Sunday, December 18, 2011

Faculty posts at Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Bhubaneswar - 751 003, Odisha
R.C (T)-16 / 2011- 61381 /UAT., dated. 14th December, 2011
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment to the following Teaching/Research vacant posts in the constituent Colleges / Research Stations under OUAT.
Agronomy, Plant Breeding & Genetics , Soil Sc. & Agril. Chem ,  Horticulture  Plant Pathology ,  Seed Sc. & Technology ,  Entomology ,  Plant Physiology ,  Nematology ,  Agril. Economics,  Agril. Statistics,  Agril. Meteorology,  Agri Business Mgmt.(SF)

Anatomy & Histology, Vety. Patholog,  Vety. Parasitology, Vety. Bio-chemistry,  Vety. Pharma. & Toxicology,  Clinical Vety. Medicine Ethics & Jurisprudence, Epidemiology & Preventive
Medicine, Vety. Surgery & Radiology, Animal Re-production,Gynaecology & Obstetrics
 Animal Nutrition, Livestock Production & Mgmt, Animal Breeding & Genetics, Vety. Physiology,
 Livestock Pron. Technology

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Farm Machinery & Power, Post Harvest Technology, Electrical Engineering (MEED)
Fishery Biology, Marine Biology, Fishery Microbiology, Fishery Engg. Technology, Oceanography

The prescribed application form, information sheet containing the details of qualification, scale of pay, experience and other required conditions in respect of each post, general information and instruction to the candidate can be downloaded from University website : The application form complete in all respect alongwith attested copies of all certificates, mark sheets of all examination passed,experience certificate if any, and research publications alongwith a Bank Draft worth Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred) only for the post of Professor / equivalent; Rs.400/- (Rupees four hundred) only for the post of Associate Professor/ equivalent and Rs.300/- (Rupees three hundred) only for the post of Assistant Professor/ equivalent drawn in favour of Comptroller, OUAT, Bhubaneswar payable at State Bank of India, OUAT Campus Branch, Bhubaneswar-751 003 sent by Registered post latest by 16th January, 2012 and it should address to the Registrar, OUAT, Bhubaneswar-751 003, Orissa. Application received after the last
date shall not be entertained. The University shall not be held responsible for any loss or delay in postal transaction. In complete application shall be summarily rejected.
Male candidates may apply for the posts reserved for Woman candidates as incase of nonavailability of woman candidates, the same will be filled up by the male candidates.
Candidates are advised to quote the Advertisement Number and date in the top of the application form.
Essential qualification and experience shall be considered in respect of different posts advertised as on the last date of submission of application form.
In service candidate shall apply through proper channel. He/she has to submit advance copy of original application to avoid delay. He should produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) from his/her employer at the time of interview failing which his/her candidature will not be considered.
Posts are interchangeable with teaching, research and extension education under this University.
Number of posts advertised may increase or decrease as per requirement on the date of selection.
Applicants should be prepared to appear interview at Bhubaneswar at their own cost. The University reserves right to cancel the interview, if necessary due to unforeseen circumstances or may not fill up the required number of posts, so advertised.
The candidates who have applied previously for the post of Head, Information and Communication Technology and System Manager  as per Advt. No. RC(T)-6522/UAT, dated. 11.03.2011 and fulfills present qualification need not apply again. Their candidature will be considered with the fresh applications.

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