Monday, October 10, 2011

Walk-in for Teaching Assistants(5 Posts) at Kerala Agricultural University

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NOTIFICATION: No.COF/Acad (1)892/09, Dated, 20.09.11
A walk in interview will be held on 15.10.2011 for the selection to the temporary post of Teaching Assistants at the College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara – 680656 as per the details given below:
POST: Teaching Assistant(5 posts)
NO.OF POST: One each in the Departments of: Silviculture & Agroforestry,  Forest Management & Utilization,  Tree Physiology & Breeding, Wood Science, Wild life Science
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION:  1. Four year B.Sc (Forestry)  degree from KAU or any other   University recognized by KAU
2. Masters degree in Forestry or  equivalent with OGPA 3/4  under Trimester system 8/10  under Semester system or 55%  marks under Traditional system
The posting will be initially for a period of one year or till regular hands join the above post, whichever is earlier. Selected candidates will be paid remuneration @ Rs. 525/- per day subject to a maximum of Rs.12,000/- per month.
DATE AND TIME OF INTERVIEW: 15.10.2011 (Saturday) at 10.00AM
VENUE: College of Forestry, KAU main campus Vellanikkara in the chamber of the Associate Dean.
The candidate should produce their latest CV and the originals with a copy each of the documents to prove age, qualification, experience etc. at the time of interview.

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