Friday, June 29, 2012


Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Human Resource Development Group (Extra Mural Research Division-I) CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi -110 012
(Advt No. 2012/I)
The Human Resource Development (HRD) Group of COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH (CSIR), New Delhi, provides opportunities to bright young men and women in the form of Senior Research Fellowships (SRFs)/ SRF (Extended)/ Research Associateships (RAs) for training in methods of research under the expert guidance of faculty members/scientists working in universities, laboratories and institutes of Government Departments and recognised laboratories of industry in various fields of science and technology.
Preference will be given to the research topics relevant to R&D programmes of CSIR Laboratories, in the new and emerging fields of science and in the areas of importance for development of scientific and technological capability of the country. The Fellowships/ Associateships are tenable in all the universities and deemed universities/IITs/postgraduate colleges/government research establishments including those of CSIR, R&D establishments of recognised public sector, industrial firms and other recognised institutions. Only bonafide Indian citizens are eligible for the award. The award is for fixed tenure and does not imply any assurance or guarantee for subsequent employment by CSIR to the beneficiary. CSIR reserves the right to determine the place in India best suited to provide necessary facilities in the areas of science in which the awardee is to specialize. Selected Fellows and Associates will have to devote their full time to the approved research programmes. Fellows and Associates are not permitted to take up any other remunerative jobs/assignments during their tenure.
MSc/BE/BTech or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and should have completed at least two years of post MSc/BE/BTech research experience as on the last date of application, as evidenced from fellowship/ associateship or from date of registration for Ph.D.
MTech/ME or equivalent degree in engineering/technology with at least 60% marks.
BE/BTech/BPharm or equivalent degree with at least 60% marks and two years research experience as on the last date of application.
MBBS/BDS or equivalent with at least 60% marks and one year internship.
BPharm/BVSc/BSc(Ag) or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and should have completed at least three years research experience as on the last date of application, evidenced from fellowship/associateship or from date of registration for Ph.D.
MVSc/MSc(Ag) or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and should have at least one year research experience as on the last date of application, evidenced from fellowship / associateship or from date of registration for Ph.D.
Apply Online on or before 31st July 2012
Only online applications followed by hard copy will be accepted.
MPharm or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and should have at least one year research experience as on the last date of application, evidenced from fellowship /associateship or from date of registration for Ph.D.
MPharm or equivalent degree in pharmaceutical sciences with at least 60% marks.
Documents in support of research, teaching (not below the undergraduate level) experience and Ph.D. registration should be attached.
Those who have been awarded PhD/MD/MS/MDS degree or have submitted their thesis for the award of PhD/MD/MS/MDS degrees are not eligible for the position of SRF. Those who are eligible for RA will not be considered for SRF.
These fellowships are held on a full time basis. Therefore simultaneous employment elsewhere is not permitted. However, those desirous of pursuing higher studies, but employed presently, whether temporary or permanent may apply with an undertaking that if selected, they will resign from the job before taking up the fellowship. The application will be rejected if the undertaking is not enclosed.
For Science disciplines: Rs. 18000/- per month for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year.
For Medical/Veterinary/ Pharmacy, Engineering and equivalent disciplines: Rs. 18000/-p.m. for the 1st and 2nd year and Rs. 20,000/-p.m. for the 3rd and 4th year. In addition, each SRF will receive a contingent grant of a maximum Rs. 20,000/-p.a. The grant will be provided to the University/Institution with which the SRF will be affiliated. SRFs will be given Rs. 3000/- (lump sum) extra on submission of Ph.D thesis in e-form. For details regarding format, etc. of e-thesis please see CSIR’s Unit for R&D of Information Products (URDIP) at .
SRF will be tenable initially for a period of two years. The term is extendable by one year on the basis of assessment of the progress already made. Those who have held or are holding equivalent fellowships awarded under various schemes of all India grant giving agencies such as DST, DBT, ICMR, UGC, ICAR etc. may apply subject to the condition that the total tenure inclusive of CSIR fellowship shall not exceed three years. Those who have already availed, or would have availed by 31st March 2013, equivalent fellowship etc. for 3 years need not apply. The combined tenure of JRF, if any, and SRF will not exceed five years. SRF will be terminated from the date of PhD viva voce or completion of tenure whichever is earlier. Those who are already holding equivalent fellowship should specify the reason for applying. The application is likely to be rejected if the reason is not specified.
All those candidates who have submitted their PhD/MD/MS/MDS thesis can apply under this category. All such candidates must submit necessary documents issued by the University, as proof of their having submitted the thesis. In the absence of such documents, application will be rejected. The applicant must have at least one publication in standard refereed journal as listed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) etc. The selected candidates will be offered SRF (Ext) for one year only at a stipend of Rs. 20,000/-p.m. Candidates applying for SRF (Ext), who are expected to obtain PhD degree by the time of the date of interview, may submit their research proposal as applicable to RA. Only those candidates, who bring the proof of PhD degree at the time of interview, will be considered for RA.
1. The applicant should have a PhD before the last date of application (in a science or engineering subject) or MD/MS/MDS (in medical science subject) or ME/MTech/ MPharm/MVSc with three years R&D experience as on the last date of application, evidenced from fellowship or associateship or from date of registration of PhD.
2. The candidate must have at least one research publication in standard refereed journal as listed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR), etc.
Employed candidates, whether temporary or permanent, and also those who have already availed higher fellowships like Senior Research Associateships etc. will not be considered for RAship.
The stipend of RA will be one of the following:
Rs. 22,000/- p.m.
Rs. 23,000/-p.m.
Rs. 24,000/-p.m.
In addition, each RA will receive a contingent grant of a maximum of Rs. 20,000/-p.a which will be provided to the concerned University/Institution.
RA will be tenable initially for one year. It may be extended further annually at the discretion of CSIR based on three members assessment committee report. The total tenure of RA is fixed for 3 years. Those who have availed or are holding equivalent Associateships under various schemes of All-India grant giving agencies such as DST, DBT, ICMR, UGC, ICAR etc. may apply subject to the condition that the total tenure of RA including that of CSIR shall not exceed three years. Those who have already availed equivalent grant of any kind for three years need not apply.
Senior Research Fellow : Maximum 32 years as on the last date of application.
SRF Extended: Maximum 33 years as on the last date of application.
Research Associate:  Maximum 35 years as on the last date of application.
Age limit is relaxable by five years for SC, ST, OBCs and physically handicapped on production of suitable certificates from the competent authority. Women candidates are also given age relaxation of five years.
Selection will be made through interview of candidates short-listed on the basis of their academic records, experience and assessment of research work already carried out and published by the candidates, by discipline-wise high level expert committees. The SC/ST candidates called for interview will be paid single second class rail fare /bus to and fro by the shortest route from the station mentioned in the address for correspondence given in the online application from (within India) to place of interview on production of documentary proof as per rule in force. Merely fulfilling of the essential qualifications will not entitle a candidate for being called for interview. CSIR reserves the right to call or not to call a candidate for interview.
Only those candidates desirous of working on one of the following broad topics may apply under the Code STS 71:
R & D Management (Planning, Priorities, Evaluation, Social and Economic Impact, etc.) Intellectual Property laws, Policies, Management and evaluation, etc
Technology forecasting, Assessment and Management; Policies, Programmes, and approaches for innovation policies, promotion instruments and management; S & T Policies, Programmes and interface with global economic agenda such as Food, Energy, Ecology and Environment, Climate Change, poverty alleviation, Natural hazards. S & T interface with Society, Polity and Production sectors. Studies on Technological Change in the Production Sectors. Studies on mobility of S & T professionals: Demands, Trends, Impact, etc. Studies on International competitiveness of Indian S & T. Societal impact in the open economy era.
Candidates applying under this code should have essential qualification as applicable to other codes with an exception that degree at the master level can also be in management, social sciences, commerce, etc.
The objective of fellowship in Trans disciplinary area is to encourage research in new and emerging areas where boundaries between disciplines are transcended and knowledge and perspectives from different disciplines are integrated.
Trans disciplinary research brings together two or more disciplines to generate new knowledge through collaborations outside the limits of one’s own discipline.
Candidates applying under this code should have essential qualification as applicable to other codes.

CSIR-Open Source Drug Discovery Post Doctoral Fellowship

Post Doctoral Fellowship
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Anusandhan Bhawan, 2 Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001
Tel: 011-23710138 Ext: 122
Inviting ‘Out of Box Thinkers’
Open Source Drug Discovery ( invites Post Doctoral Fellows interested in working on the cutting edge problems at the interface of mathematics, biology, computational modelling and areas like data intensive discovery
Fresh PhDs/ thesis submitted in the areas of Mathematical Modelling, Bioinformatics and Computer Science , interested in Biology will be preferred.
To apply, send your CV and a cover letter stating why you are interested in this position at , latest by 31st July 2012. Please ensure the subject line reads: “OSDD PDF”

SRF post(Hepatocyte Family Transcription Factors Regulation of Polycystic Kidney Disease-1 gene (PKD) Gene) at Panjab University, Chandigarh

University Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Panjab University, Chandigarh
Biotechnology Branch
Dated:27th June 2012
Applications are invited for a post of Senior Research Fellow on purely temporary basis and coterminous with DBT funded Project entitled” “ Hepatocyte Family Transcription Factors  Regulation of Polycystic Kidney Disease-1 gene (PKD) Gene: Understanding Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease” The appointment will be initially for a period of one year and likely to be extended for two more years. The extension will be strictly contingent to candidate’s progress in the project. Salary will be as per the rules and no TA/DA will be provided for the interested candidates appearing for the interview.
No separate letters will be issued for the interview
Candidates fulfilling the following eligibility criteria may submit their application to the undersigned latest by 6th July 2012
1) M.Sc. in life sciences with atleast 55% marks
2) Atleast 2years research experience in animal cell culture with working knowledge of Promoter bashing experimentations, DNA protein interactions.
CONTACT: Prof Sanjeev Puri
Principal Investigator
Research Project
Professor, Biotechnology, Branch
UIET, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014

RA post(Chemical biology of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) & MMP inhibitors (MMPi)) at NII, New Delhi

National Institute of Immunology
NAME OF THE POST          :          RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (One Post)
DURATION                           :          23.9.2012 (till the Duration of the project)
NAME OF THE PROJECT    :          Chemical biology of matrix metalloproteinases
(MMPs) & MMP inhibitors (MMPi): A new paradigm for inhibitor design based on glycopeptidomimetics for anti-cancer drug development.
EDUCATIONAL   QUALIFICATION:         Ph.D in Molecular Biology/Cell Biology/Biochemistry                             (those who have submitted thesis are eligible to apply)
JOB DESCRIPTION                :        Experience in studies on cancer cell lines, in vitro and animal models of cancer invasion and metastasis. Sound knowledge in molecular biology are protein biochemistry are essential.
EXPERIENCE                         :         Experience in zymographic assays and toxicity and cell viability assays for small molecules are desirable. 
EMOLUMENTS                      :         Rs. 22,000/- per month consolidated + 30% HRA
                                                            Rs. 23,000/- per month consolidated + 30% HRA
                                                            Rs. 24,000/- per month consolidated + 30% HRA
                                                            (*Depending upon Qualification & experience).
LAB NAME                          :        Lab of Chemical Glycobiology (Dr. S. G. Sampathkumar)
SCIENTISTS EMAIL              
WALK IN INTERVIEW ON:           5th July, 2012 (Thursday) from 10.30 AM to 4.00 PM
REGISTRATION OF CANDIDATES: 5th July, 2012 (Thursday) from 10 AM to 11 AM.  
1.                   Applications containing incomplete information shall not be entertained.
2.                     Date of passing the examinations must be indicated clearly.

Animal Attendant post at BHU, Varanasi

 Department of Zoology

DBT Sponsored project- BT/PR3996/MED/97/57/2011 dt 16/03/2012

BHU Project Code No.- P-07-517
Applications are invited for the post of one Animal Attendant (Rs.8000/-pm) in a DBT project on “Effect of perinatal exposure to bisphenol A on the expression and regulation of synaptic proteins in the brain of mice of different ages” (BHU code No. P-07-517).
ELIGIBILITY - Graduate or Intermediate with work experience; Age- 30 years. Five years age relaxation for female/SC/ST/Physically Handicapped candidate. Upper age may be relaxed for earlier work on Project in BHU. All things being equal, SC/ST candidates will be preferred as per GOI rules. The post is purely temporary and coterminous with the project. No TA/DA will be paid if called for interview. Application on plain paper giving biodata along with qualification, experience, etc. supported by attested documents should reach within 21 days of this advertisement to Prof MK Thakur, PI, Department of Zoology, BHU, Varanasi-221005.

JRF post in Organic Synthesis/ (Bio)-Nanotechnology research project at ILS, Hyderabad

Applications are invited for the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) position to work on CSIR funded Organic Synthesis/ (Bio)-Nanotechnology research project
POSITION: Junior Research Fellow
PAY: Rs.16,000/- per month + 30% HRA.
RESPONSIBILITIES: The selected candidate will plan and perform experiments under the supervision of the scientist and provide scientific support to the scientist in all research activities.
DURATION: The duration of the fellowship is for two years. However, the performance of the candidate will be reviewed after the completion of every year and the fellowship will be renewed only upon satisfactory performance.
No claim should be made for the extrapolation of this work into PhD program now or later.
QUALIFICATIONS: (Organic Synthesis): M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry from a recognized university/institute.
ELIGIBILITY: NET qualified candidates under
i) JRF and
ii) Lecturership (NET) categories;
iii) Persons who have qualified in the GATE test.
Selected candidates will be called for a personal interview* at the Institute of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad Campus, Gachibowli, Hyderabad.
PREFERENCE: 6 month - 2 years research experience in the areas of organic synthesis is preferable; however candidates without experience can also apply for the fellowship. Interested candidates can send their curriculum vitae via e-mail to
Please mention project title in the subject line as “Organic Synthesis/ (Bio)-Nanotechnology”.
* No TA/DA will be paid to participate in the interview process or to join the institute.

Research Associate/Senior Research Fellow post at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati-781039, Assam
Applications are invited for one post of a Research Associate (RA)/Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in a CSIR-sponsored project entitled “Algal Route to CO2 Capture”, at the Centre for Energy, IIT Guwahati. The appointment will be on contract basis for one year, extendable up to another two years and co-terminus with the project.
QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE: RA:- M. Tech (Chemical or Biochemical  Engineering or Equivalent) with three years experience or Ph. D in the related area
 SRF:- B. Tech (Chemical or Biochemical Engineering or Equivalent) with two years experience or M. Tech (Chemical or Biochemical  Engineering or Equivalent) or M.Sc (Biological sciences or Biotechnology or equivalent with two years experience). Candidate with good exposure to microbial processes will be preferred.
PAY: RA: Rs. 22000 pm and SRF: Rs. 18000 pm. HRA and medical facilities as per Institute norms.
Interested candidates may send their applications with Bio-data (including educational qualification, experience, contact address, phone no., e-mail etc. with copies of relevant document) on plain paper to Prof. A. K. Ghoshal, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati –781039 (E-mail:, by ordinary post or e-mail or may bring application along with copies and original documents at the time of interview which will be held on July 16, 2012 (Monday) at 3.30 pm in the Conference Room, Centre for the Energy, IIT Guwahati. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate for appearing in the interview. (EVN/P/AKG/3)

Technical Assistant & Lab Attendant post at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research
University of Delhi
Advt.No.ACBR/12/Cont./ June 25, 2012
Applications are invited to fill up the following positions in Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007 on contractual basis. Applications on plain paper giving details regarding qualification, experience, etc. should reach at The Assistant Registrar, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, Delhi-1100 007 mentioning the post applied for on envelope viz. “Application for the post of ……………” latest by 6th July, 2012.
Name of the Post

No. of

Essential Qualification

Technical Assistant UR


Graduate with Science subjects.


Lab. Attendant ST


Should have passed the
Matriculation or an equivalent
examination with science


The University / Centre reserves the right to cancel any application without assigning any reason.

JRF post(Potential role of miR-9 regulation in CXCR-4 expression) at University of Hyderabad

Department of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences
University of Hyderabad, PO: Central University
Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 046
Advertisement for DBT IYBA-JRF Position
Applications are invited for One (1) post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a DBT sponsored Innovative Young Biotechnologists Award (IYBA) research project entitled “Potential role of miR-9 regulation in CXCR-4 expression at different developmental stages of human megakaryocytes” at the School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad. The appointment will be on temporary basis for a period of one year. Based on performance, the appointment could be extended till the end of project.
M. Sc. Life Sciences/Bioinformatics or M. Tech. Bioinformatics with a minimum of 60% marks and with CSIR-UGC JRF/NET or valid GATE score are preferred.
In addition to the minimum qualification, knowledge of human and animal cell culture, molecular biology techniques and bioinformatics is desirable.
PAY: Rs. 16,000 p.m. + H.R.A. for the first two years and Rs. 18,000 + H.R.A. for the third year.
Interested candidates may send their applications with Bio-data (Including educational qualification, experience, contact address, phone no., E-mail etc. with copies of relevant documents) on plain paper to
CONTACT: Dr. G. Ravi Kumar
Department of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences
University of Hyderabad, PO: Central University
Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 046, AP, India
By ordinary post or e-mail.
Last date of application: 15 July, 2012.
Short-listed candidates will be called for interview for which no T.A./D.A. will be paid.

PDF and SRF post at GBPUAT, Pantnagar

G.B.P.U.A.&T., PANTNAGAR-263145
NO. CAG/AGROMET/ 327 Dated. 25 June , 2012
Subject: Award of one PDF and one SRF in Niche Area of Excellence project’s entitled “Geo-informatics for Natural Resource Management and Precision Farming
Applications are invited on plain paper from the candidates possessing minimum qualification (as mentioned bellow) for the award of PDF and SRF at a consolidated fellowship of Rs. 24000/- per month for PDF and 16,000/- per month for SRF in the Niche Area of Excellence project’s entitled “Geo-informatics for Natural Resource Management and Precision Farming” funded by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi for the duration of 2012-2016.
TYPE OF FELLOWSHIPS / AWARD: Post Doctoral Fellowship
MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: PhD in Agrometeorology / Agricultural Physics / Agronomy / Soil Science/ or PhD in Environment Science / Atmospheric Science / Meteorology / Forestry / Agroforestry / Botany / Plant Science
DESIRABLE: Experience in Remote Sensing and GIS preferably knowledge of image processing and modeling
2. TYPE OF FELLOWSHIPS / AWARD: Senior Research Fellowship
MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: M.Sc. Ag. in Agrometeorology / Agricultural Physics / Agronomy / Soil Science/ Horticulture/ Pathology / and other major disciplines of Agriculture or M.Sc. in Environment Science / Atmospheric Science / Meteorology / Forestry / Agroforestry / Botany/ Plant Science
DESIRABLE: Experience in data collection, data processing, statistical analysis, documentation etc.
Eligible candidates should send application up to 17.07.2012 in following format and attend the interview in the office of the Project Leader, Department of Agrometeorology, College of Agriculture, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar on 18.07.2012 at 10.00 A.M. No TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview.

JRF & Project assistant post(Molecular Mechanisms of Neuroprotection ) at Delhi University

Walkin Interview
Application are invited for the position of JRF(one) and Project Assistant(one) under DBT sponsored project(BT/PR4507/MED/30/833/2012).Salary as per DBT norms.
PROJECT TITLED “Molecular Mechanisms of Neuroprotection Mediated through Adenosine A2A Receptor.”
JOB TYPE: Full time
DATE OF INTERVIEW:18 July 2012 at 3:00 pm
LOCATION:Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research ,University of Delhi, Delhi 110007
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: M.Sc. in Biotechnology with 65% marks., NET/GATE qualified .one Year research experience in cell culture will be preferred .
 EMOLUMENTS: As per DBT rule.
 ESSENTAIL QUALIFICATION: M.Sc. in Bioinformatics with 65% marks .
Interested candidates may appear for interview on 16 July 2012 along with application on plain paper, resume , attested copies of certificate and two testimonial. The posts are purely temporary for one year,extendable to two more years.

Walk-in for JRF & Project Assistant post(ole of nNOS in Parkinson’s Disease) at Delhi University

Walk-in Interview
Applications are invited for the position of JRF ( one) and Project Assistant (one) under DST sponsored project ( SR/SO/HS/0126/2009). Salary as per DST norms.
Project titled “Synthesis of neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS) inhibitors and Role of nNOS in Parkinson’s Disease”.
Principal Investigator (PI) : Dr. Pratibha Mehta Luthra
Job Type: Full Time
Date of Interview: 18 July 2012 at 3:00 pm
Location: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research
University of Delhi, Delhi 11007
Interested candidates may appear for interview on16th July 2012 along with application on plain paper, resume and attested copies of certificate and two testimonial. The posts are purely temporary for one year, extendable to two more years.
1. Project JRF ( As per DST rule )
Eligibility:MSc (Organic Chemistry) with NET ( lecturership), Post Graduate Degree must be in FIRST CLASS with 65% aggregate marks or above (Aggregate of all semesters/years).
Desirable:Candidate with M.Phil/M.Tech or one year experience in synthesis and characterization of compounds, or theoretical modeling or in vitro/ vivo screening will be preferred.
2. Project Assistant ( As per DST rule Rs. 8,000/-)
Eligibility: Science post Graduate ( Bioinformatics minimum 65% marks)


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