CFTRI is engaged in research and development in the areas of food science and technology by carrying out externally funded, Grant-in-Aid / Sponsored / Consultancy Projects and in-house projects. In order to execute the externally funded projects within the stipulated time additional manpower in the form of Project Assistants, on purely temporary basis, are engaged. The tenure of the Project Assistants so engaged is co-terminus with the duration of the project.
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the positions of Project Assistants for temporary contractual engagement. They can register their name on line and they will be assigned the application number on completion of the registration. Hard signed copy of the application form in the prescribed format is to be submitted within five (5) days from the date of submission of electronic form of application.
Please note: 1. In case the hard signed copy bearing the application number assigned is not received within five days, the data submitted in electronic form of application will be rejected. They are required to submit the electronic application form again and send the hard signed copy within the stipulated date.
2. Separate applications should be submitted for each position.
3. Whenever there is a demand from the on-going projects, suitable candidates who have already registered online will be called for interview
2. Separate applications should be submitted for each position.
3. Whenever there is a demand from the on-going projects, suitable candidates who have already registered online will be called for interview
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