Monday, October 17, 2011

19th Annual Conference on Dynamics of Supply and Demand for Labour in Indian Agriculture

19th Annual Conference
Dynamics of Supply and Demand for Labour in Indian Agriculture
28-30 November, 2011
ORGANISERS: ASSAM AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, JORHAT (ASSAM) & Agricultural Economics Research Association, NASC Complex, New Delhi-110012
Assam Agricultural University is going to host the 19th annual conference of the Agricultural Economics Research Association (India)* at Jorhat w.e.f. 28th Nov-30th Nov, 2011. Department of Agricultural Economics, AAU, Jorhat is going ahead with the organization of the conference. The main theme of the Conference would be Dynamics of supply and demand for labour in Indian Agriculture.
Beside the national theme there will be a regional theme entitled Reorienting Agricultural Sector in NE India towards capitalizing upcoming South East Asian Market. The subthemes on which papers are invited from contributors are –
·         Restructuring production system in Horticultural sector (Especially on citrus, condiments etc.)
·         Revamping production and marketing in animal sector
·         Explore potentiality of market led production of agricultural and allied agricultural activities
·         Possibility of export oriented units of production and processing of potential agricultural commodities
The papers may be submitted to Dr. B.K.Barooah, Professor and Head and Chairman Organizing Secretary, Department of Agricultural Economics, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013

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