KADAPA – 516 003 (A.P.)
No. CSIR/ 14/ 2011 November 28, 2011
Applications are invited on plain paper (along with the copies of educational qualifications and experience) for one position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under CSIR research project vide order No. 37(1488)/11/EMR-II, dated 8th April, 2011.
TITLE OF THE PROJECT: “Identification of Novel Endogenous PPAR-γ Ligands in Adipogenesis”
PRINCIPAL INVESTGATOR: Dr. Venkata Rami Reddy Narala, M.Sc., Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator,CSIR Project. Mobile no. 98660 94531, Office: 08562-225498, E-mail: nvramireddy@gmail.com ; nvramireddy@yahoo.co.in
POSITION: Junior Research Fellow(One)
QUALIFICATIONS: M.Sc in Zoology/ Biotechnology /Biochemistry/ Genetics with 55% of marks. CSIR/UGC NET/GATE are eligible.
FELLOWSHIP: As per the CSIR guidelines
Candidates with minimum of one year of research experience in cell biology and molecular biology will be given preference.
Interested candidates should submit their applications with the details of academic qualification. Attested copies of certificates in support of the educational qualifications should be enclosed along with the application should reach to Dr. N. Venkata Rami Reddy, Assistant Professor, Room # 264, Dept. of Zoology, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa- 516 003, AP.
The last date of receipt of applications is 17th December 2011.
Please note that the appointment to be made is purely temporary and for the duration of the project. There is no right for claiming any regular appointment in the university.
No T.A and D.A will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview. Date of interview will be intimated later to the eligible candidates by post.
FOR DETAILS, PLEASE REFER http://www.yogivemanauniversity.ac.in/download/JRF.pdf
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