National Seminar on
Impact of Climate Change and Industrial Pollution on Biodiversity and the Need for Community Conservation Initiative
9th-11th February, 2012
Auditorium, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Ameerpet, Hyderabad
Mahatma Gandhi National Institute of Research and Social Action, Hyderabad
National Biodiversity Authority, Chennai
Department of Sericulture, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh Forest Academy, Hyderabad
Centre for Forest and Natural Resource Management, Hyderabad
Mahatma Gandhi National Institute of Research and Social Action (MGNIRSA), Hyderabad, National Biodiversity Authority, Chennai, Department of Sericulture, Govt. of A.P, Centre for Forest and Natural Resource Management, Dulapally and Andhra Pradesh Forest Academy are jointly organizing the National Seminar on “Impact of Climate Change and Industrial Pollution on Biodiversity and the Need for Community Conservation Initiative” in Hyderabad from 9th-11th February, 2012.
With a view to provide a national forum for experts in the key disciplines of Biodiversity in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Sericulture, Marine Sciences, Oceanography, Environmental Sciences, Anthropology, Physical Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Biotechnology Molecular Genetics, Medicinal Chemistry, Microbiology, Psychology, Sociology etc to identify critical problems that may be best addressed using a multidisciplinary approach, the seminar is being organized.
The following topics will be covered:
1. Biodiversity in Nature: Agriculture/ Fisheries/ Animal Husbandry.
2. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
3. Biodiversity and Conservation, Peoples participation
4. Biodiversity and Poverty Alleviation.
5. Biodiversity in Dry lands
6. Forest Biodiversity
7. Climate change and its impact on diversity.
8. Effect of Pollution on biodiversity.
9. Forests and tribal food security
10. Forests and tribal culture.
11. Human/Genetic/Molecular diversity.
12. Invasive alien species
13. Habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation.
14. Biodiversity Heritage
15. Tribal: Culture/Language/ Socioeconomic conditions.
16. Psychological problems/Health hazards.
17. Biodiversity in Sacred groves.
18. Medicinal plants
19. Biodiversity and Communities role
20. Biopiracy
Awards to the young scientists (below35 years) will be given for the best oral/ poster presentations. Interested young scientists /Scholars should submit single author research paper abstracts. Those who wish to participate should submit the papers through the Head of the Organization/Department with proof of age.
Abstracts of papers on topics relevant to the theme of the seminar are invited in various areas for oral and Poster presentation. Each abstract should contain: (a) an introductory sentence indicating the purpose of the study; (b) a brief description of pertinent experimental procedures; (c) a summary of the new, unpublished data; and (d) a statement of the conclusions. Authors are requested to submit abstracts not exceeding more than 300 words for review on or before 30th December, 2011. The acceptance of the papers and mode of presentation will be informed to authors by 7th January, 2012. Authors of the accepted papers will be requested to submit papers in MS-word format on a CD or/ through e-mail. The full papers should not exceed 10 pages on A4 size sheets with 1.5 line spacing, including tables, annexures and figures. The full paper should include abstract, introduction, Material & Methods, Results and Discussion and Bibliography. In the text, names of the authors should be used and the references should be arranged alphabetically. The volume of the full papers will be released on the 1st day of the seminar. The Abstracts and full papers should be sent to Prof.Pardha P.Reddy (E-mail: or
Last date for Registration - 30th December, 2011
Last date for receiving of Abstract - 30th December, 2011
Date of intimation of the acceptance of the paper - 7th January, 2012
Last date for receiving full paper with Registration Fee - 20th January, 2012
Any individual wishing to attend this seminar must register by submitting the form enclosed duly filled. All the students/research scholars need to furnish a letter from their Department/ University certifying that he/she is the bonafide student of their Department/University. The registration fee covers a set of souvenir, full papers volume, three days lunch, tea and refreshments. Advance payments may be made by bank demand draft in favour of Sri D.Suresh, Treasurer, National Seminar on Biodiversity, MGNIRSA payable at Hyderabad. The delegates are requested to send the drafts to the seminar secretariat: Mahatma Gandhi National Institute of Research and Social Action (MGNIRSA), Street no.17, Gagan Mahal Road, Domalguda, Hyderabad-500 029. (Phone No.040-27672492 and 040-27664920).
Upto 30th December, 2011 | Before 20th January, 2012 | Spot Registration | |
Delegates | Rs. 1000 | Rs. 1300 | Rs 1800 |
Industry | Rs. 2500 | Rs. 3000 | Rs 4000 |
Students /Research Scholars | Rs. 400 | Rs. 600 | Rs 800 |
Spouse/Guest | Rs. 600 | Rs. 800 | Rs 1000 |
CONTACT: Prof. Pardha P. Reddy
Chairperson, Organizing Committee &
Dean, Faculty of Science
Mahatma Gandhi National Institute of
Research and Social Action (MGNIRSA)
Street No. 17, Gagan Mahal Road, Domalaguda
Hyderabad – 500029, Andhra Pradesh
Ph: 040-27664920, 040-27672492
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