Saturday, December 10, 2011

Various posts(stem cells) at Instem


InStem is a new collaborative venture of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and is being nurtured at the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS, one of India’s leading research institutions and part of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research). InStem’s philosophy is to build on the excellent foundations of science in our environment and encourage the formation of collaborative teams that address key scientific problems in stem cell and regenerative biology. InStem provides exceptional scientists with the opportunity to undertake ground-breaking research into the fundamental properties of stem cells (mammalian or model organisms) and their utility in creating disease models as well as their applications to drug discovery and the development of cell therapies.
InStem is part of the rapidly developing Bangalore Biocluster, a niche we share with NCBS and the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP, an organization created by inStem and NCBS to enhance and manage platform technologies, facilitate entrepreneurship and develop collaborations with industry). In addition, we are located in the larger ecosystem of excellence provided by the Bangalore research and development community. InStem is situated in the lush, green campus of the University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK. Bangalore, with its temperate climate and history of education and innovation is a lively and livable urban locale. We provide excellent accommodation located with easy access to the city’s many attractions.
The focus of InStem’s research is in the broad area of stem cell and regenerative biology at the interface of science, engineering and medicine, on a variety of model organisms, cultured cells, animal models and clinical samples.
Positions are available at multiple levels including junior and senior tenure track faculty, core-facility directors, young investigators and postdoctoral fellows (see descriptions of funding modes below). InStem also has a Visiting Fellows program which will provide an attractive short-term (up to 5 years) alternative to the faculty track. We also encourage enquiries from scientists who wish to consider exciting alternate science careers such as scientific communication, science strategy and planning, grants management and training program development.
RESOURCES: In addition to professionally managed and staffed state-of-the-art facilities (imaging, flow cytometry, mass spectrometry, genomics, temperature controlled clean rooms, model organism facilities including those of Hydra and Planaria, access to transgenic and knockout mice resources), the outstanding intellectual wealth in and around the campus and the collective, conducive environment is a major resource.

Generous support is available via the three funding modes described below. Applications for all three streams are welcome through the year. A search and recruitment committee will first review the applications. Further review of the applications will be by a group of international experts. Short-listed applicants will be invited to visit for a seminar and discussions. It normally takes 3-6 months for a decision on a faculty/visiting scientist position and between 6-12 months for cluster applications.
Tenure track and senior faculty positions are open at InStem. Applicants are expected to have demonstrated research accomplishment and leadership in any area of biology with a broad focus on key questions in stem cell biology or its translation. InStem is interested in researchers with expertise in cell- and developmental biology, bioinformatics, systems biology, and translational medicine. In addition to those with a core biology background, those with engineering, computational and clinical training are strongly encouraged to apply and participate in building an effective interdisciplinary institution.
We seek to encourage and attract groups of investigators—clinicians, basic scientists, engineers, computer scientists—from the Bangalore biocluster, from laboratories in Bangalore, elsewhere in India and from around the world. We aim to create a highly innovative culture, which would allow investigators to work together at inStem to identify and tackle problems in science requiring an interdisciplinary approach and the joint efforts of experts in various areas of life science. Typically, these collaborative projects will require the collective, complementary expertise of multiple groups and will be those that cannot be effectively addressed by each of them on their own. These Team Projects provide a unique mechanism for groups of scientists to tackle challenging long-term problems in a multi-disciplinary innovative fashion using the expertise and resources available at Bangalore. Generous support is available for salaries, equipment, support staff, consumables, travel, incidentals and laboratory space. Applicants are encouraged to contact us at the early stages of formulating such projects so that an application can be developed for review.

InStem Visiting Fellows/Scientist positions permit exceptional researchers at any stage in their career to work at InStem for up to 5 years. Visiting scientists may be young researchers at an early stage in their career (including post-PhD, M.B.B. S. or M.D) who are keen on initiating novel high risk projects, or established researchers who wish to interact with a specific collaborator/group at InStem. Generous salary and funding support is available. We are particularly looking for those who bring in new ideas, tools and methods that will not only help them nurture their own development but also enhance the capabilities of their surrounding environment.
Apply to InStem if you are a researcher with an outstanding record in any area of science/technology/ medicine, and are interested in collaborative research on stem cells and regenerative mechanisms at the level of the molecule, network, cell or organism or in managing a core-facility or in establishing the science-related activities of InStem.
Contact: Jyotsna Dhawan or S. Ramaswamy (Deans) at

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