Friday, September 30, 2011

Advertisement for the Post of Professor at NIFTEM

NIFTEM requires a highly competent and committed faculty to build core competencies for imparting stateoftheart education, facilitating the process of teaching world class professional and technical education in the domain of Food Science & Technology.
POST: Professor
NIFTEM invites applications from serving or retired qualified Indian citizens who could be engaged on Regular /Permanent basis/Visiting Professor/Guest Faculty, etc from serving or retired Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) as well as NonIndians who are exceptionally bright and motivated with an established record of independent high quality research and committed to teaching and research for the faculty positions in the Department of:

Area of Specialization

Basic and Applied Science
Food Chemistry
Food Microbiology
Computer Science
Food Business Management & Entrepreneurship
Agribusiness Management &
Allied Strategy & Management Disciplines
Entrepreneurship Development
Communication & Language skills
Food Science & Technology
Technology of Animal Food
Technology of Plant Foods
Food Science & technology
Food Enterprise Incubator  
Food Testing Lab & Toxic ology
Food Engineering
Bioprocess Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics Engineering
 Engineering Graphics& Workshop  Practices
Agriculture and Environmental Science
Agriculture Extension
Environmental Science Energy

1.An eminent scholar with Ph.D qualification and published work of high quality actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with a minimum of 10 publications as books and /or research/ policy papers in indexed/ISBN/ISSN numbered journals and as ISBN/ISSN numbered books.
2.A minimum of 10 years teaching experience in university/college, and/or experience in research at the University/National Level institutions, including experience of guiding candidates for research at doctoral level.
3.Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses and technology dedicated teaching learning process.
4.A satisfactory score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) developed by UGC.
The faculty is expected to exercise a special responsibility in providing leadership and in fostering excellence in research, teaching, professional activities of the Institute like Skill Development for the food processing sector, SME upgradation (Consultancy etc.) and policy development in the academic discipline within the school, faculty and Institutewide, and within the community, both scholarly and general.
The faculty is expected to work within both the academic/ research and administrative requirements of the Institute, particularly in support of the Institute’s commitment to make the Institute a world class ‘Center of Excellence’ by adopting global standards in Food Science & Technology Education & Research.
The faculty is expected to
·         have a doctoral qualification or equivalent accreditation and standing derived from recognized significant experience in the relevant discipline area;
·         have a record of demonstrable scholarly and professional achievement in the relevant discipline;
·         demonstrate academic excellence through an outstanding contribution to teaching, research and the discipline; and
·         be recognized as a leading authority in the relevant discipline area.
The Faculty is expected to provide academic leadership through
·         the conduct of research including, where appropriate, leadership of a large research team;
·         fostering the research of other groups and individuals both within the discipline and related disciplines;
·         supervision of the program of study of courses introduced from time to time and major research projects for incubation;
·         development of research policy;
·         an ability to promote brand building, through outreach activities leading to tieup with National and International Institutions;
·         continuing personal commitment to, and achievement in, a particular scholarly area evidenced by publication in refereed journals, books, performances and other scholarly works, invitations to present keynote addresses at international meetings and to write chapters in international books, election to learned academies and other recognition such as awards, prizes and honorary degrees.
The Faculty is expected to demonstrate an outstanding personal contribution and commitment to high quality teaching and learning through:
the conduct of tutorials, practical classes, demonstrations, workshops, student field excursions, Village adoption initiative sessions and Laboratory sessions and the preparation and delivery of lectures and seminars at all levels;
consultation with students;marking and assessment; and Playing an active role in the maintenance of academic standards and in the development of educational policy and of curriculum areas within the discipline including the initiation and development of subject material.
Application Form and Instructions:
The application form can be downloaded from the website.
Please make sure to complete all fields, without leaving any fields blank.
Make sure to clearly mention the name of the position and Department applied for along with the code.
Please send separate application for each Department/Post if applying for more than one. Enclosures have to accompany each application separately.
Application not sent in prescribed format will not be considered.
Please enclose the detailed Academic Profile including the following information:
A.Details of publication/ Conference papers presented listing
Publications/ Presentations giving chronologically: Names of authors, title of the papers, name of the journal/ conference, volume/proceedings, pages(fromto), year etc. (Group the above separately as referreed National Journals, Refereed International Journals, Unrefereed Journals, presented at National Conferences, presented at International Conferences etc.)
Include only published / inpress / accepted articles / papers. Do not include submitted / under review / consideration articles / papers
B.Awards, Patents, Prizes etc indicating:
Nature, name of prize/award, awarded by, awarded for, year of award
Name of the patent, year and details about the patent, etc.
C.Research guidance (Ph.D./M.S./M.Tech., only those awarded) listing:
Research degree, name of the scholar, title of thesis, year of award, coguide,
If any, etc.
D.Role in and details of research / consultancy projects carried out, listing:
Title of the project, duration, sponsor, value, coinvestigators, if any, etc.
E.Other Activities like:
Text books and Monographs written with details,
Continuing education programs / conferences organized (as an organizer or coorganiser) etc.
F.Any other relevant but brief information on your academic standing.
Enclose full reprints of Five best papers published.
Please send the application form after duly filling up all the fields with relevant enclosures to :
Secretary, NIFTEM Society 3rd Floor, AMDA Building. 7/6 Siri institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi110049.
The scale of pay for the post of Professor is 37,400 – 67,000 + AGP of 10,000.
Minimum basic will be fixed as per 6th Pay Commission recommendation of UGC.
The last pay drawn shall however be protected as per extant rules & guidelines.
Advance increments can also be considered in cases of outstanding merit and higher experience. Persons joining on same grade will also be considered for grant of advance increment depending upon their experience.
NO. OF POSTS: 05 (Five): The no. of posts for visiting Professor / Guest professor would be over and above the above mentioned posts.
NIFTEM extends the following support for Professional Advancement of Faculty:
·         Faculty shall have full freedom to structure the pedagogy including its delivery within the broad parameters of the programme curriculum and objectives set by the Institute.
·         Faculty shall have freedom in research and in the publication of results arising out of research.
·         Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) will be followed as per UGC norms.
·         Startup Grant upto `20 Lakhs for carrying out research project of 3 years duration. Grant can be enhanced for Experimental Research. Besides, separate substantial grant is earmarked for equipment related to research.
·         Reimbursement of membership fee for Professional bodies.
·         The Institute encourages exposure of Faculty to the International academic seminars and conferences. Reimbursement of expenses for attending National/ International Conferences as per laid out norms in this regard.
·         Facilities for Research and Development activities exist in all the Departments. These are being continuously modernized with contemporary equipment and services. World class facilities also exist for computing.
·         The Institute has a well stocked library and e resource Center in a state of the art multi level Central Library.
·         NIFTEM extends liberal book grants to the faculty to update their knowledge constantly to keep up global standards of the Institute.
·         Publication of academic & research papers in reputed International journals will be duly rewarded with incentives.
·         The Institute encourages interaction of the faculty with the Industry and other stakeholders of Food Processing Sector.
ACCOMMODATION: The Institute will provide residential apartments as per entitlement.
Campus will have neighborhood facilities Bank, Post Office, Shopping Center, Food Courts etc.
·         Medical Coverage as per rules.
·         Provident Fund, Gratuity and Pension benefits as per rules.
·         Leave Travel Concession facility.
·         Sabbatical leave and other leave as per rules.
·         Recreation facilities Gymnasium, Health Club, Sports facilities, amphitheatre etc.
Permanent faculty positions are open to Indian Nationals, Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) and overseas citizens of India (OCI). Appointment of foreign nationals for fixed period on contract basis is permissible.
Political and security clearance from Ministries of External Affairs and Home Affairs is necessary in every case for individuals with foreign passports.
Reservation is applicable as per Government of India rules. Necessary certificates must be enclosed with the application form.
Candidates employed in Government and SemiGovernment Organizations, Public Undertakings, University and Educational Institutions must apply through their present employers. If they anticipate unavoidable delay in their applications being forwarded through proper channel, they may submit advance copies of their applications directly to the –
Secretary, NIFTEM Society 3rd Floor, AMDA Building. 7/6 Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi110049.

National Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians(23-24 December, 2011) at IASRI

National Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians
National Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians is being organized since 1974 by IASRI indifferent parts of the country. XVI National Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians is beingorganized at Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi during December 23-24, 2010. The objective of holding such conferences is to set the agenda of research on problems ofcurrent and future national priorities and to prepare ourselves for mitigating these issues by identifying methods of collection/compilation/analysis and  interpretation of the results from the research studies in the area of agricultural statistics and computer application. The conference also provides a forum to the agricultural statisticians to exchange and share ideas, discuss problems of current national importance and create a network of statisticians working in various agricultural research institutions in the country.
The theme of the present conference is “National Priorities in Agricultural Statistics and Informatics”
The composition of the conference would by and large be the Inaugural Session followed by the presentation of the Action Taken Report on the recommendations of XV National Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians. The conference would conclude with Plenary Session in  which the recommendations emerging from the deliberations during the conference would be finalized. The discussions would be organized in three different Technical Sessions as given below:

Technical Session
Technical Session-I                 
Priorities for Research in Agricultural Statistics:Current Status and Future Challenges
Dr. UC Sud
Dr. A Dhandapani
Technical Session-II
Priorities for ICT in Agriculture
Dr. RC Goyal
Dr. RC Agrawal
Technical Session-III
Priorities for Human Resource Development in Agricultural Statistics and Computer Applications   
Dr. Krishan Lal
Dr. B Singh

Normally there would be three to four invited speakers in every session. However, participants desirousof making their contributions to the various sessions are welcome to express their views by submitting a request to respective Conveners or Organizing Secretary along with a brief statement of their views so that the same can be properly placed during the discussions.Kindly confirm your participation by sending the registration fee along with duly filled prescribed proforma as given in the brochure latest by December 10, 2010.
VENUE: IASRI, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi.
ACCOMODATION: Accomodation would be arranged in Institute Guest Houses on payment basis.
REGISTRATION FEE: The delegates are requested to report for registration between 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on December 23,2010. The non-refundable registration fee is Rs. 500/- . The registration fee includes conference material,working lunch and sessional tea. The participants are requested to make their own transport arrangements from railway station/airport/bus stand at New Delhi to IASRI and back.
Registration fee is to be paid by Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, IASRI, New Delhi payable at Syndicate Bank, New Delhi. Those who intend to participate in the conference are requested to send the completed Registration Form as per the format alongwith the registration fee to: Dr. Rajender Parsad, Head, Division of Design of Experiments and Organizing Secretary, IASRI, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi – 110 012, India, Phone No. (O) 011-25843573; (R) 011-25558564;Fax No. 011-25841564; E-mail:
Organizing Secretary
Dr. Rajender Parsad
Head, Division of Design of Experiments
IASRI, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi – 110 012, India
Phone No. (O) 011-25843573; (R) 011-25558564
Fax No. 011-25841564; E-mail:

Doctorate Programme at CMJ University, Meghalaya

CMJ University
Established by government of Meghalaya
Section 2(f) of UGC act 1956

Doctorate Programme(PH.D)
In India, a Masters Degree is required to gain admission to a Doctoral Programme although M.Phil Degree holders are preferred. In some subjects, doing a Masters in Philosophy (M.Phil) is a prerequisite to start Ph.D. The Indian Universities are required to lay down the criteria for the Faculty to be recognized as Research Supervisors both for M.Phil. and Ph.D. Programmes. The admissions are made through a Entrance Test at the level of the individual university. Upon satisfactory completion of the course work and the research methodology, which shall form part and parcel of the Doctoral Programme, the Scholars shall undertake research work and produce a draft Thesis within a reasonable time, as stipulated by the concerned university. The final Thesis produced by the Doctoral student and submitted to the University shall be evaluated by at least two experts, out of which one shall be from outside the State. It shall be up to the University concerned to have one examiner from outside the country. On receipt of satisfactory evaluation report, the Doctoral student undergoes a viva-voce examination which are to be openly defended. Along with the Degree, the University shall issue a Provisional Certificate certifying to the effect that the Degree has been awarded in accordance with the provisions of these regulations of the University Grants Commission (UGC).
Every candidate for the Ph.D. Degree registered under regulations shall be required to carry on research work in his/her own subject or allied subject at least for two to three years, respectively, from the date of his/her registration under the guidance of a supervisor.
The CMJ University has framed its own guidelines for admission to the Ph.D. Degree in the light of the UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations 2009. Click here to Download UGC Guidelines for Ph.D.
A Master's Degree in the relevant subject or any other equivalent degree from recognised University. Those having M.Phil Degrees will be preferred.
All candidates working in the Govt. Department or Industrial Units or in research organizations and are pursuing Ph.D. programme in the university, while continuing in their Job. They shall pursue research both in their place of employment and in the university.
Two to Five Years.

The Ph.D. Scholars will be selected on the basis of an Entrance Examination conducted by the CMJ University at different locations in India 30 June 2011 and on 31 December 2011. The subjects and topics for the Entrance Test will include science, general knowledge, communication and research methodology. Only the predetermined number of students may be admitted to Ph.D. programme.
However, a candidate shall be exempted from the Entrance Test, if he / she meets any one of the following criteria:
           holds M.Phil Degree
           has cleared the NET / SLET / JET / GATE examinations
           holds the post of scientist in any National level research laboratories and has published at least two research papers in the refereed journals.
           hold research visa (applicable only to foreign national) issued as per the guidelines of HRD Ministry, Goverment of India. Provided other eligibility conditions are met.
The Candidates desirous of registration in Ph.D. programme shall submit the filled-in prescribed form to the DG INFOTEC along with the necessary supporting documents.
The selected candidates will be required to qualify course work as per UGC guidelines and submit five copies of the synopsis as per university guidelines in consultation with his/her Research Supervisor. Based on the clearance from the Research Board of the University, registration will be confirmed by also notifying the specific topic for research selected by the Research Scholar who will start researching on the notified topic. The application for Ph.D. programmes will be accepted in the university either July or in  January in each academic session. Eligibility of Guide
The Guide under whom a candidate proposes to carry on research programme must satisfy the requirements as under:
           The Proposed supervisor must possess a Ph.D. degree in relevant areas of research in which he/she proposes to supervise the candidate.
           A Guide shall not have, at any given point of time, more than eight Ph.D. candidate.
           Guide should not be related with the candidate.
Only under unusual situation change of guide may permitted by the university subject to the “No Objection Certificate” from the previous guide stating therein the reasons of change and subsequent recommendation of CCII. The Thesis can be submitted under new Guide only after one year of the change of Guide.   
The Candidate  shall arrange to make presentation on research work once in a year before the faculty members of the university department with consultation of of the Guide. The Guide will prepare a progress report on the prescribed form for onward transmission to University Research Board.
The registration of the candidate whose progress is not found satisfactory as per the recommendation of the Guide and the CCII will be cancelled.  Also the Ph.D. registration shall be automatically cancelled if the thesis not submit within five years of registration.
           First Installment:   Rs. 30,200/-  (to be paid in the favor of CMJ University) and Rs. 6,000 ( to  be paid to CCII information Centre) ,within a month from the date of the selection of the candidate.
           Second Installment: Rs. 30,000/-  (to be paid after four month of first Installment in the favor of CMJ University)
           Third Installment: Rs. 30,000/-  (to be paid in the favor of CMJ University) and Rs. 6,000 ( to  be paid to CCII information Centre) after six month of second installment.
           Fourth Installment: Rs. 30,000/- (to be paid after four month of third installment in the name of CMJ University)
Evaluation Fee of Rs.5000/- is to be paid in the favor of “CMJ University” while submitting the Doctoral Thesis after two years from the date of registration.          
1)         The applicants must submit the Application Form along with attested testimonials through Registered Post only to the following Address :       
The Admission Coordinator CMJ University
#143/19 Picnic Garden Road
1st Floor, Kolkata - 700 039
West Bengal
2)         No Application other than in the prescribed Application Form will be considered.    
3)         Downloaded Application Forms must be accompanied by a crossed bank draft of Rs. 5125/- in favour of “DG Infotec ” payable at Kolkata.  
4)         Candidate must write the category i.e. Ph.D /M Phil/M Tech or any other Programe applied for and also the following lines On the Top of the Envelope in Capital Letters “APPLICATION FOR THE ADMISSION TO "COURSE NAME" IN 2011-12 SESSION”.         
5)         Filled in Application Forms must be sent by hand, courier or Rgistered Post service etc. will be accepted.    
6)         Completed Application Forms along with duly self-attested documents must reach to The Admission Office , latest by the last date as mentioned in the email or by Admission Counselor of CMJU.The University shall not entertain any Application after the last date and shall not be responsible for postal delay.       
7)         FEE DEPOSITS
Candidates can deposit their Fee(s) ,Dues by NEFT/RTGS Transaction in the AXIS BANK ONLINE PAYMENTSAccount No:
Account Name: DGINFOTEC
Name of the Bank:AXIS BANK
Account Type: Current Account
Account Number:
IFSC Code: 
From Anywhere Anytime and send us the origional receipt of Fee Deposits .
Contact for any Clarfication Support: +(91)9433547743 / 9903842614        

Short term course on Environmental Genomics and Biotechnology at IIT, Kharagpur

(2nd December – 9th December, 2011)
VENUE: IIT Kharagpur
Department of Biotechnology
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Principal Coordinator: Dr. Pinaki Sar
Co-Coordinator: Prof. Ananta Kumar Ghosh
The utilization of natural microbial diversity in biotechnology is hindered mainly by our inability to culture the vast majority of microorganisms. Understanding microbial community structure, function and evolution in natural environment is required to meet the promise of microbial biotechnology. In order to meet these new challenges, microbiologists are applying tools of genomics and other high throughput technologies to both cultured microbes and related environmental samples.
Environmental genomics seeks to envisage an organism(s) response at the genetic level with respect to changes in their external environment. These genome responses are diverse and, as a result, environmental genomics integrates molecular biology, physiology, toxicology, ecology, systems biology, epidemiology and population genetics into an interdisciplinary research program. Two significant advances create opportunities to finally link gene-environment interactions to the fitness of individuals and to population-level outcomes: (1) Growing number of Genome and transcriptome sequences for species whose ecology and physiology are well understood and (2) Accessibility of sophisticated tools for high-throughput biology, statistical analysis and informatics.
The objective of this course is to introduce the concept and techniques of microbial genomics to enhance the application of microbial resources in biotechnology
• Genomics: Concept, methods and applications
• Bioinformatic tools, application in ‘-omics’-studies
• Genome diversity and polymorphisms
• Gene expression profiling, transcriptomics and microarray
• Metagenomics: Concepts, methods and application
• High throughput analytics in genomic studies
• Proteomics: tools and application
Faculty from I.I.T. Kharagpur and experts from other reputed institutes will deliver lectures in this course.
Lecture through audio-visual presentation, simulation, structured exercise, group
discussion, case analysis, and with interactive-brain storming sessions.
Number of Participants: 30 (Thirty only)
Faculty from AICTE approved colleges, institutes and universities are eligible to participate in this course.
Approval Letter from concerned authority is mandatory
Minimum PG qualification is required
COURSE FEES: No course fees.
The course is fully sponsored by MHRD/AICTE under the quality improvement programme (QIP). QIP candidates from AICTE-approved colleges and Institutes will have to send a caution deposit of Rs 1000 with their application (by bank draft in favor of CEP-STC, IIT Kharagpur payable at Kharagpur). This will be refunded when the QIP candidate attends the course. For any cancellation of participation after 10th November, 2011, the caution deposit of Rs 1000 will not be refunded (cancellation intimation (email/fax/letter) must reach Coordinator’s office by 10th Nov, 2011).
TA/DA:TA/DA will be reimbursed to all the participants as per AICTE rules (Up to 3-Tier AC Rail fare by shortest route).
ACCOMMODATION: Accommodation and other logistic arrangements will be made by IIT Kharagpur (Ashutosh Mukherjee Hall and CEP Guest House).
CERTIFICATE:The participants will be provided certificates on successful completion of the programme.
HOW TO APPLY?Application for this course is to be made using the application from (Pl see below). The form should be properly filled up by the participant and should be endorsed with seal and signature of HOD/ Director / Principal or similar appropriate supervising authority. A hard-copy of the duly filled-in form along with a 1 page CV of the applicant is necessary; however, an advance copy as an attachment may be sent to the e-mail address of the Coordinator. There are only 30 seats.
Last date for receiving Application: 10th October, 2011
Intimation to Participants latest by: 23rd October, 2011
Arrival of Participants at IIT Kharagpur: 1st December, 2011, Afternoon
Completion of the Course: 9th December, 2011- Afternoon
Dr. Pinaki Sar, Principal Coordinator
Department of Biotechnology
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Kharagpur – 721302, WB, India
Tel: 03222-283754 (Off.); 03222-283755 (Res.)
Fax: 03222-255303/ 282280
Email: /
Prof, Ananta Kumar Ghosh, Co-Coordinator
Department of Biotechnology
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Kharagpur – 721302, WB, India
Tel: 03222-283762 (Off.); 03222-283763 (Res.)
Fax: 03222-255303/ 282280


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