One Research Associate (RA) and
one Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under the NFBSFARA, Project entitled “Crop
Simulation Studies to Understand the Effect of Moisture and Temperature Stress
on Growth and Yield of Wheat” will be recruited to work at Division of
Agricultural Physics, IARI, New Delhi – 110 012
NAME OF THE PI: Dr. P. Krishnan
NAME OF THE POST: Research Associate (RA) (one post)
23000/‐ + HRA as per ICAR rule
QUALIFICATIONS: Essential: Ph. D in Computer
Science, or Agricultural or biological sciences and experience in crop simulation studies and geospatial tools
MCA/ M. Tech in computer Science
/ M. Sc in Agricultural Engineering/ Environmental Science / Agricultural
Physics / Statistics / Computer Science with at least 60% marks and having two
years of experience in crop simulation studies / application of geospatial tools
and techniques
Desirable: Skill in programming
with Visual Basic/.NET/ C# / FST/ VBA languages, expertise in use of crop
simulation techniques, Geoinformatics and Decision Support tools / development
and maintenance of website/ information system. Should be ready to make
frequent travel to cooperating centers to collect and analyse the data
NAME OF THE POST: Senior Research Fellow (SRF) (one
MONTH: Rs. 16000/‐ + HRA as perICAR rule
M.Sc. in Plant Physiology/Environmental Science/ Botany/ Agricultural Physics
with at least 60% marks from a recognized University. Expertise of conducting
experiments in farmers’ fields/ research fields and demonstration and supported
with published research work.
He/She will be undertaking field
investigations, acquisition of primary and secondary data pertaining to crop
growth from the study area and subsequent analysis of data.
Desirable: Use of statistical and
MS spreadsheet and word processing software, and application of crop simulation
techniques and geospatial tools in agriculture.
Should be ready to make frequent
travel to cooperating centers to co-ordinate and conduct experiments in
farmers’ field.
Note: Walk in interview for the
above positions will be held on 1st August 2012 at 10.00 AM in the Committee
Room of the Division of Agricultural Physics, IARI, New Delhi‐110012. Candidates may appear for walk‐in-interview
along with bio‐data, reprints of publications,
thesis, reports etc., and passport size attested photos, original and attested
photocopies of all certificates, mark sheets, degrees and testimonials. Candidates should bring a
copy of bio‐data, original certificates,
reprints of publications if any and No Objection and experience certificate
from the current employer in case he/she is in employment. The applicant may
submit their resume for preliminary screening with publication details or for
any details regarding this advertisement to Dr. P. Krishnan, Senior Scientist,
Division of Agricultural Physics, IARI, New Delhi; E‐mail: prameelakrishnan@yahoo.com Duration of the approved
project is up to 31st May 2015.
1. Maximum age limit: For RA 40
years for male, 45 years for female and for SRF 35 years for male & 40
years for female. Age relaxation of 3 years for SC/ST/OBC is applicable as per
Govt. of India/ICAR Rules.
2. The RA and SRF position is
purely contractual, co‐terminus with the project /
scheme, and offered initially for a period of one year and further extendable
based on satisfactory performance for the remaining period of the project.
Selected candidates will not be entitled to claim for regular appointments/absorption
either in this institute or in ICAR.
3. Candidates reaching after
specified timing may not be entertained.
4. Canvassing in any form will
disqualify the candidature.
5. No TA/DA will be paid for
attending the interview.
6. This advertisement is also
posted on IARI web site i.e. www.iari.res.in for wide publicity.
FOR DETAILS, PLEASE REFER http://iari.res.in/files/RA_SRF-09072012-20120709-150246.pdf
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