Friday, April 13, 2012

Project Assistant post in DST project at Bharathidasan University

Bharathidasan  University
Applications are invited for a purely temporary post of Project assistant under DST fast track project scheme in a time bound research project entitled “Interactions of α-Crystallin with their mutants and post-translational truncations using mammalian two-hybrid system” sanctioned to Dr.K.Anbarasu.
ESSENTIAL: First class M.Sc. in any branch of Life sciences with good academic record
DESIRABLE: Experience in the field Molecular Biology, Molecular cloning and good communication skills in English
AGE: Below 28 years
REMUNERATION: Rs 8000 p.m (Consolidated) Period of project: 8 months
The candidate must be highly motivated and able to work in multidisciplinary teams.
Interested eligible candidates may apply on a plain paper on or before 18th April 2012 with copies of certificates and testimonials to Dr.K.Anbarasu, Principal Investigator, DST fast track project, Dept. of Marine Biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620 024
Note: The interview date will be informed to the short listed candidates by e-mail on 20th April 2012. No TA/DA will be given for attending interview.

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