Monday, November 14, 2011

8th Indo-Australia Biotechnology Conference on Stem Cell Biology

8th Indo-Australia Biotechnology Conference on Stem Cell Biology
December 7-9 2011.
For meeting information, contact
Last date for registration: 15-11-2011. 
Deadline for poster abstract submission: 15 November 2011
- Poster places are limited. Selected poster presenters only will be informed by 20, November 2011 regarding Registration details.
-Few abstracts will be selected for oral presentations during the program. Selections are made by organizer review and based solely on quality.
-Meeting and abstract space can potentially fill prior to posted deadlines.
-Abstract editing is the responsibility of the author. Abstracts will be published as received.
           Abstract must be saved in the rich text format (rtf). In your word processing program, go to the file menu and choose Save As. Change the type to Rich Text Format (RTF).
           Please use Arial or Helvetica font for your abstract and whenever possible, try to use the Symbol font in your RTF file for your Greek and Scientific symbols (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.) to ensure correct syntax when the Abstract Books are printed.
           Minimum font size is 10 point.
           Maximum word limit- 300 words. (extra text will be truncated due to space constraints).
           Abstract submitter must underline their name in the list of authors.
           The primary author may only submit one abstract per meeting.
           Title should be bold and followed by one return.
           Author List and Institutions should be followed by one return.
           Please do not put the abstract in a text box.
           Make sure that all comments and revisions are deleted before uploading abstract into account.
Please submit the abstract as an email attachment to 
Email Subject line: Indo-Australia meeting abstract
Please indicate whether you wish your abstract to be considered for oral presentation or not.
Poster places are limited. Selected poster presenters only will be informed by 20, November 2011 regarding Registration details.

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