Tuesday, November 01, 2011

IMPHAL – 795004
Advertisement No. 8/2011
Imphal, the 17th October, 2011
No. VC/CAU/54/95(A)Vol-IV/ : Applications are invited on the prescribed form for filling up the under mentioned posts under Central Agricultural University. The application can be downloaded from the
website www.cau.org.in and www.cpgs.org.in. The duly completed application form with prescribed fee of Rs. 600/- (Rs. 300/- in case of ST/SC/PH) in the form of IPO/DD drawn in favour of the Comptroller, Central Agricultural University, Iroisemba, Imphal should reach the office of the Registrar, Central Agricultural University, Iroisemba Imphal -795004 or Liaison Officer, CAU, Room No. 202, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan –II, Pusa, New-Delhi – 110012 on or before 05.12.2011.
Sl. No.    Name of Post                                                   No. of Vacancy
1.            Director Instruction                                         1-UR
2.            Dy. Director (Instruction)                             2-UR
3.            Dy. Director (Research)                                                1-UR
4.            Dy. Registrar (Academic)                              1-UR
5.            Dy. Registrar (Establishment )                   1-UR
6.            Assistant Architect                                          1-UR
Total: 7
Sl. No.   Name of the post                                           No. of Vacancy
I               Dean                                                                     1-UR
II             Associate Professor                                        5
1.            Horticulture                                                        1-OBC
2.            Biochemistry                                                      1-OBC
3.            Agril. Statistics                                                   1-SC
4.            Animal Husbandry                                           1-UR
5.            Extension Education                                       1-UR
Total: 6
(C) College of Veterinary Science & A.H., Selesih, Mizoram.
Sl. No.   Name of the post                                            No. of Vacancy
I               Dean                                                                     1-UR
II             Associate Professor                                        5
1.            Veterinary Parasitology                                 1-UR
2.            Vety. Surgery & Radiology                          1-UR
3.            Livestock Product Technology                   1-SC
4. Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension      1-UR
5.            Veterinary Physiology                                    1-UR
III            Assistant Professor 1
I.             *Veterinary Parasitology *                          1-UR
Total : 7
Sl. No.   Name of the post                                           No. of Vacancy
I               Associate Professor                                        4
1.            Fish Genetics & Reproduction                    1-UR
2.            Fisheries Engineering                                    1-OBC
3.            Fisheries Resources Management           1-OBC
4.            Fisheries Economics & Statistics                 1-SC
II             Assistant Professor                                         4
1.            Fish Environment and Health                      1-UR
2.            Aquaculture                                                      1-UR
3.            Fisheries Extension                                         1-UR
4.            Aquaculture Engineering                             1-UR
5. *Fish Genetics & Reproduction                             * 1-UR
Total: 9
Sl. No.   Name of the post                                            No. of Vacancy
I               Dean                                                                     1-UR
II             Associate Professor                                        10
1.            Extension Education & Rural Sociology   1-UR
2.            Forest Product Utilization                             1-UR
3.            Sylviculture & Agroforestry                         1-OBC
4.            Post Harvest Technology                              1-SC, 1-UR
5.            Floriculture & Landscaping                           1-UR
6.            Vegetable Crops                                              1-SC, 1-UR
7.            Agril. Engineering                                             1-OBC
8.            Statistics                                                             1-UR
Total: 11
Sl. No.   Discipline                                                            No. of Vacancy
I               Professor                                                            5
Food Science & Nutrition                              1 (UR)
Clothing & Textiles                                          1 (UR)
Family Resource Management                  1 (UR)
Home Science Extension Education         1 (OBC)
Human Development                                    1 (UR)
II             Associate Professor                                        6
1. Clothing & Textile                                        1-OBC, 1-UR
2.            Food Science & Nutrition                              1-UR
3.            Human Development                                    1-SC, 1-UR
4.            Family Resource Management                  1-UR
III            Assistant Professor                                         1
1.            * Extension Education                                   * 1-UR
Total : 12
Sl. No.   Name of the post                                            No. of Vacancy
I               Dean                                                                    1-UR
II             Associate Professor                                        8
1. School of Natural Resource Management
i)             Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry               1-UR
2. School of Crop Improvement
i)             Crop Physiology                                                                1-UR
ii)            Plant Breeding & Genetics                           1-OBC
3. School of Crop Protection
i)             Entomology                                                        1-SC
ii)            Nematology                                                      1-ST
iii)           Plant Pathology                                               1-UR
4. School of Social Sciences
i)             Statistics                                                             1-OBC
ii)            Agril. Business Management                     1-OBC
Total : 9
Sl. No.   Name of the post                                           No. of Vacancy
I. Associate Professor & its equivalent position 6
1. Farm Power & Machinery (FPM)
i)             Renewable Energy                                         1-SC
2. Processing & Food Engineering (PFE)
(i)            Processing & Food Engg.                               1-UR
ii)            Dairy Engg.                                                          1-OBC
3. Soil & Water Engineering (SWE)
(i) Irrigation and Drainage Engg.                                 1-UR
Associate Professor/Senior Scientist                       1-OBC
Research Engineer(FMP)                                              1-UR
II. Assistant Professor 1
1 * Post Harvest Engineering                                      *1-UR
Total : 7

1. Director Instruction
i) A Masters degree with at least 55% marks(or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading
system is followed) from a recognized university in Agriculture / Horticulture / Veterinary & Animal Husbandry/Agril.Engineering/ Home Science/ Fisheries/ Related Allied Sciences.
ii) A Ph.D degree in concerned/allied relevant discipline(s) in the institution concerned with evidence of published work and research guidance.
iii) A minimum of Fifteen Years Experience as Associate Professor/administration in universities, Colleges and other institutions of higher education of which 5 years experience must be as Professor or equivalent position.
i) Experience of guiding Post-Graduate / Ph.D. research work.
ii) Administrative experience on a responsible position in an Agricultural University/ College/Research Centre.
2. Deans
i) A Master’s Degree in any subject in the concerned Faculty with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent
grade in a point scale wherever system is followed) by a recognized University.
ii) Ph.D. Degree in any discipline(s) in the concerned institute with evidence of published work and
research guidance.
iii) Associate Professor/Professor with a total experience of fifteen years of teaching/research/extension education in universities, Colleges and other institutions of higher education out of which 5 years  experience must be as Professor or equivalent position.
i) Experience of guiding Post-Graduate/Ph.D. research work.
ii) Administrative experience on a responsible position in an Agricultural University/College/Research Centre.
3. Professor
i) A Master’s Degree in relevant subject in the concerned Faculty with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever system is followed) by a recognized University.
(ii)An eminent scholar with Ph.D. qualification(s) in the concerned/allied relevant discipline and published work of high quality actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with a
minimum of 10 publications as books and/or research/policy papers in reputed referred journals.
ii) A minimum of ten years of teaching experience, of which three years as Associate Professor, in
university/college and/or experience in research at the University/National level, institutions/ industries, including experience of guiding candidates for research at doctoral level.
i) Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses and technologymediated
teaching learning process.
4. Dy. Director(Instruction/Research)
i) A Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks( or an equivalent grade in a Grade point scale wherever
grading system is followed) from a recognized University in any discipline of Agriculture /Veterinary and Animal Science /Fisheries /Home Science /Agril. Engineering /Horticulture /Related Allied Sciences.
ii) Good academic record with a Ph.D. in any discipline of agriculture/ veterinary science/ fisheries/Home Science/Agricultural Engineering/ Horticulture/Related Allied Sciences.
iii) A minimum of eight years of experience of  teaching /research / extension education in an academic/research position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University, College or
Accredited research Institutions / industry with evidence of published work and a minimum of 5
publications as books and/or research/policy papers in a reputed referred journals.
i) Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology mediated
teaching learning process with evidence of having guided research students.
5. Dy. Registrar(Acad/Estt.)
i) A Post Graduate degree or equivalent from a recognized University with at least 55% marks.
ii) 9 years experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs.6000/- and above with experience in
educational administration.
Comparable experience in research establishment and/or other institutions of higher education.
5 years of administrative experience as Assistant Registrar or in an equivalent post.
6. Associate Professor & its equivalent
Essential :
i) A Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks( or an equivalent grade in a Grade point scale wherever
grading system is followed) from a recognized University in any discipline of Agriculture /Veterinary and Animal Science /Fisheries /Home Science /Agril. Engineering /Horticulture /Related Allied Sciences.
ii) Good academic record with a Ph.D. in any discipline of agriculture/ veterinary science/ fisheries/Home Science/Agricultural Engineering/ Horticulture/Related Allied Sciences.
iii) A minimum of eight years of experience of teaching/research/extension education in an
academic/research position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University, College or
Accredited Research Institution/industry with evidence of published work and a minimum of 5
publications as books and/or research/policy papers in reputed referred journal.
i) Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology-mediated
teaching learning process with evidence of having guided research students. Experience of teaching Post-Graduate students.
7. Assistant Professor
Essential: i) Master’s degree in relevant subject including relevant basic sciences with at least 55% marks or equivalent.
ii) National Eligibility Test conducted by ICAR, ASRB, UGC-CSIR. (Aquaculture Engineering exempted from NET)
Ph. D with two research papers in scientific journals having NAAS rating of 4.0 and above.
i)Experience of teaching UG/PG students.
8. Assistant Architect
i) Bachelor of Architecture degree in high second class from a recognized Institution.
i) 2 years experience of working in the related area in an Organization of repute.
Director Instruction: 37400-67000 with AGP of 10000/-
Deans & Professor: 37400-67000 with AGP of 10000/-(+ NPA as per rules for Vety. only)
Dy. Director (Instruction /Research): 15600-39100 with AGP of 8000/- After completion of 3 years of
service they will be placed in the pay Band of 37400-67000 with AGP of 9000/- Entry pay of Deputy Director will be placed at 23,890 in PB-3
Associate Professor & its equivalent: 15600-39100 with AGP of 8000/- After completion of 3 years of
service they will be placed in the pay Band of 37400-67000 with AGP of 9000/-. Entry pay of Associate Professors will be placed at 23,890 in PB-3
Deputy Registrar(Acad/Estt).: 15600-39100 with GP of 7600/- After completion of 5 years of
service, they will be placed in the Pay Band of 37400-67000 with GP of 8700/-
Assistant Professor: 15600-39100 with AGP of 6000/-
Assistant Architect : 15600-39100 with AGP of 5400/-

Abbreviation used : SC = Scheduled Caste ST = Scheduled Tribe OBC = Other Backward Class UR = Un-reserved
1. Application must be accompanied by attested copies of Mark Sheets, Certificates, Experience
certificates etc. and the details of research publication, if any, in support of eligibility.
2. Candidates already in service should submit their applications through proper channel. Candidates
anticipating delay on submission through proper channel may submit their application directly with the
required application fee. However, the candidate will have to produce No Objection Certificate at the
time of interview, failing which they will not be allowed to appear in the interview and TA will not be
3. Applications, which are incomplete/not in the prescribed form/received after the due date/received
without the prescribed application fee shall not be considered. The University shall not be responsible
for any postal delay or loss in transit.
4. The University has the right to fill or not to fill up any post and also to increase or decrease the number of posts.
5. Only the short listed candidates will be called for interview. The University shall reimburse to and fro
second class sleeper rail fare by the shortest route or actual bus fare on production of tickets.
6. 3% of the posts are reserved for Physically Challenged candidates as per rules.
7. The age of superannuation for teachers in CAU is 65 years and 60 years for Deputy Registrar.
8. Payment of prescribed fee for women candidates is exempted. However, O.B.C. candidates will have
to pay full fee as charged to unreserved categories.
9. Those candidates who have applied for the post of Director (Instruction) against advertisement No.
6/2010 need not apply again.
10The candidates who are retired or likely to retire shortly from Government/State Agricultural
University/Central University/Indian Council of Agricultural Research are also eligible to apply
provided they fulfill educational qualifications and have not attained the prescribed age.
*Leave vacancy for a maximum period of 3 years.

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