Saturday, July 21, 2012

SRF posts at Water Technology Centre, IARI, New Delhi

NEW DELH1 110012
Three Senior Research Fellows (SRFs) under the under National Fund for Basic Strategic and Frontier Application Research in Agriculture (NFBSFARA) Project entitled “Decision Support System for Enhancing Water Productivity of Irrigated RiceWheat Cropping System” will be recruited to work at Water Technology Centre, IARI, New Delhi – 110 012
NAME OF THE CPI: Dr. A. Sarangi
NAME OF THE POST: Senior Research fellow (one post)
EMOLUMENTS PER MONTH: Rs. 16000/ + HRA (as per ICAR rule)
QUALIFICATIONS: Essential: M.Tech/M.Sc in (Agricultural Engineering with specialization in soil and water conservation engineering, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering and Water Resources Development and Management)/ Water management/ Agricultural Physics/ Remote Sensing and GIS/ Environmental Sciences / Geoinformatics / Civil Engineering/ Hydrology /Agricultural Statistics /Computer application in Agriculture / Computer Science and Engineering/ Computer Science/(Water Science and Technology with B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering).
Proficiency in use of crop and water management models, geospatial tools and development of softwares/Decision Support Systems in Visual Basic (VB)/.NET/C/C++/Java programming languages.
Desirable: Publications of research work pertaining to application of GIS and Remote Sensing tools, models and decision support systems in Irrigation water management in rice and wheat crop. Activity will be to use the geospatial tools to prepare the data base for simulation of crop models and subsequent development of the Decision Support System using programming language.
NAME OF THE POST: Senior Research Fellow (two posts)
EMOLUMENTS PER MONTH: Rs. 16000/ + HRA (as per ICAR rule)
QUALIFICATIONS: Essential: M.Tech/M.Sc in Agronomy/ Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry/Agricultural Economics/ Agricultural Extension/ Water Management/ (Agricultural Engineering with specialization in soil and water conservation engineering, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering and Water Resources Development and Management)/ Agricultural Physics/Environmental Sciences/ (Water Science and Technology with B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering). Expertise in conduction of field experiments and acquisition, analysis, digitization and interpretation of experiment generated or secondary data sources.
Desirable: Experience of analysis of soil, water and plant samples in the laboratory, Acquisition of data from field experiments and farmers’ fields and interpretation of acquired data. Publications of research work pertaining to Irrigation water management of rice and wheat crops. Activity will be to undertake field investigations, acquisition of primary and secondary data pertaining to crop growth from the study area and subsequent digitization and analysis of data including cost benefit analysis. Use of statistical and MS spreadsheet and word processing software is also desirable. Associated activity of the SRF will be to visit the study area and the cooperating centre for data collection and subsequent analysis.
Note: Walk in interview for the above positions will be held on 16th August 2012 at 10.00 AM in the Committee Room of the Water Technology Centre, IARI, New Delhi110012. Candidates may appear for walkininterview along with biodata, reprints of publications, thesis, reports etc., and passport size attested photos, original and attested photocopies of all certificates, mark sheets, degrees and testimonials. Candidates should bring a copy of biodata, original certificates, reprints of publications if any and No Objection and experience certificate from the current employer in case he/she is in employment. The applicant may submit their resume for preliminary screening with publication details or for any details regarding this advertisement to Dr. A. Sarangi, Senior Scientist, WTC, IARI, New Delhi; Email
Duration of the approved project is up to 31st March, 2016.
1. Maximum age limit: For the SRF positions, 35 years for male and 40 years for female. Age relaxation of 3 years for SC/ST/OBC is applicable as per Govt. of India/ICAR Rules.
2. The SRF positions are purely contractual, nonregular, coterminus with the project / scheme, and offered initially for a period of one year and further extendable based on satisfactory performance for the remaining period of the project. Selected candidates will not be entitled to claim for regular appointments/absorption either in this institute or in ICAR. Nonmaintenance of the discipline and failure to perform the assigned duties will make the SRF liable for termination during the appointment period as per ICAR rules.
3. Candidates who are not able to produce the M.Sc./M.Tech completion/degree certificate as on the date of the interview will not be eligible to attend the interview.
4. Candidates whose near/distant relative(s) is an employee of the ICAR/IARI, has to declare it and communicate this office as per format given below. Such declaration must reach the undersigned by post or through email at on or before 6th August, 2012. If communicated or declared on the date of interview, candidate will not be interviewed. Candidates having no near/ distant relative(s) working at ICAR/ IARI will also furnish a declaration (format given below) on the date of interview.
5. Candidates reaching after specified time may not ordinarily be entertained.
6. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature.
7. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
8. This advertisement is also posted on IARI web sites i.e. for wide publicity.

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