horticultural Research Station, AAU, Kahikuchi, Guwahati-781017. The candidates are requested to come prepared with a copy of certificates and testimonials on the day of interview. The interview will be held on 13th August, 2012 at 11.00 a.m. onward in the office of the Chief-Scientist, HRS, AAU, Kahikuchi, Guwahati-17.
Name of Post
Number of Post
Essential Qualification
Salary p.m (fixed)
M.Sc (Agri)/Ph.D (Agri) in any discipline. Preferably Horticulture
1 year experience in Plasticulture application in Horticulture
23000/-for M.Sc .+ HRA + MA 24000/- for Ph.D + HRA + MA
  • HRA and MA will be as per AAU norms.
  • No TA, DA will be admissible for appearing in the interview.

Walk-in for Field technical assistant at IARI, New Delhi

NEW DELHI-110012
The Head, Division of Agricultural Physics, IARI, New Delhi, intends to recruit one Field Technical
Assistant in the following project purely on contractual basis. A detail of the position is given below:
Name of the Project & PI: Project Title : “Retrieval of Crop Biophysical Parameters from Hyperspectral-BRDF through Inversion of Radiative Transfer Model”
Funded by Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India

Name of Position: Technical Assistant(FTA) One
Emoluments: Rs. 8000+ HRA
Essential: 12th or (10 +2) pass working knowledge of field operations and laboratory work and field survey.
NB: The job specifically involves manual operations like sowing, weeding, harvesting, sampling soil and plants, recording field observations, laboratory cleaning, assisting in in chemical analysis
Date of Interview: Aug 22, 2012 at 10:30 AM
Terms and conditions:
1. The above position is purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis. The initial appointment will be for the period of one year and may get extended based on the performance till end of the project or upto March 31, 2014 whichever is earlier. The selected candidates will have no claim for regular appointment at this institute as the position is co-terminus with the project.
2. Age limit: The candidate age should be maximum 30 years (Relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/Women & 3 years for OBC candidates).
3. The candidate will have to compulsorily bring the filled in application form (as the format annexed), all original certificates from matriculation onwards, date of birth certificate, experience certificate (if any) and one set and recent passport size photograph pasted onto the application form failing which they will not be allowed to appear in the interview.
4. TA/DA: No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
5. No objection certificate from the employer shall be produced in case the candidate is employed
6. The interview of eligible candidates will be held in the room of Head, Division of Agricultural
Physics, IARI, Pusa, New Delhi on Aug 22, 2012. Reporting time: 9.30 am to Venue:
Library Room of the Division. Only the candidates having essential qualification would be
entertained for the interview.
7. Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination.
8. The candidate intending to visit for interview, he/she has to declare if any of his near or distant
relative is an employee of ICAR/IARI with his/her name, nature of duties, relationship in writing
so as to reach by Aug 16, 2012. All the other candidates are also required compulsorily to furnish
the declaration duly signed in the format annexed and submit on the date of interview.

JRF post in Department of Bioinformatics, School of Life Sciences, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-

Department of Bioinformatics
School of Life Sciences
Advt. No. JRF/01/DRDO/2012 Date: July 19, 2012
Applications are invited for the post of a full time Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a major research project entitled ‘’Structural and Functional Evolution of Bacterial ADP-ribosylation Superfamily–A Special Emphasis for Engineering Immunotoxins from Binary toxin’’ supported by Life Science Research Board, Defence Research and Development Organization, New Delhi.
Essential qualification:First class in M.Sc.(Genomics/Biotechnology/Microbiology/Biochemistry/Life Sciences) with research experience in the field of Structural Bioinformatics.
Desirable qualification: Experience in an area relevant (Molecular Microbiology and Protein engineering) to the project.
Fellowship: Rs. 16000 per month plus HRA as per University rule.
Duration: Three years or till the end of the project period.
Upper age limit: 28 years
Application including bio-data should be mailed to or Dr. P. Chellapandi, Assistant Professor, Department of Bioinformatics, School of Life Sciences, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli- 620 024, Tamil Nadu, on or before August 10, 2012 by post. Selected candidates will be allowed to register for Ph.D. Degree in Biotechnology/Bioinformatics. The candidates called for interview will not be paid any TA/DA.

SRF post in Department of Biochemistry Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirappalli

Department of Biochemistry
Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirappalli – 620 024
Applications are invited for Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) to work in the CSIR sponsored research project
Title of the project: Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress induced autophagy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the implications in Phospholipids
Fellowship: SRF 18,000 + HRA per month
Essential Qualification: First class in M.Sc., Life sciences with two years research experience in lipid Biochemistry
Preferred Qualification: NET/GATE and/or publication in same or related area.
Duration: 3 years
Principal Investigator: Dr. Vasanthi Nachiappan
Assoc. Professor & Head
Department of Biochemistry
Bharathidasan University
Tiruchirappalli – 620024
Applicants should send Curriculum Vitae and a brief letter describing their prior research experience through email to on or before 09.08.12. Application through email only accepted. Short listed candidates will have to attend interview at the Department of Biochemistry, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620024 at short notice. No TA and DA.

JRF post in Indo-U S project at Department of Biochemistry, PGIMER, Chandigarh

Department of Biochemistry
PGIMER, Chandigarh – 160012 [India]
Applications are invited for the post of JRF in an Indo-U S project entitled “Rapid diagnosis Of early TB in HIV + patients,,funded for two years by ICM R w.e.f. 1st January 2012. Candidates possessing the following qualifications may submit their bio-data along with attested copies of certificates to the office of undersigned by 10th August 2012 forenoon and appear for interview on 11th August 2012 at 11.00 am in Dean office.
Junior R esearchFellow:
Eligibilty : M .S c. Biochemistry/M icrobiology/Biotechnology/Pharmacology with NET -LS
Remuneration: R s.16000/-+HR A
CONTACT: Dr. Indu Verma
Department of Biochemistry
PGIMER , Chandigarh

Project scientist and project Associate posts at CSIR Ayurgenomics Unit

CSIR Ayurgenomics Unit (Translational Research and Innovative Science ThRough Ayurveda - TRISUTRA) has been functioning at CSIR-Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology (IGIB), Mall Road, Delhi-110 007.
The research focus of the Unit is to develop affordable health care solutions through integration of traditional knowledge of Ayurveda, Genomics and Modern Medicine. An inter-disciplinary networked centre that would enable cross talk between Ayurveda, modern medicine and genomic science, is being established to achieve its objectives.
The Unit has manifold activities with the following broad objectives such as (a) to conduct research aimed at validation and providing scientific evidence to principles/concepts described in Ayurveda for predictive, personalized and pre-emptive approach to health and diseased conditions; (b) to develop data and sample repositories for prospective research studies; (c) to develop inter-disciplinary human resources and (d) to undertake and coordinate translational research for developing affordable health care solutions for diseases of national priority based on Ayurveda literature. The Unit would also strive towards providing scientific credence and global acceptability to Ayurveda, new leads to genomics, create inter-disciplinary expertise and would also provide marketable leads that would be attractive to health, nutrition and Ayurveda industry.
CSIR Ayurgenomics Unit is looking for young and bright candidates for purely temporary positions of Project Scientists and Project Associates from the fields of Modern Medicine and Ayurveda. The number of positions, age-limit, essential qualifications and emoluments prescribed for these positions are given below: 

Name of Position
Essential Qualifications
Consolidated Emoluments
Project Scientist
MD in Ayurveda with outstanding academic records and proven ability for high quality R&D work
Knowledge of Basic principles of Ayurveda and experience in Kayachakitsa, Vikriti Vigyan
Below 40 yrs
As per CSIR Quick Hire Scheme (QHF) for Fellows
Project Scientist
PhD in Life Sciences/MD (Medicine)/MBBS with three years experience having outstanding academic records and proven ability for high quality R&D work
Project Associate
MBBS/BAMS with one year internship with uniformly outstanding academic records and clear potential for high quality R&D work
Project Scientists shall draw emoluments in the range(s) of CSIR Quick Hire Fellows Scheme as per recommendations of the Selection Committee on the basis of their qualifications, experience, Research Papers published/Patents filed and performance in the interview. Decision of the Competent Authority in this regard shall be final.
Interested candidates may mail their detailed CV to along with copies of testimonials and publications, if any, latest by 14th August, 2012.  A duly constituted Screening Committee will short-list the applications. The short-listed candidates will be called for personal interview, to be conducted in Delhi on 30th August, 2012 (tentative). Candidates called for interview will be informed about timings and venue of interview through email separately. No TA/DA will be paid for attending interview. Candidates may also converse in Hindi in the interview. 

Walk-in for Field worker at CRME, Madurai

(Indian Council of Medical Research)
No.4, Sarojini Street, Chinna Chokkikulam, MADURAI – 625 002
Candidates who possess qualification mentioned below may attend the WALK IN-INTERVIEW on 13th August 2012 (Monday) at 2.00 P.M. with all the original certificates, including caste status and recent passport size photograph for one post of FIELD WORKER under BMGF funded project entitled “Assessment of the added impact of vector control for augmentation of MDA to eliminate lymphatic filariasis in South India”.  The selected candidate will be appointed initially for a period of six months and will be likely extended up to another six months or upto September 2013 depending upon his/her performance and availability of funds and/or continuity of the project. Download Application Form
1.       Educational Qualification      : 10+2 with Science subjects or equivalent from a
recognised board
2.       Experience                                :           Some field experience in the bio-medical/lab
3.       Job description             :           Field survey involving Entomological collection,
4.       Consolidated salary                  :           Rs.18,360/- p.m. (Consolidated)
5.       Age limit                                   :           Below 30 years (as on the date of walk-in-interview)
and relaxable for SC/ST and OBC candidates, as per the Govt. of India rules in force.
Venue: Centre for Research in Medical Entomology, No. 4, Sarojini Street, Chinna Chokkikulam,
               Madurai – 625 002
Candidates who wish to appear for the walk-in-interview can download the application format given in the website of Indian Council of Medical Research, (   Duly filled in application along with the copies of certificates should be submitted at the time of interview.  Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidate or bringing political or other outside influence with regard to selection shall be a disqualification and such candidates will not be entertained.  No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview


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