Sunday, October 02, 2011

Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI) for funding support from DBT, India

Government of India
Department of Biotechnology
Ministry of Science & Technology
Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI)
Call for Proposals for funding support - 17th Batch
The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) invites proposals from Indian Companies under the SBIRI Scheme for support of early stage, pre proof-of-concept research & development of research leads towards commercialization in all fields of biotechnology. For more information visit us at  or
·         Assists small and medium business units including new enterprises with not more than 500 employees in R&D.
·         Offers Phase I funding for early stage, pre proof-of-concept innovative research.
·         Provides Phase II funding towards commercialization of research leads.
Pharma, Biotech companies and any other enterprises focusing on scientific innovations
§  Can be submitted solely by an Indian Company/ies or jointly with public partner (Universities or National Institutes).
§  More than 51% of the shares of the Company are to be held by Indian Citizens.
§  Industry should have DSIR* recognized in-house R&D unit or have IP related to the proposed activity.
§  Joint ventures and limited partnerships would be eligible for SBIRI support where the entity created meets the above requirements.
1. ONLINE SUBMISSION: Applicants are encouraged to submit their proposals ONLINE (website: If online submission is chosen, no hard copy is required and the applicants will be able to track the status of their proposal during the evaluation process.
2. HARD COPY SUBMISSION: The prescribed format can be downloaded from the website: The Applicants should submit five hard copies of the proposal duly signed + one soft copy [MS Word file and not a PDF file] through E. mail or CD) to: The Managing Director, Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL), 5th floor, Anuvrat Bhawan, 210 Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, New Delhi-110 002 (Email: ), super-scribing "CONFIDENTIAL, SBIRI PROJECT" on the document holder. BCIL has been appointed as the SBIRI Management Agency by the Department of Biotechnology and they will ensure the confidentiality of the documents.
Dr. (Mrs.) Suchita Ninawe, Scientist 'F', Department of Biotechnology,
Ministry of Science & Technology, CGO Complex,
Block - 2, 6-8th floors, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110 003.
Last date for submission of proposals: 30th November, 2011
Next advertisement is likely to be issued during January - February, 2012.

Financial Assistance to MD/MS/DM/MCH Thesis from Department of Biotechnology

 Department of Biotechnology

North Eastern Cell
How to Apply
Applications duly signed (in PDFand MS Word format) may be submitted online/email as per the Proforma available on DBT’s website/Tezpur University website : and on on or before 31st October, 2011 and/or 31st January, 2012 to: Bindu Dey, Adviser, Department of Biotechnology on the email id:  with a copy to co-ordinator, DBT Nodal Cell, Tezpur University on the email ID:

One hard copy  with MS/MD Grant Application written  on envelope to be sent by speed to both Bindu Dey, Advisor, Department of Biotechnology, Room no 813, Block -2, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110-003 and Coordinator, DBT Nodal Cell, Tezpur University, Napaam, Tezpur, 784028, Assam.


CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory Ph.D. Programme, January 2012

(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
PUNE 411 008
Ph.D. Programme, January 2012

CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), a premier research laboratory under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)  is engaged in world class research in chemical and related sciences.  CSIR-NCL (, is a major knowledge based laboratory devoted to research.
National Chemical Laboratory trains a large number of PhD students in the chemical/physical/biological and allied disciplines. CSIR-NCL provides a vibrant academic atmosphere enabling inter-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary areas of research to flourish. Opportunities are available to do research in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Advanced Functional Materials, Materials for Solar Energy, Nanomaterials, Polymer Science & Engineering, Green Chemistry, Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis, Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Structural biology, Proteomics, Plant Tissue Culture, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, etc. CSIR-NCL has excellent facilities and equipments for carrying out research in the above areas. CSIR-NCL also subscribes to print and online versions of most of the important scientific journals. Students will have ample opportunities to attend conferences and present their work. CSIR-NCL have many reputed scientists including Nobel Laureates as guests round the year and have talks and discussions by them.
The Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR) is established with a view to maximize the number of qualified researchers and professionals in the domain of science & engineering, who will be equipped with the skills of innovation and interdisciplinary integration. AcSIR is envisaged to emerge as a world class institution of national importance. The AcSIR would impart course instructions and award degrees in frontier areas of science and technology. The Academy will use the infrastructure facilities, scientific manpower and other resources of CSIR for teaching and research. Taking advantage of CSIR’s state of the art infrastructure and unique human resource, the AcSIR would work towards bridging the gap that exists today between academics and societal applications.
As part of the academic programme of AcSIR, students are required to undertake a project for 6-8 weeks, related to rural areas and the theme of the project should be related to the CSIR-800 programme. The aim of the project is to interact with people from rural areas, understand their problems and suggest ways for improvements in the areas of energy, education, environment, agriculture, health, food, water, etc. In addition, two project  proposals  to be prepared by selecting topics of high relevance and novelty, and will have state-of-the art review, methodologies, recommendations  etc. One of the proposals can be related to a research topic leading to PhD and the second proposal in related areas. Students must pass a comprehensive examination designed to test the overall comprehension of the student in the various subjects.
    • Advanced Functional Materials
    • Agricultural Biotechnology 
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Bioorganic Chemistry 
    • Catalysis (Homogeneous and Heterogeneous)
    • Chaos Theory and Turbulence
    • Complex Fluids and Polymer Engineering
    • Electrochemical Power Sources and Energy Technology
    • Fluid Modelling and Computational Fluid   Dynamics 
    • Green Chemistry
    • Materials for Solar Energy
    • Mathematical & System Biology
    • Microbial and Mammalian Cell Culture
    • Molecular Host-pathogen Interactions
    • Molecular Marker Technology
    • Nanostructured Materials 
    • Nonlinear Dynamics
    • Organic Chemistry 
    • Plant Tissue Culture 
    • Polymer Science
    • Process Design Modelling and Simulation
    • Reaction Engineering
    • Separation Science
    • Solid State NMR of Materials
    • Structure-function and Crystallography of Biomolecules
    • Structure-Property-Processing Correlation Studies
    • Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Science 

CSIR-NCL has an active research program leading to Ph.D. degree in all the above mentioned areas.  It provides a stimulating atmosphere, which fosters creativity and encourages innovative thinking and research.  The research groups in CSIR-NCL are supported by several high quality resource centres e.g. High Performance Computing facilities, Centre for Materials Characterization, Central NMR facility, Catalyst Pilot Plant, Combi-chem-bio Resource Centre and Digital Information Resource Centre.
The PhD program consists of flexible course work, laboratory training, research project to demonstrate attainment of a high degree of scientific ability which is followed by advanced research leading to a PhD thesis on a specific topic. The PhD program is normally completed in 4-5 years. During the first year, the students have to go through a course work covering basic and advanced topics. The students are encouraged to take courses in inter-disciplinary areas. Apart from the subject courses, short courses in scientific communication and laboratory safety are mandatory for all the students. As part of the PhD program, the PhD student is expected to give at least two seminars.
Various awards, for best research work, best publication, travel grant to attend conferences abroad, etc are provided to Ph.D. students.  Additional incentives will be available for interdisciplinary research. Hostel facilities are available for regular CSIR-NCL students. More hostel and student recreation facilities will be coming up for the benefit of research students.
Next admission for the PhD program in science and engineering will be done in the month of November-December, 2011. The admission requirement for the PhD program in the science stream is MSc in any branch of science and a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering/Technology or related discipline for the PhD Programme in Engineering. Applicants should have qualified for a UGC/CSIR/DBT/ICMR/BINC/DST-INSPIRE JRF or any other research fellowship programme. Admission is through an initial screening of the applications followed by personal interview.
The number of students to be selected in the areas of Physical, Chemical, Biological, and Engineering sciences will depend on the vacancies that will exist for each of the disciplines.  The selected JRFs will be eligible for a fellowship and House Rent Allowance (HRA) as admissible under rules and a Contingency grant.  On completion of two years, JRFs could be upgraded to Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) based on an assessment.  The total tenure including the fellowship period shall not exceed 5 years.
Candidates applying to the PhD program who fulfil the requirements may be asked to submit their application by email/hardcopy or apply online at the CSIR-NCL/AcSIR website. The list of candidates eligible for appearing interviews, after initial screening will be uploaded on the CSIR-NCL/AcSIR website. The interviews will be held in the last week of November 2011 at CSIR-NCL.  List of selected candidates under different disciplines will be announced after the interviews.  Students may consider staying back in Pune for two to three days more after the interviews, so that in the event of their selection, they may complete the counselling and selection of research guides. Counselling will be held on the next day after the interviews. Details of counselling will be announced at the time of the interviews. The selected candidates are required to join for research on or before January 02, 2012. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Last date for submitting applications: October 30, 2011
Publication of the list of candidates called for interviews: November 10, 2011
Dates of Interview at CSIR-NCL: November 28-29, 2011
Counselling: November 30, 2011
Last date for joining for PhD: Monday, January 02, 2012
Commencement of session: Monday, January 02, 2012
Student Academic Office
National Chemical Laboratory
Pune 411008

Rolling Advertisement for Scientist position at NCL, Pune

National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
Opportunities for Scientific Professionals

National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), one of the largest publicly funded research and development Laboratories in India is a constituent laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research CSIR), New Delhi. NCL was established in 1948 at its present location and has had a distinguished and rich history of over sixty years. NCL has played a pivotal role in the evolution of the chemical industry in independent India. NCL has contributed to technologies as well as human resources in all branches of chemical sciences including biological sciences. It has had a distinguished lineage of outstanding scientists who have provided scientific leadership to NCL and chartered new areas of research. Many NCL’s scientists have won coveted professional honors, both within India and abroad.
The core scientific areas of NCL are:
  • Biochemical Sciences
  • Catalysis Science
  • Chemical Engineering Science
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Physical and Material Chemistry
  • Polymer Science and Engineering

Scientists of NCL have advanced degrees in chemistry, physics, biology, materials science and chemical engineering science. Apart from traditional disciplines scientists of NCL are encouraged to work at the intersection of disciplines such as,
Ø  Bioactive organic molecules
Ø  Bio-transformations
Ø  Chemical biology
Ø  Clean fuels
Ø  Electroactive materials
Ø  Electron microscopy
Ø  Green chemical processes
Ø  Health-care
Ø  Materials derived from renewable resources
Ø  Membrane science
Ø  Metabolic pathway engineering
Ø  Microbial and fermentation processes
Ø  Molecular and hybrid materials
Ø  Molecular modeling
Ø  NMR spectroscopy
Ø  Novel separation processes
Ø  Plant biotechnology
Ø  Renewable energy systems
Ø  Scientific computing across length and time scales
Ø  Study of complex fluids
Ø  Supramolecular chemistry
Ø  Surface science
Ø  Synthetic biology
In this endeavour, scientists are expected to seek extensive collaboration, both, from within and outside NCL. Scientists of NCL should have proven ability to learn rapidly, possess strong interpersonal, communication and mentoring skills, have a broad desire to contribute to institution building and exhibit strong leadership qualities. NCL is constantly looking for scientists with outstanding credentials of all age groups. Should you be interested please upload three pdf files, i.e., curriculum vitae, a descriptive research proposal and names of three referees through our online system at After evaluating your applications should we find your background and experience of interest to us we will contact you with information on how to proceed further.


Call for Proposals:Indo-Australian Biotechnology Fund

Department of Biotechnology
Ministry of Science & Technology
Government of India

Indo-Australian Biotechnology Fund

(6th Round)

Applications are invited for joint research and workshop proposals to be implemented by Indian scientists in collaboration with the Australian counterparts. These could be scientists/faculty members working in regular capacity in Universities, National Research Laboratories/Institutes, Not-for-profit organization and private R & D laboratory.

Call for proposal is open from 16th August 2011 to 11th October 2011.

On the Indian side, fifteen copies of the jointly agreed collaborative research project on specific formats should be submitted to the following address by post and one copy of proposal in single PDF or word file by e-mail to Nodal Officer:

Dr. Suraksha S. Diwan, Scientist ‘C’, Department of Biotechnology, Block-2, 7th Floor, Room No. 726, C.G.O. Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110003, e-mail:

Please visit for detailed advertisement, guidelines and Application format.

Walk-in for various positions at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

New Delhi-110012
Employment Notice for Walk-in-interview

Applications are invited by the Head, Division Seed Science and Technology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012 who intends to recruit JRF (one), Project Assistants (two) and Field Assistant (two) in the DST funded project “Development of eco-friendly seed treatment technologies for successful plant establishment under less favourable environments” purely on temporary basis. The eligible candidates may submit their neatly written or typed and duly signed application on plain paper along complete bio-data giving full particulars (as given in the format) to; The AAO, Division Seed Science and Technology, Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi 110012 on the day of interview. However, the candidates who are applying for JRF may send their applications within 15 days from the date of advertisement on the IARI website. Interview will be held on the date and time mentioned in the advertisement. Applicants are requested to read the advertisement carefully before sending their applications. The details of the positions and requirements are given below;
No. of posts
Duration of the project
Essential qualifications
Maximum age on 17.10.11
Junior Research Fellow
Three years (Initial appointment is for six months)
Rs.16000 + HRA 30% for 2 years and @ 18000 + HRA 30% for third year
Essential: 1. M.Sc. in Seed Technology/Plant Physiology/Plant Breeding/Genetics/Biotechnology with minimum 60% marks/equivalent grade.
2. NET or equivalent qualification.
  1. Experience on seed/planting materials quality enhancement will be given preference.
  2. Proficiency in computer and data analysis.
  3. Experience in conducting trainings/demonstrations.
  4. Interested in pursuing higher degree/qualification.

35 years
Project Assistants
Three Years (Initial appointment is for Six months)
Rs. 9400/- consolidated
Essential: B.Sc. (Agri/Hort.or Graduate in Biological science) with minimum 55% marks/equivalent grade.
  1. M.Sc (agri.) Seed Technology/ Plant Pathology/Plant Breeding/Genetics/Plant Physiology/Biotechnology/ Microbiology.
  2. Hands on experience on  working with field crops/seed testing/microbial cultures.
  3. Knowledge in computer operation.
  4. Interested in pursuing in higher degree/qualification.
28 Years
Field Assistants
Three Years (Initial appointment is for Six months)
Rs.6090/- consolidated
Essential: Minimum matriculation with good academic record.
Desirable: Experience of working in agricultural fields and or laboratories.
28 Years

Date of Interview: 17th October 2011

Scientist vacancy in DBT in Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP)

Government of India
Ministry of Science & Technology
Department of Biotechnology
Dated:       September, 2011

                        The Department of Biotechnology invites applications for filling up the following posts in Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP) on contractual basis. The contract will be initially for a period of two years and extendable thereafter. The following are the details of the post and the requisite qualifications:-

Sl. No.1 (Scientist Gr. V)

(a)      Name of the Post: Scientist Gr. V
(b)      Scale of Pay: ` 90000 (Consolidated)
(c)      No. of vacancies: 02
(d)      Qualifications :
a.          Essential:        Ph.D. in any Life Sciences or M.Pharm or M.V.Sc. or M.D. or M.Tech in Biotechnology or its equivalent degree in any convergent science from a recognized University.
b.         Desirable:                   Should possess experience in Translational Research, Technology Transfer, IP Management etc.
c.          Experience:     12 years of research experience in the relevant area.
Sl.No.2 (Scientist Gr. III)
 Name of the Post: Scientist Gr. III
(a)      Scale of Pay: ` 50000 (Consolidated)
(b)      No. of vacancies: 1
(d)   Qualifications:
a.       Essential:        M.Sc degree in Life Science or B.V.Sc or M.B.B.S or B.E. or B.Tech in Biotechnology or its equivalent degree from a recognized University.
b.      Desirable:       Should possess Ph.D. in any Life Sciences or M.V.Sc. or M.D. or M.Tech in Biotechnology or its equivalent degree from a recognized University.
c.       Experience:     5 years of relevant experience.
Sl. No.3 (Scientist Gr. II)
(a)      Name of the Post: Scientist Gr. II
(b)      Scale of Pay: ` 40000(Consolidated)
(c)      No. of vacancies: 1
(d)  Qualifications:
a.       Essential:        M.Sc degree in Life Science or B.V.Sc or M.B.B.S or B.E. or B.Tech in Biotechnology or its equivalent degree from a recognized University.
b.      Desirable:       Should possess Ph.D. in any Life Sciences or M.V.Sc. or M.D. or M.Tech in Biotechnology or its equivalent degree from a recognized University.
3.         The maximum age limit for appointment shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.
4.         The application in the prescribed proforma alongwith necessary certificates may be sent to Sh. K. M. Kutty, Deputy Secretary, Department of Biotechnology, Block–2, 8th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi–110 003 within 60 days of the publication of this advertisement in the Employment News. The prescribed time for receipt of applications from candidates residing abroad and from Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands, States/Union Territories in the North Eastern region. Ladakh Division of J&K, Sikkim, Panaji, Sub-Divisions of Chambs, Lahaul and spiti districts of Himachal Pradesh will be 75 days. It may be noted that at the top of the application form the name of the post for which application has been submitted may be mentioned.


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