Thursday, December 29, 2011

National Symposium on Role of Indigenous Animal Genetic Resources in Rural Food Security vis-a-vis Climate Change

National Symposium
Role of Indigenous Animal Genetic Resources in Rural Food Security vis-a-vis Climate Change

On the Occasion of
IX Annual Convention of Society for Conservation of Domestic Animal Biodiversity (SOCDAB)
BAIF Pune Campus on Bangalore-Mumbai National Highway, Warje in Pune City
Society for Conservation of Domestic Animal Biodiversity (SOCDAB), Karnal
BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune
February 24-25, 2012
(Friday and Saturday)
Indigenous breeds of livestock and poultry imbibe special gene/allele combinations which enable them to survive the vagaries of climate, biotic and abiotic stresses and also produce and reproduce efficiently in their own environment. These breeds have been endowed with thermo-tolerance, resistance against diseases, ability to use poor quality biomass, and survive under adverse conditions with assured production of milk,wool, meat, eggs and draft power.
The Symposium aims at revisiting the livestock sector vis-a-vis the role of indigenous Animal Genetic Resources to meet the current and future challenges of food security with reference to climate change and rapidly expanding human population. The Society for Conservation of Domestic Animal Biodiversity (SOCDAB), with a broad mandate of generating mass awareness about domestic animal biodiversity among various stakeholders as well as general public, is organising its IX consecutive National Symposium in partnership with BAIF in Pune. The objective is to bring together scientists, academicians, administrators, field practitioners and livestock keepers to develop strategies for effective use, conservation and improvisation of precious native Animal Genetic Resources, to meet the food challenge of the increasing human population. The Symposium will include invited lectures by eminent professionals and contributory oral and poster presentations.
Abstracts are invited for oral presentations as well as poster presentations. Abstracts in a prescribed format may be submitted in English to the Organising Secretary by post as well as by E-mail to by January 25, 2012.
1. The abstract should include the title of the paper, name of the author/s and location where the study was conducted. The write up should be typed on a single page with one inch margin on all the sides.
2. The abstract should be limited to 300 words.
3. The abstract should include the objectives of the study, brief description of the methodology used, summary of the results and conclusions.
4. The title of the Abstract should be in Capital letters, followed by the names of the authors and location of the study in Title Case. The name of the author presenting the paper at the symposium, needs to be underlined.
5. Insert a blank line before the main text.
6. The abstract should be typed in MS Word, using Times New Roman font, 12 point size and in single space.
24.02.2012 (in Pune)
Inaugural Session
 Technical Session I : Livestock Biodiversity in relation to Food
Security - Review of Current Scenario
 Technical Session II: Conservation and Improvement of Animal / Livestock with reference to climate change
25.02.2012 (at BAIF Central Research Station, Urulikanchan)
 Field Visit
 Technical Session III: Animal Genetic Resources: National and
Global Issues
Technical Session IV: Young Scientists’ Award Presentations
 Plenary Session

The General Body Meeting of SOCDAB will be held on February 24, 2012 in the evening
 The time allotted for invited lectures will be 20 minutes and 10 minutes for research paper presentations, followed by a discussion for 5 minutes.
Facilities for LCD projection will be provided. Display boards of 1x1m size will be provided for presentation of posters.
 Best Poster Awards: The first and second best poster presentations in each technical session will be awarded cash prizes and citations.
 Young Scientist Award: To encourage young researchers, SOCDAB is instituting the ‘Young Scientist Award’. The Best Research contribution by a participant as Lead Author and who is below 35 years of age, will be conferred this award. The award includes a cash prize of Rs.2,500/- and a citation. We encourage young scientists to apply  for this Award along with proof of age. Submissions for this Award should be marked clearly.
 Society Member: Rs. 2500/-
Non–member: Rs. 3000/-
Student: Rs. 1200/-
 Foreign Participant: US$ 200
Accompanying person: Rs. 1500/-
The Registration fee may be sent in favour of the “Organising Secretary, IX National Symposium SOCDAB 2012”,payable in Pune, by January 25, 2012 at the following address: Organising Secretary, IX National Symposium BAIF Central Research Station, Urulikanchan, Pune 412 202.

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