Sunday, October 02, 2011

Walk-in for various positions at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

New Delhi-110012
Employment Notice for Walk-in-interview

Applications are invited by the Head, Division Seed Science and Technology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012 who intends to recruit JRF (one), Project Assistants (two) and Field Assistant (two) in the DST funded project “Development of eco-friendly seed treatment technologies for successful plant establishment under less favourable environments” purely on temporary basis. The eligible candidates may submit their neatly written or typed and duly signed application on plain paper along complete bio-data giving full particulars (as given in the format) to; The AAO, Division Seed Science and Technology, Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi 110012 on the day of interview. However, the candidates who are applying for JRF may send their applications within 15 days from the date of advertisement on the IARI website. Interview will be held on the date and time mentioned in the advertisement. Applicants are requested to read the advertisement carefully before sending their applications. The details of the positions and requirements are given below;
No. of posts
Duration of the project
Essential qualifications
Maximum age on 17.10.11
Junior Research Fellow
Three years (Initial appointment is for six months)
Rs.16000 + HRA 30% for 2 years and @ 18000 + HRA 30% for third year
Essential: 1. M.Sc. in Seed Technology/Plant Physiology/Plant Breeding/Genetics/Biotechnology with minimum 60% marks/equivalent grade.
2. NET or equivalent qualification.
  1. Experience on seed/planting materials quality enhancement will be given preference.
  2. Proficiency in computer and data analysis.
  3. Experience in conducting trainings/demonstrations.
  4. Interested in pursuing higher degree/qualification.

35 years
Project Assistants
Three Years (Initial appointment is for Six months)
Rs. 9400/- consolidated
Essential: B.Sc. (Agri/Hort.or Graduate in Biological science) with minimum 55% marks/equivalent grade.
  1. M.Sc (agri.) Seed Technology/ Plant Pathology/Plant Breeding/Genetics/Plant Physiology/Biotechnology/ Microbiology.
  2. Hands on experience on  working with field crops/seed testing/microbial cultures.
  3. Knowledge in computer operation.
  4. Interested in pursuing in higher degree/qualification.
28 Years
Field Assistants
Three Years (Initial appointment is for Six months)
Rs.6090/- consolidated
Essential: Minimum matriculation with good academic record.
Desirable: Experience of working in agricultural fields and or laboratories.
28 Years

Date of Interview: 17th October 2011

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