Saturday, February 18, 2012

Post.doc position( Genomics and Molecular Biomedicine ) at Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen

Genomics and Molecular Biomedicine (GMB), Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen
POST: Post.doc position - GMB group, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen
A Post Doc position at the Laboratory for Genomics and Molecular Biomedicine (GMB), Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, is available from April 1, 2012. The position is for 2 years.
 GMB uses a combination of large-scale genomics/metagenomics and bioinformatics analyses with state -of-the-art molecular biology and animal models to unravel molecular mechanisms controlling adipocyte development and function with emphasis on energy homeostasis.
 Information about the Department of Biology can be obtained from the department homepage:
The applicant should hold a PhD degree in Molecular and Cell Biology or equivalent with experience in the field of energy metabolism and obesity research. The applicant is expected to have a strong background in molecular biology and documented experience regarding adipocyte in vitro work. Documented experience in mouse adipose tissue biology is required combined with the ability to independently design and perform mouse experiments and managing mice colonies.
 The research will mainly be focused on the molecular mechanisms governing white and brown adipocyte differentiation. Apart from research, the candidate will also be expected to supervise laboratory organization and facilitate efficient communications with our Chinese collaborators, preferably in Chinese.
The application must contain:
Curriculum vitae
List of publications
A description of previous scientific work (max. 2 pages)
Transcript of university examinations (in English - if not already in English or Danish)
Contact details of 2 persons for references

An assessment committee will evaluate the applications. The applicant will be notified of the composition of the committee. Each applicant will receive the part of the evaluation that concerns her/him. The main criterion for selection will be the research potential of the applicant.
 Terms of appointment and payment are in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC). For post docs the salary is based on seniority and is currently between DKK 31.400 and DKK 33.000 per month plus pension contribution and the possibility to negotiate further supplement.
We must have your online application by March 1, 2012. Please open the link (see below) and fill in the application form and attach your application, CV, a list of publications, copy of master diploma and Ph.D. diploma, and possibly other material that you want to be included in the evaluation.
 Applications and enclosures received after the deadline or with insufficient documentation or otherwise not complying with the above requirements, may not be considered.
The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
Deadline: 01-03-2012

Three PhD scholarships - Ion Transport Proteins in Control of Cancer Cell Behavior (IonTraC)

Three PhD scholarships - Ion Transport Proteins in Control of Cancer Cell Behavior (IonTraC)
IonTraC is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network and a special focus will be on pancreatic cancer. The IonTraC group is a European research consortium funded within the Marie Curie Initial Training Network action. It is composed of 11 research units (9 academic and 2 industrial/SME partners) with long-standing, complementary expertise in transport physiology, biophysics, pathology, cell biology, pharmacology, optical imaging, experimental and clinical oncology. The overall aim of the IonTraC project is to comprehensively test the hypotheses that proteins involved in ion transport constitute novel diagnostic/therapeutic targets for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). IonTraC will provide structured PhD program with extensive focus on mobility and collaboration. The three PhD positions (each 3 years of duration) are affiliated with sections of Molecular Integrative Physiology and Cell and Developmental Biology at the Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, and groups lead by Ivana Novak, Stine F. Pedersen and Else K. Hoffmann.
 PROJECT 1 is pH regulatory transporters in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. The aim is to elucidate the roles in PDAC of the potent H+ and HCO3- transporters highly expressed in pancreatic ducts such as H+-ATPases, Na+/H+ exchangers and Na+-HCO3- cotransporters. Their function in PDAC progression will be studied in relation to the micro-environment defined by hypoxia, low pHe, low glucose, low serum, high lactate. The PhD student will use advanced cell culture techniques, cell and molecular biological techniques and advanced bioimaging. Starting in May 2012.
 PROJECT 2 is Cl- and K+ channels in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma growth and chemotherapy resistance. The aim of this project is to elucidate the roles of Cl- channels (specifically cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, CFTR, and Ca2+ activated Cl- channels of the TMEM16 family) and TASK-2 K+ channels in PDAC. Particular focus will be on the roles of these channels in cell death/survival and proliferation balance as well as on their role in chemo-resistance. The student will use the techniques outlined in the above project as well as patch-clamp techniques. Starting in May 2012.
 PROJECT 3 is pH dependence of ion channels involved in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma progression. This project will explore the influence of an altered pH homeostasis on the functional properties of ion channels involved in PDAC progression. The project thereby constitutes the bridge between projects focusing on pH regulatory transport proteins and those centered on ion channels. To this end the PhD will use all available ion channel technologies, including cell culture, advanced bioimaging, including high-throughput techniques, and automated whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. Starting in September 2012.
 ELIGIBILITY FOR PARTICIPATION IN A MARIE CURIE INITIAL TRAINING NETWORK: Applicants for PhDs must be in the first 4 years after obtaining their Master´s degree (see above). Furthermore, at the time of selection by the host organization, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Denmark for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment. Excellent command of spoken and written English, communication skills, mobility and team spirit are essential.
 We are seeking highly motivated individuals with MSc degrees majoring in cell biology, physiology, molecular biology, biotechnology or equivalent. Solid previous experience with molecular and cell biology techniques such as mammalian cell culture, real time PCR, PCR western blotting, siRNA transfection, cloning, and immunostaining is a requirement. Furthermore, previous experience in either cancer biology, fluorescence microscopy, or electrophysiology is strongly advantageous.
 An assessment committee will be appointed to evaluate the applications. The final selection of three successful candidates will be made by Head of Department, based on the recommendations of the evaluation committee. The successful candidates will then be requested to formally apply for enrolment as PhD student at the PhD school of Science, University of Copenhagen.
 Terms of appointment and payment are in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Federation of Professional Associations (AC). The starting salary for candidates with an MSc degree will be a minimum of DKK 300.175 per year (April 2011 level) plus pension contribution DKK 41.460. Moreover, the salary of the candidate will be in accordance with the rules and regulations laid down in the Marie Curie Grant Agreement.
 The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
Applicants are requested to submit their applications by filling in relevant parts of the form titled "Application for PhD scholarship and enrolment to the PhD School" available at
 The form, together with appendices requested in the form, including a motivating cover letter should be submitted as a single PDF file to Please include in the subject field "your name - project 1, 2 or 3" to indicate which project you apply for. In addition a signed hardcopy of the application must also be posted to "Ivana Novak", Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, August Krogh Building, Universitetsparken 13, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.
 The deadline for applications is March 7, 2012 at 12:00 noon Danish local time.
 Applications received after the deadline, or with insufficient documentation or otherwise not complying with the above requirements, may not be considered. It is expected that the successful candidates will be enrolled at the PhD School of the Faculty of Science in May (project 1 and 2) and September (project 3) 2012.
 More information about the PhD program can be found at IonTraC homepage ( )
Deadline: 07-03-2012

Ph.D. fellow vacancy at Department of Agriculture and Ecology,University of Copenhagen

Department of Agriculture and Ecology,
Faculty of Life Sciences,
University of Copenhagen
POST: Ph.D. fellow in Trophic interactions between generalist predators and pests in strawberry and apple
The project will aim to perform an integrated study of key factors that determine the contribution of generalist predators to pest control in strawberry and apple. Emphasis will be on the ecology and interaction of pests and their natural enemies and how these are affected by landscape and functional biodiversity. Specific topics to be addressed include: 1) Conservation biological control including field and landscape effects on pests and their natural enemies, 2) Predator-prey interactions 3) Synergies/antagonisms between predators and microbiological control agents.
Insect and mite pests can cause significant losses in fruit and berries. Key pests in strawberries are weevils (Anthonomus rubi), tortricids, true bugs (Lygus rugulipennis), and mites (Tetranychus urticae). In apple the major pest is codling moth, Cydia pomonella. To reduce pesticide use in these high value crops, alternative pest control methods are needed. Knowledge of the ecology and interaction of pests and their natural enemies in relation to crop parameters and the surrounding habitat provides a necessary basis to develop conservation biological control. Ecological infrastructures such as flower strips sown along or inside a crop may be used to conserve natural enemies hereby reducing pest populations, (conservation biological control). A combination of field studies (video, sentinel prey), laboratory studies and habitat/landscape analysis can be used. Studies of interactions between predator, prey and plants can provide insight into selected predators´ potential for biological control and how their use may be affected by field and landscape parameters. Synergies/antagonisms between predators and microbiological control agents (entomopathogenic fungi) can also affect the outcome of biological control, and may be assessed by bioassays. Investigations on ecosystem service of natural enemies add as an economical measure of the value of natural control.
The PhD student will be based at the Department of Agriculture and Ecology, Zoology Section . The student will become part of a research team covering biological control, IPM and socio-economic aspects in the project IMBICONT: Improved biological control for IPM in fruits and berries 2012-2015, a research project between UCPH and Universidade de São Paulo, ESALQ, Brazil.
The successful applicant should have qualifications within several of the following areas:
Population ecology
IPM/ biological control
Horticulture/ Agronomy
 Experience with taxonomy, landscape analysis and/or statistical methods will be an asset.
Principal supervisor
Associated Professor
Lene Sigsgaard
(+45) 35 33 26 74
Department of Agriculture and Ecology
Your key tasks as a PhD fellow at LIFE are:
Manage and carry through your research project
Take PhD courses
Write scientific articles and your PhD thesis
Participate in international congresses
Stay at a research institution abroad for a few months
Teach and disseminate your research

Key criteria for the assessment of candidates
A master´s degree related to the subject area of the project
The grade point average achieved
Professional qualifications relevant to the PhD programme
Previous publications
Relevant work experience
Other professional activities
Language skills
Interpersonal skills
Marks obtained during the first year of study on the master programme (only relevant for applicants applying for a 4-year scholarship)
The positions are available for a 3-year period for applicants holding a relevant master´s degree or for a 4-year period for applicants who are already enrolled or are accepted to be enrolled at one of the Faculty´s master´s programmes.
At the time of commencement, applicants for the 4-year period must have approximately one year of study remaining before graduating from their MSc programme.
The successful applicant of the PhD scholarship must pass an enrolment in the LIFE Graduate School before the Faculty can finish the letter of employment.
Graduate School of Faculty of Life Sciences, LIFE strives to give our students the best international career prospects within our main research areas.
The position will be filled according to the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. The post is covered by the Protocol on Job Structure.
Applications - in English - must include:
·         Cover Letter, stating which PhD project you are applying for and detailing your motivation and background for applying for the specific PhD project
·         a sketch of suggested research questions with reference to the announcement and applicants own qualifications (max 2 pages)
·         CV
·         Diploma and transcripts of records
·         Other information for consideration, e.g. list of publications (if any), peer reviewed and other
·         Personal Recommendations
·         A maximum of 3 relevant scientific works which the applicant wishes to be included in the assessment.
 The applicant will be assessed according to the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation Executive Order no 284 of 25. April 2008.
By the end of April 2012, all applicants will have received information regarding the evaluation of their application. Receipt of the application will not be acknowledged.
The application must be received no later than 15 March 2012. Applications received later than this date will not be considered.
For specific information about the PhD scolarship, please contact the principal supervisor.
 General information about PhD programmes is available at .
Deadline: 15-03-2012

Assistant Professor vacancy(Endocrine Development ) at University of Copenhagen

The Novo Nordic Foundation Danish Stem Cell Center
University of Copenhagen
POST: Assistant Professor in Endocrine Development
The University seeks to appoint an assistant professor to the Danish Stem Cell Center (DanStem) to commence as soon as possible. The period of employment as assistant professor will be limited to 4 years. After a period, the assistant professor, following agreement and individual positive assessment, will transfer to a position as an associate professor. The transition is prerequisite a recommendation from the University.
 Information about the Center can be found at: .
In considering applications for the assistant professorship, the main emphasis will be on the applicant´s ability to document a high level of original scientific work on an international level within the area of endocrine development.
 Research in the department is focused on the developmental biology of the pancreas and the insulin-producing beta cell. We wish to understand how the pancreas normally develops and use that information to grow and develop insulin-producing cells in vitro as a source of insulin-producing cells for transplantation into diabetics. The majority of our studies are done with chicken, mice and embryonic stem cells. We use a wide variety of techniques including gene targeting, transgenic mice, gene arrays, immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy, tissue explants, protein chemistry, and in ovo electroporation. The aim of all our experiments is to understand the genetic and cellular interactions that direct pancreatic organogenesis.
 The assistant professor´s duties will primarily consist of:
·         research, including obligations with regard to publication/scientific communication
·         research-based teaching with associated examination duties
·         communication of research results to the public
·         peer assessment
The successful applicant is required to have scientific qualifications such as a PhD degree or similar qualifications.
 The assistant professor is also required to be enterprising and to possess good interpersonal skills.
Salary and other terms and conditions of appointment are set in accordance with the Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) or other relevant professional organisations. The position is covered by the Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities (2007).
For further information contact Professor Palle Serup,
 Foreign applicants may find the following links useful: (International Staff Mobility) and .
The application must be submitted in English, by clicking on "Apply online" below, and must include the following:
Application including reasons for applying for this post
Curriculum vitae
Diplomas - all relevant certificates
List of publications
Research plan
Teaching portfolio
Teaching plan
Publications you wish to be considered in the assessment (max. 10)
 Please note that the applicant will be contacted if the assessment committee requires further documentation.
 The application will be assessed according to the Ministerial Order no. 284 of 25 April 2008 on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities.
 The University of Copenhagen encourages all interested in this post to apply.
 Please submit the application with the required attachments by clicking on "Apply online" below. Only online applications will be accepted. The closing date for applications is 23.59pm, Monday 5 March 2012.
The Faculty of Health Sciences comprises approximately 5000 students, 1000 PhD students and 1800 employees. The Faculty advances the field of health sciences through its core activities: research, teaching, knowledge sharing and communication. With basic research fields ranging from molecular studies to studies of society, the Faculty contributes to a healthy future through its graduates, research findings and inventions benefitting patients and the community. 
 Deadline: 05-03-2012

Faculty Position(Biomedical Engineering ) at Johns Hopkins University

Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Advertisement for Faculty Position
The Johns Hopkins Department of Biomedical Engineering invites applications for a tenured or tenure-track faculty position. Hopkins BME has a long history of excellence in scientific discovery and teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The priority research areas targeted by this search are: systems biology, cardiovascular systems, tissue engineering, neuroscience, neuroengineering, instrumentation, and imaging. Biomedical Engineering enjoys the position of a department in both the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the Whiting School of Engineering and our faculty have laboratories within both schools. There are ample opportunities for inter- and cross-departmental collaboration through a variety of research institutes, centers and informal research teams.
The new faculty position will have a primary appointment in the Whiting School of Engineering. Successful applicants will be expected to establish independently funded research programs and participate in undergraduate and post-graduate education and research training. Please submit via email a curriculum vitae, a statement of research goals, and the names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Dr. Elliot McVeigh, Chairman, Department of Biomedical Engineering, .
The Johns Hopkins University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Joint CSIR-UGC Test For JRF And Eligibility for Lectureship(NET) – 17th June, 2012

Main Notification for Joint CSIR-UGC Test For JRF And Eligibility for Lectureship(NET) – 17th June, 2012
Joint CSIR-UGC Test For Junior Research Fellowship And Eligibility for
Lectureship – 17th June, 2012
Advertisement No.10-2(5)/2012(i) - E.U.II
A. Date of Single MCQ Examination 17.06.2012
B. Schedule for sale of Information Bulletin through Bank: 21.02.2012
(i) Start of sale of Information Bulletin:14.03.2012
(ii) Date of close of sale of Information Bulletin by post only
(iii)Date of close of sale of Information Bulletin by cash at all branches/ stations:20.03.2012
C. Schedule for On-Line Application
(i) Start of On-Line Submission of Application Form and Fee deposit through Bank Challan: 21.02.2012
(ii) Date of close of On-Line deposit of fee (at All stations): 20.03.2012
(iii)Date of close of On-Line submission of Applications (at All stations): 21.03.2012
D. Last date of receipt of completed application forms (including duly completed hard copy of on line application in the Examination Unit: 26.03.2012
E. Last date of receipt of (both kind) Completed application forms (from remote areas): 02.04.2012
F. Last Date for receipt of written request for change of Examination Centre only on merit basis: 23.04.2012
G. Publication of list of candidates registered for test on CSIR, HRDG website: 15.05.2012
H. Last date for entertainment of any representation about non-registration for this tes:t 21.05.2012
I. Start of dispatch of Admission Certificate to eligible candidates: last week of May, 2012
1. CSIR will hold the Joint CSIR-UGC Test on 17th June, 2012 for determining the eligibility of the Indian National candidates for the award of Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) NET and for determining eligibility for appointment of Lecturers (NET) in certain subject areas falling under the faculty of Science. The award of Junior Research Fellowship (NET) to the successful eligible candidates will depend on their finding admission/placement in a university/ national laboratory/ institution of higher learning and research, as applicable.
1.1 A candidate may apply either for ‘JRF + Lectureship’ or for ‘Lectureship (LS) only’ He/she may indicate his/her preference in the O.M.R Application Form/Online Application, as the case may be. CSIR may consider candidates applying for ‘JRF + LS’ or ‘Lectureship only” depending on number of fellowships available & performance in the test subject to the condition that they fulfill the laid down eligibility criterion . If a candidate is found to be over-age for JRF (NET) he/she will automatically be
considered for Lectureship (NET) only.
1.2 Two separate merit lists, one comprising the candidates qualifying for the award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF - NET)and the second, of those candidates qualifying the Eligibility Test for Lectureship (NET), will be made on the basis of their performance in the above Test. Candidates qualifying for JRF (NET), will also be eligible for Lectureship (NET) subject to fulfilling the eligible criteria laid down by UGC. The candidates qualifying for Lectureship will be eligible for recruitment as Lecturers as well as for JRF-ship in a Scheme/Project, if otherwise suitable. However, they will not be eligible for Regular JRFNET
Fellowship. They will be eligible to pursue Ph.D. programme with or without any fellowship other than JRF-NET.
Candidates qualifying for the award of JRF (NET) will receive fellowship either from CSIR or UGC as per their assignment or from the Schemes with which they may find association. The candidates declared eligible for Junior Research Fellowship under UGC scheme will be governed by UGC rules/regulations in this regard.
1.3 The final result of this Single MCQ test may be declared sometime in the month of August, 2012 and fellowship to successful candidates could be awarded from 01.01.2013.
The Test will be held in the subjects as given under:
1. Chemical Sciences,2. Earth Sciences3. Life Sciences 4. Mathematical Sciences5. Physical Sciences
M.Sc. or Equivalent degree under the subjects mentioned in para 2.1 above, with minimum 55% marks for General & OBC candidates; 50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually Handicapped candidates and Ph.D. degree holders who had passed Master's degree prior to 19th September 1991.
A candidate can also apply for the Test under RA (Result Awaited) category, if he/she is appearing or has appeared in his/her final year (Last Semester where Semester system is there) of M.Sc. OR equivalent Degree Examination in subjects mentioned in para 2.1 above during the academic Session 2011-2012. Such candidates will have to submit the attestation format (given at the reverse of the application form) duly certified by the Head of the Deptt./Institute over his/her signature and rubber stamp
(with address and name) from where the candidate is appearing or has appeared in the final year(Last Semester where Semester system is there) M.Sc. or equivalent degree examination. However, such candidates shall be admitted to the Test provisionally.
They shall only be considered eligible for JRF-(NET)/LS-(NET), if they are able to produce the proof of having passed the Master’s Degree examination in the relevant or related subject with the requisite percentage of marks and within the stipulated time frame. Students enrolled in integrated MS-Ph D. program are also eligible to apply for JRF in subject areas of NET. Their eligibility for Lectureship will be subject to fulfilling the criteria laid down by UGC.
For JRF (NET): Minimum 19 Years and maximum 28 years as on 01-01-2012 (upper age limit may be relaxed up to 5 years as in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC(Non Creamy Layer), Physically handicapped/Visually handicapped and female applicants).
For LS (NET): Minimum 19 years, as on 01.01.2012. No upper age limit.
The single paper MCQ based test will be held on Sunday, the 17th June, 2012 as under:


(i) Life Sciences
9.00AM-12.00 Noon

3 hrs

(ii) Mathematical Sciences



(i) Chemical Sciences

2.00 PM-5.00 PM

3 hrs
(ii) Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences
iii) Physical Sciences

To enable the candidates to go through the questions, the question paper booklet shall be distributed 15 minutes before the scheduled time of the exam. The Answer sheet shall be distributed at the scheduled time of the exam.
The Question Booklet for this test will be printed in Hindi & English Version separately. The candidate opting for Hindi medium in Column No. 5 of Application Form, will be supplied Question Booklet printed in bilingual and Candidate opting for English medium, will be supplied Question Booklet printed in English Version only. The candidate will be required to answer as per option exercised in Column No.5 of application Form.
The question paper shall be divided into three parts, (A, B & C) as per syllabus & Scheme of Exam.
# Part 'A' shall be common to all subjects. This part shall contain questions pertaining to General Science, Quantitative  Reasoning & Analysis and Research Aptitude.
# Part 'B' shall contain subject-related conventional Multiple Choice questions (MCQs), generally covering the topics given in the syllabus.
# Part 'C' shall contain higher value questions that may test the candidate's knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts. The questions shall be of analytical nature where a candidate is expected to apply the scientific knowledge to arrive at the solution to the given scientific problem.
# Negative marking for wrong answers, wherever required, shall be applicable as per scheme of Exam.
Syllabus & Scheme of Exam of single Paper is given in the Information Bulletin for this test at Annexure and may also be seen at CSIR website: .
The test will be held at 26 Centres spread all over India, as specified below:
Bangalore, Bhavnagar, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cochin, Delhi, Guntur, Guwahati, Hyderabad,Imphal, Jammu, Jamshedpur, Karaikudi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Nagpur, Pilani, Pune, Raipur Roorkee, Srinagar,Thiruvananthapuram, Udaipur and Varanasi.
A candidate may opt for any of the above centres. No request for change of centre would ordinarily be granted. However, a request in writing for change of Centre may be entertained on merits, if received in this unit latest by 23.04.2012. If sufficient number of candidates do not opt for any of the above Centres, that particular Centre may stand deleted from the above list OR otherwise also, the concerned candidates may be allotted another Centre nearest to their place of residence, at the discretion of
CSIR. No TA/DA will be admissible to any candidate for attending the test, in any circumstances.
5.1.1. BY HAND:
Candidates applying for the Test may obtain the Information Bulletin and Application forms (inclusive of fee payable) through the branches of the Bank notified below in para 5.4 (within the prescribed dates) by paying the following fee in cash:
1. General :Rs. 400/-
2. Other Backward Classes(OBC) (Non Creamy Layer): Rs. 200/-
3. SC/ST/Physically Handicapped (PH) or Visually Handicapped (VH ): Rs. 100/-
5.1.2. BY POST:
The information Bulletin and Application form may also be obtained through Value Payable Post(V.P.P.) from the Indian Bank,3/1, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi - 110 008, by sending a crossed Demand draft for Rs. 400/-, Rs. 200/- or Rs.100/-(as the case may be) drawn in favour of “Indian Bank, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi” payable at New Delhi. For this purpose, the candidate should send a request to the Bank with TWO self-addressed slips clearly mentioning the address at which he/she desires the Information Bulletin & Application Form to be sent by Value Payable Post (V.P.P.) As above mentioned Bank will entertain the request for forms through post from Tuesday, the 21st February, 2012 to Wednesday, the 14th March, 2012 only, hence, candidates are advised to send well in advance so as to reach their request within the above said period. The candidate should write his/her name, Date Of Birth, address, date of Examination (17.06.2012) and subject code on the back of the Demand Draft. However, before attaching the draft with letter of request, the candidates should check that it bears the
code number of the issuing bank and drawee bank and also amount and signatures of issuing authority.
Interested & eligible candidates may apply for this test Online through a link available at CSIR, HRDG . In order to apply Online the candidates are required to download Bank challan Performa from the above website and then deposit the requisite examination fee in any of the Indian Bank branches throughout the country. The examination fee for the Online application is same as mentioned in Para-5.1.1 above. Candidates after successfully submitting application online are required to take print out of the Application Form, paste his/her recent black & white photograph, put
his/her signature at the required space, attach requisite certificates and send alongwith CSIR marked copy of fee deposited Bank Challan in an envelope to Sr. Controller of Examinations, Human Resource Development Group, Examination Unit, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi-110012 so as to reach on or before 26.03.2012 (02.04.2012 for remote areas).
Online applications without hard copy or bank challan receipt or incomplete in any respect will be summarily rejected. Before applying Online, candidates are advised to go through detailed notification available at CSIR, HRDG website. Examination fee paid along with the Information Bulletin or through Bank Challan for a particular examination will neither be adjusted for any subsequent examination nor refunded under any circumstances. Candidates should also check all the columns of Bank Challan, online application, which are to be filled in properly to avoid cancellation of application, Please note that Fee submitted by any other mode like money order, demand draft, IPO etc. will be summarily rejected.
The candidate should attach an attested copy of his/her category certificate as a proof of his/her claim. An application form (either through Bank or online), claiming any concession in fee & education qualification but without an attested copy of a valid SC/ST/OBC(Non Creamy Layer)/PH/VH certificate from a competent authority and in prescribed format, will be summarily rejected.
Candidate must note that CSIR follows only Central Govt. lists and not state Govt. lists. Similarly, candidate applying under physically handicapped (PH)/ visually handicapped (VH) category may note that Govt. of India rules will be applicable in this regard.
Candidates seeking admission to the Test through Information Bulletin must apply only in the prescribed application form supplied along with the Information Bulletin for this test only. Please handle this form carefully while filling it up. The completed application should be sent only Under Certificate of Posting (U.P.C)/Ordinary post. in the prescribed envelope supplied with Information Bulletin. Candidate should check that the Serial number printed on the Information Bulletin, Application form, Certificate of Postage card and on the envelope are the same. The application form should be filled-in by the candidate legibly and carefully, in his/her own handwriting with Black INK pen. Candidate should super-scribe the SUBJECT CODE, APPLICATION FORM NO., Medium of Exam and CENTRE CODE in the boxes provided on the envelope containing the application form (with enclosures).
The application form (through Bank or online), duly completed with requisite enclosures should be sent by Under Certificate of Posting /Ordinary post to the Sr. Controller of Examinations, Examination Unit, Human Resource Development Group, CSIR Complex, Opposite Institute of Hotel Management, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi 110012 so as to reach Examination Unit CSIR on or before 26.03.2012.
For candidates applying from Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of J&K State, Lahaul and Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshdweep, the application form must reach the Sr.Controller of Examination CSIR on or before 02.04.2012.
The candidates are advised in their own interest to apply early enough to ensure timely receipt of their applications by the Examination Unit on or before the closing date.
(i) The candidates are advised to go through this notification and also terms & conditions given in Information Bulletin for this test. The candidate must satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for this test before applying for this test.
(ii) Candidates must read the terms and conditions for CSIR /UGC Research Fellowships on the  respective websites.
(iii) Candidates applying through O.M.R. Application form must use only the form supplied with Information Bulletin and purchased from any of the designated branches of the Bank listed in para 5.4 above. They should ensure that while selling the form,the bank has authenticated the form at reverse of the application form in space provided for this purpose.
Application Form should be purchased from designated branches only and not from any other agency.
(iv) The Certificate of Postage (proof of dispatch) may be preserved as acknowledgement.
(v) Candidate desirous of applying Online for this test will be required to deposit fee through Bank challan in any branch of Indian Bank and then apply at CSIR, HRDG website. After successfully submitting the application, candidates are required to take a printout on A4 size paper, affix photograph at designated space & sign across it, get it endorsed by the HOD (for RA category only) and send it alongwith copy of Bank challan and other requisite enclosures, if any. A photocopy of the hard copy (Online or offline) sent to Exam Unit must be retained by the candidate.
(vi) Candidates applying through Online application must note that mode of payment of fee is Bank challan from Indian Bank only. Fee submitted through any other mode viz.IPO,/demand draft/money order/ CRF stamp etc will not be accepted.
Incomplete application or application submitted in any other format will be summarily rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
1. While applying for this test, please ensure that you fulfill all the eligibility conditions and follow all the laid down procedures/guidelines for this test.
2. Purchase the Information Bulletin from the designated Bank branches early enough to avoid any last minute rush.
3. While applying Online, apply early enough to avoid any last minute rush
4. Ensure that completed application Hard Copy (in case of Online application) must reach to this office within stipulated last date for receipt.
5. List of candidates registered for this test will be made available on our website tentatively on 15th May, 2012. The candidates must refer to our website for checking their registration in time & for having update from time to time.
6. Admission Certificates to all the registered candidates will be dispatched three weeks before the test, if any candidate does not receive the same by 11th June, 2012; he/she must download duplicate Admission Certificate from our website. CSIR will not be responsible for any delay/non-receipt of the Admission certificate.
7. The Test Booklet for this test will be printed in Hindi & English Version separately. The candidate opting for Hindi medium in Column No. 5 of Application Form, will be supplied Question Booklet/Test Booklet printed in bilingual and Candidate opting for English medium, will be supplied Question Booklet/Test Booklet printed in English Version only. The candidate will be required to answer as per option exercised in Column No.5 of application Form.
8. For applying under “RA” category, the candidate should either has appeared or is appearing in Final year (Last Semester, where semester is there) of M.Sc. or equivalent Degree Examination during the Session 2011-1012.
9. More than one application form from a candidate opting different subject (s) will be not be accepted in any case.
10. Candidate should exercise due care in filling up the application form. No change in the entries made in the original application form will be allowed under any circumstances at later stage.
11. No relevant column of the application form should be left blank. Incomplete or defective applications shall be summarily rejected.
(vii) The eligible candidates, in their own interest, are advised to keep Certificate of Postage and photocopy of both sides of the completed Application Form and three identical copies of the passport size photographs which has been affixed on the Application Form.
(viii) Candidates willing to apply through online application should see detailed notification and Instruction for applying online
at our website  and apply early enough to avoid any last minute rush.
(ix) Candidates should ensure that the signatures appended by them in all the places viz. In their application form, Attendance Sheet etc. and in all the correspondence with the CSIR, should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind. (x) Any change in address of correspondence should be promptly brought to the notice of Examination Unit within the prescribed period i.e. by 23.04.2012.
(xi) The Center and date of the Test are liable to be changed at the discretion of CSIR. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates by the CSIR.
(xii) Candidates should note that their candidature is strictly provisional till their joining. No candidate will be admitted to the Test unless he/she holds the admission Certificate to the Test. The mere fact that an Admission Certificate has been issued to a candidate will not imply that the Council has finally accepted his/her candidature.
(xiii) The candidates declared successful will be required to submit a copy of their Admit Card, matriculation certificate/mark sheet, M.Sc. or its equivalent degree certificate/mark sheet, proof of enrolment in integrated MS-Ph D. program to Sr. Controller of Examinations, Examination Unit, Human Resource Development Group, CSIR Complex, Opposite Institute of Hotel Management, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi 110012. No separate intimation letter will be issued to successful candidate.
(xiv) Candidates may note that the verification of essential eligibility conditions of a candidate with reference to the documents as may be called for, will be taken up only by the Lecturer appointing/JRF awarding authorities after the candidate has qualified in the Test. The candidate should note that their candidature is strictly provisional till their joining.
(xv) Candidates may please note that all communications to CSIR should invariably contain the following particulars,failing which no response is possible:
(a) Name of the candidate (in full and in BLOCK LETTERS)
(b) Application form No.
(c) Subject
(d) Medium of Exam
(e) Centre for Examination
(Please note that no correspondence will be entertained for any matter for which last date has been expired.)
(xvi) In all matters the decision of the CSIR as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the Test or his/her subsequent qualifying in the Test shall be final.
(xvii) Any attempt on the part of a candidate to obtain support for his / her candidature by any means may disqualify him/her for admission to the examination.
(xviii) A candidate who is found of guilty of impersonation or of submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with or of making statements which are incorrect or false or of suppressing material information or otherwise resorting to any other irregular or improper means for obtaining admission to the examination, or of using or attempting to use unfair means or of misbehavior in the examination hall, may, in addition to rendering himself liable to criminal prosecution:
(a) Be debarred by the CSIR from this test and future tests also.
(b) Will be liable to disciplinary action under the appropriate rules, if he/she is already in service under
Government/Autonomous Bodies/UGC/CSIR.
(xix) All disputes pertaining to the NET Examination shall fall within the jurisdiction of Delhi only.
(xx) CSIR will not be responsible for any printing error in this Advertisement.


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