Sunday, October 02, 2011

Rolling Advertisement for Scientist position at NCL, Pune

National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
Opportunities for Scientific Professionals

National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), one of the largest publicly funded research and development Laboratories in India is a constituent laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research CSIR), New Delhi. NCL was established in 1948 at its present location and has had a distinguished and rich history of over sixty years. NCL has played a pivotal role in the evolution of the chemical industry in independent India. NCL has contributed to technologies as well as human resources in all branches of chemical sciences including biological sciences. It has had a distinguished lineage of outstanding scientists who have provided scientific leadership to NCL and chartered new areas of research. Many NCL’s scientists have won coveted professional honors, both within India and abroad.
The core scientific areas of NCL are:
  • Biochemical Sciences
  • Catalysis Science
  • Chemical Engineering Science
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Physical and Material Chemistry
  • Polymer Science and Engineering

Scientists of NCL have advanced degrees in chemistry, physics, biology, materials science and chemical engineering science. Apart from traditional disciplines scientists of NCL are encouraged to work at the intersection of disciplines such as,
Ø  Bioactive organic molecules
Ø  Bio-transformations
Ø  Chemical biology
Ø  Clean fuels
Ø  Electroactive materials
Ø  Electron microscopy
Ø  Green chemical processes
Ø  Health-care
Ø  Materials derived from renewable resources
Ø  Membrane science
Ø  Metabolic pathway engineering
Ø  Microbial and fermentation processes
Ø  Molecular and hybrid materials
Ø  Molecular modeling
Ø  NMR spectroscopy
Ø  Novel separation processes
Ø  Plant biotechnology
Ø  Renewable energy systems
Ø  Scientific computing across length and time scales
Ø  Study of complex fluids
Ø  Supramolecular chemistry
Ø  Surface science
Ø  Synthetic biology
In this endeavour, scientists are expected to seek extensive collaboration, both, from within and outside NCL. Scientists of NCL should have proven ability to learn rapidly, possess strong interpersonal, communication and mentoring skills, have a broad desire to contribute to institution building and exhibit strong leadership qualities. NCL is constantly looking for scientists with outstanding credentials of all age groups. Should you be interested please upload three pdf files, i.e., curriculum vitae, a descriptive research proposal and names of three referees through our online system at After evaluating your applications should we find your background and experience of interest to us we will contact you with information on how to proceed further.


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